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Joe's sleep was calm and peaceful until someone tapped him on the stomach with a pillow. He opened his eyes, looking for his abuser, and found Taylor's face

"Good morning, why are you hitting me with a pillow?" he began as she interrupted him.

"Get the fuck up! We overslept! If you don't get up now, we're gonna miss our flight!"

"wait, what time is it" Joe reached for his phone and jumped out of bed as soon as he saw the time.

Their flight was only fifty minutes away. And considering that it takes at least forty minutes to get to the airport, with any luck they should have been in a cab by now. But instead they overslept.

He jumped out of bed and began to pull on his clothes. In his haste he got tangled up in the pants of his jeans and almost fell over.

Taylor was running around him, in one hand she had a toothbrush with which she brushed her teeth, and in the other she was throwing things out of the closet into the suitcase.

Joe grabbed his room key from the nightstand and ran out of Taylor's room. In his room he quickly washed his face, brushed his teeth, and gathered up the things he had scattered all over the room so he could cram them into the suitcase.

The man put on another T-shirt, grabbed his cap, and left the room dragging the suitcase with him.

He ran into Taylor's room for a second to tell her that he'd gone to the reception to check out. She nodded at him and continued packing.

Joe glanced at his watch and called for the elevator.

They tried to do everything as quickly as possible, but it had already taken twenty minutes. At the reception, Joe kept rushing the girl and kept looking at his watch.

Finally Taylor came out, she quickly turned in her room and they left the hotel. They left the hotel in the pouring rain. It was pouring so hard that there was just a wall of water in front of them

"Taylor, can you see our car here?"

"I think it's over there on the right! Let's go!"

Joe pulled on his cap so the water wouldn't get in his face and followed Taylor. The water poured over his face, his clothes, his T-shirt and jeans immediately became wet and stuck to his skin. There were a lot of puddles outside and Joe stepped in a puddle once so his sneaker got wet.

In a few minutes, finally, they climbed into the dry car.

"Hurry up, I'm begging you!" said Taylor to the driver.

"You better drive faster or we're gonna be late!" Joe added.

"Have you seen the weather? The whole city is stuck in traffic. You're lucky if we'll get to the airport in an two hours instead of three"

"Oh my  fucking God" Taylor took out a napkin and tried wiping her face from the drips, her clothes were wet too.
She looked at Joe and smiled:

"Things never go according to plan with us"

"Life is more interesting this way" smiled at her Joe

Taylor took a new napkin out and with careful movements began to wipe Joe's face of the drips. He waited patiently for her to finish. When she was done he pulled his face closer to her and gently kissed her, for the first time that day.

For a moment the world stopped around them. There was only them. When they broke away from each other they smiled mischievously and Taylor began to call the airport to see if there were any more flights.

When Joe finished talking with Michael, he looked at his watch and said:

"Well, we're already late for our flight"

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