Chapter 54

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Tsubaki's POV

Tsubaki grumbled angrily under her breath, trudging through the undergrowth until she finally found her destination. The shrine she had trained at as a young priestess, though her Master was long gone.

She approached the shrine, only for two young priestesses to stop her. They held out their weapons, glaring down at her.

"If you are human then back away!" They yelled in unison. "If you are yokai, prepare to fight!" They raised their weapons, ready to fight Tsubaki.

The dark priestess smiled comfortingly, taking out a piece of paper, proving that she had trained at the shrine before. The two girls looked at it before chatting quietly amongst themselves for a moment, soon turning back to Tsubaki.

"How old are you?" One asked, a girl wearing all blue. The one beside her, a girl in all red, narrowed her eyes suspiciously. Tsubaki smiled.

"Why, I simply appear this young from all the extensive spiritual training I did," she lied, holding back a snicker. "Train like me and maybe you'll be able to stay like this forever as well." The girls' eyes lit up, and they turned to each other with a small smile and a nod before turning back to Tsubaki, serious once more.

"Very well," said the blue one. "I'm Botan, and this is Momiji," she gestured to the girl in red. Momiji gave a small bow.

"And who might you be?" Botan asked.

"I'm Tsubaki," Tsubaki introduced herself.

"Sister Tsubaki," the girls mumbled in unison to each other. Momiji turned to Tsubaki.

"Why have you returned, Sister Tsubaki?" She inquired, ever so-slightly cocking her head to the side. Tsubaki forced a scared yet sad look.

"I'm being chased by a powerful yokai," she answered. "I have come here, seeking refuge and help." As she said that, Tsubaki wondered if she should just kill the two girls, but the determined looks on their faces when they turned back to her made her think otherwise.

"We'll help you kill this yokai!" They declared in unison. Tsubaki gave a small smile.

"Thank you," she murmured. The girls nodded, turning to let Tsubaki in. And as Tsubaki made her way to the shrine, she couldn't help but laugh at the girls' naivete.

Kagome's POV

Kagome shot up with a gasp, putting a hand around her neck. Breathing heavily, she noticed she was back in Kaede's hut. She calmed her racing heart, not realizing that everyone else was up until a voice spoke.

"Are you okay Kagome?" The voice was Sango's, and everyone was looking at Kagome with concern. Kagome bit her lip and nodded, unsure how else to respond at the moment. Sure, she was physically okay, but knowing that her sister was still with Naraku filled her with dread.

Suddenly, she felt it. The Shikon Jewel. She gasped and looked at with wide eyes.

"The Shikon Jewel," she murmured, "I can sense it."

"So it's near here?' Inuyasha asked. Kagome nodded, holding her gaze.

"Take me with you," Kaede chimed in. Everyone, including Kagome, turned to look at the old priestess in surprise.

"Are ya sure old hag?" Inuyasha asked, standing up. Kaede nodded, to which Inuyasha responded with a huff.

"Fine. Let's go." And, with a quick glance at Kagome, he walked out of the hut. Sango helped Kagome to her feet and together the six of them followed after Inuyasha.

Inuyasha's POV

"Where did you sense the Jewel anyways?" Inuyasha asked Kagome, who was now riding on his back.

"It's just straight ahead," Kagome responded. "It's got to be Tsubaki."

"Or Naraku," Inuyasha muttered. Kagome let out a small hum, but the rest of the journey was silent.

Tsubaki's POV (Again)

"Master told me to never open these doors," Tsubaki murmured to herself, staring at the large doors to the forbidden shrine. She knew very well that she was going against her Master's orders, but he was long dead and she had a Jewel to keep.

Letting out a huff, she sat down cross-legged and started chanting under her breath, the incantation of which opened the shrine's doors.

Kagome's POV (Again)

"There it is!" Kagome called, pointing to the gates of a shrine. Inuyasha gave a firm nod, running up to the gates before setting Kagome down. Kaede and the others arrived quickly behind them, Kaede's eyes widening slightly in surprise as two girls approached.

"If human then leave! If yokai then prepare to die!" The girls shouted in unison, one in blue attire and the other in red. However, their firm glares soon disappeared as their eyes landed on Shippo and Kirara. The girls' eyes widened and they turned to each other, whispering quietly amongst themselves.

Kagome let out a soft sigh. This surely wasn't what she expected, but, considering what would happen later, she deeply appreciated it.

Your POV

After leaving Naraku alone that night, you had plenty of time to think for yourself.

Part of you wanted to believe what he had said, but considering what he had done already you weren't sure. It definitely hurt, though, as your feelings for him grew the longer you were away from him.

You hugged your knees to your chest, staring blankly at the opposite wall. Why did you have to go and fall for the enemy? You'd only end up getting hurt, and you felt as though you were betraying your friends and sister in a way.

But it wasn't until that moment that you had realized you left your dagger back with Naraku, after he had grabbed your wrists and held them above your head. You blushed softly at the memory, and proceeded to blush more at the realization how vulnerable you were.

You buried your head in your knees, knowing full well that things could only get better or worse as time went on...

(A/N: Sorry guys, I had meant to get this chapter out earlier, and then proceeded to get caught up in other things. And don't worry, Naraku will appear in the next two chapters. 😉 In the meantime, feel free to check out some of my other stories! Have a great day/night, bye!)

(Word count: 1027)

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