Setelah selesai acara. Malam harinya keluarga Airin dan keluarga Jaehyun makan malam bersama di hotel tempat berlangsungnya pernikahan
Ini kali pertama Jaehyun bertemu langsung dengan keluarga Airin. Kalo Airin sendiri sudah sempat beberapa kali bertemu dengan keluarganya Jaehyun
Saat ini Jaehyun sedang berdiri mengahadap ke jendela bersama Airin. Namun tak lama Arkan menghampirinya dan menyuruh Airin untuk memberinya waktu untuk bicara dengan Jaehyun
"Mas, remember! Don't say anything weird to Jaehyun!" Ancam Airin
Arkan memutar bola matanya malas, namun ia pun tetap menjawab ucapan sang Adik "Yes baby, I understand"
"Mas, inget bener loh! Aku baru beberapa jam jadi seorang istri, Mas. Aku gak mau jadi janda secepat itu"
"Astagfirullah, Airin. Kamu gak sepercaya itu sama Mas mu sendiri?" Tanya Arkan kesal
"Jaehyuna.. If my brother says something weird, don't listen to it, okay?" Ucap Airin ke Jaehyun
Jaehyun pun terkekeh dan mengangguk. Tinggal lah sekarang Jaehyun dan Arkan berdua
"I don't really speak Korean, can we talk in English instead?" Tanya Arkan
"Yes, no problem, hyung" Jawab Jaehyun
"Airin and Aurin lived with their father when they were still very young. Airin is 15 years old and Aurin is 8 years old. Since then I have had to help my mother, become a figure of a brother and a father to both of them. I as much as possible to always be there and always obey their wishes. Even when Airin decided to stay and settle in South Korea, I allowed it. At first I really didn't agree that you wanted to marry her, because I know your job will take up a lot of your time, so you can't always be there for my sister. But, Airin, always tries to convince me, that in fact, as long as you are dating, Airin is the one who doesn't even have much time for you. According to my sister, you are the man she really wants to be a husband. She said, with you, she can get everything, the love of a father, brother, and best friend..." Ucap Arkan terhenti untuk sekedar mengambil nafas dan menghelanya pelan
"So I ask for help.. Please take good care of my sister. I love her very much. I don't really know you that well, but I believe from the stories that Airin told me. That you are a good person, you are a very fitting person to replace me protecting him" Lanjut Arkan
"I promise.. I swear, I promise to always take good care of Airin, like you did before. I really can't promise 100% that I won't hurt her, but I will try if I won't hurt Airin in any way. I love him so much, too! Even if it was my career that was at stake I never cared. Because in my opinion, Airin's happiness is above all" Jawab Jaehyun dengan penuh kesungguhan
Jaehyun paham ada raut ketakutan pada diri Arkan. Raut ketakutan jika sosok Adiknya akan jatuh ke orang yang salah
Malam harinya Jaehyun dan Airin kembali ke apartnya Jaehyun. Ah apart Jaehyun ya? Sayangnya sekarang bukan Jaehyun lagi pemilik apart tersebut. Kepemilikan apart tersebut sudah di pindah alihkan ke Airin sama Jaehyun, seperti janji Jaehyun saat itu
"Rin.." Panggil Jaehyun yang baru keluar dari kamar mandi
Airin hanya menengok dan berdehem sebagai jawaban karna sekarang mukanya tengah memakai masker, jadi males ngomong ceritanya
"Lusa aku udah harus berangkat lagi" Ucap Jaehyun sambil berjalan ke arah lemari
Airin melihat jam pada handphonenya, sudah 15 menit. Ia pun melepas maskernya setelah itu memijit-mijit sebentar sisa serumnya agar meresap
Sebuah Pilihan
Fanfiction(ON GOING) "Kamu tau kita gak mungkin bisa bersama.." ucap airin lirih Airin Andalusia, itulah namaku. Semenjak aku memutuskan untuk meninggalkan Indonesia dan melepaskan kewarganegaraanku untuk memilih tinggal dan menetap menjadi warga negara Korea...