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Taylor stood in the kitchen slowly slicing kiwis, listening to the TV program with one ear. Suddenly the doorbell rang.

"One second!" she yelled, wiping her hands with a towel and walking to the door.

She went to the door and opened it, wondering who it was that came to her, because she had not called anyone. Joe was standing on the doorstep, he smiled his charming smile and said:

"Hi, am I interrupting?"

Taylor froze on the threshold, almost with her mouth hanging open. Joe was the last person she expected.She let him in,but even  then she couldn't get a word out of her:

"I didn't expect to see you here"

"yeah, I didn't plan to do this" Joe walked a little farther.

Taylor followed him, not sure why he was here. The man nodded at the table and asked:

"What are you making?"

"Fruit salad, one of my favorites" Taylor answered, not knowing why she said it. This whole situation was so weird.

"Sounds delicious, can I have a piece of kiwi?"

"Yeah, sure"

Joe took a piece of kiwi that Taylor hadn't had a chance to cut yet and put it in his mouth like nothing happened. Taylor watched silently, not knowing how to act.

"If you want, you can help me finish the kiwi" she said, nervously twisting the towel in her hands.

"Okay, just let me wash my hands first"  Joe said simply.He was in his usual business suit, probably on his way back from work. He carefully took off his jacket, put it on the back of a chair, rolled up the sleeves of his snow-white shirt, and went to the bathroom.
And than sat down at the table to start cutting the kiwis.

Taylor watched him cut the kiwi into neat slices, and the look of concentration on his face.

While he chopped she took out a deep bowl and combined the apples, pears, bananas, and tangerines she had already chopped. Joe poured the sliced kiwis into the bowl and Taylor stirred the ingredients into the plain yogurt.

"So what is the reason for your late visit?" she asked without turning away from the salad.

"Oh, yeah, sorry, I forgot"  Joe took the plane tickets out of his pocket.

"Your ticket, here you go"

"Thank you, put it on the table, I'm busy right now" Taylor looked him over, why did he bring her a ticket? That wasn't necessary. It was basically idiotic. The plane ticket for their business trip together had long ago been in Taylor's e-mail.

Joe put the ticket on the table and stood next to Taylor with his hands in his jeans pockets.

"Do you want a salad?" Blondie asked, breaking the silence.

"Yes, I'd love to" Joe answered inattentively.

Taylor put the salad on two plates as they sat across from each other and began to eat.

""When will Jenny be back from her training camp already?" Asked Joe

"In a week. Though from what she tells me, she doesn't mind staying longer."

"Training camp in the mountains, in Europe, in the summer, I wouldn't mind that either." 

"She's doing great" a small smile touched Taylor's lips

Joe smiled back at her, thsn got up to put the empty plate in the sink.

"This was absolutely delicious" he said

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