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Taylor staggered from surprise and almost fell into the tub. As she lost her balance a little some of the wine from her glass spilled into the tub. Taylor looked at it and turned to Joe, who was still standing in the doorway

"Alwyn? What are you doing here?" she asked, trying to sound normal.

"as impolite as possible" He replied sarcastically

"I'm asking,what the fuck are you doing here" Taylor got up from the edge of the bathroom and walked past Joe

He moved aside to let her pass. Taylor put her glass on the table, and remembering yesterday, she decided she wasn't going to drink when Joe was around, so instead she folded her arms across her chest, turned around and stared at him expectantly.

"Who let you in here, huh,Alwyn?"

Joe smirked and showed her the shiny black key card

"In case you forgot, I paid for this room"

"Oh crap, well then I'll get out of here as soon as possible so I don't have to see your face" said Taylor and turned her back on him while she looked for her phone.

"Wow. You didn't say that yesterday. Or do I have to remind you what you said yesterday? You know, in between the incessant begging me to fuck you and moaning"

Taylor turned to him, clutching the phone tightly in her hand.

"Are you trying to blackmail me with this, Alwyn, or what?"

"Why would I want to blackmail you?"

"If not for what, what are you doing here?"

Taylor picked up her purse and put her phone in it. She headed for the exit but as she passed Joe he grabbed her by the elbow and gently but firmly held her against him.

"I'm not done yet" he said

An electric current ran through Taylor's body. She lifted up her gaze and looked straight into man's blue eyes. Yes, they were blue like her's, but that was a completely different shade of blue. While Taylor's eyes were more like electricity blue, Joe's were an ocean blue. And she kind of drowned in them for a minute.

He was causing her so many emotions, and she couldn't understand why. Why she was so hurt by all his sarcastic taunts, why she wanted so badly to prove to him that she was better. Taylor just couldn't look at Joe calmly, and it made her angry.

Why can't she look him in the eye calmly after just drunken sex? Over the years Taylor had developed the skill of separating her heart from her mind as much as possible in order to make rational decisions, but with him it was no longer working.

She hated him even more for that. And herself, for being helpless against his magnetic field.

"So..." said Joe, who was a little uncomfortable with the silence.

"God, you fuck me up," Taylor said and shut Joe up with a kiss.

He pulled away from her after a second, because he didn't want to kiss her in the first place, it was just his body that took him to her lips.

Taylor unclasped her hands and her purse fell to the floor.It was as if the sound awakened them both.

Taylor wrapped her arms around Joe's neck, and he lifted her by her hips so that she could wrap her legs around him.

Joe set Taylor down on the couch and she pulled him to her by the tie he was wearing. They did it without talking, it was just as if they could feel each other and knew what to do. And so it happened all over again.

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