The accident

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"Hey, hey, exhale, okay Jen? You don't have to shake like that," Tom said soothingly, cradling his daughter in his arms.

"What's taking them so long in there? Why isn't there a doctor? Where's the one to explain what even happened? Where's Mom?" Jenny mumbled haphazardly through her tears.

At that moment Tom clearly saw a little girl in front of him, not the independent young lady Jenny wanted so badly to appear to be. Just a frightened little girl who clung to him with her whole body and left wet tears on his jacket. The man sighed, and hugged his daughter even tighter.

"Tom...Hiddleston?" A voice sounded nearby, and Tom looked up to see the serious doctor in front of him

"That's right"

"Come on, I'll show you Mrs. Swift" nodded the doctor, and without waiting for an answer he turned to go to the chambers.

Tom immediately gently unhooked Jenny from him, and promising her to return as soon as possible, hurried after the doctor.

"In the aftermath of the accident, Mrs. Swift suffered a fractured right arm, stab wounds, contusions and a concussion. Her condition is stable and not life threatening. She had a minor surgery because it was a compound fracture and she had a partial bone crush, so she's coming off of minor anesthesia"

"Thank you Doctor "

"The driver was hurt much worse and is now in intensive care. Fortunately for Mrs. Swift, she appears to have been born with her shirt on."

"Thank God."

"This is her room, you can go in but don't make any noise. If the patient starts vomiting or anything, call the nurse."

"Yes, yes, all right, thank you very much doctor..." Tom looked at his nametag "Dr. Sullivan."

"You're welcome" he nodded and Tom took his first close look at him and saw that the man was still young. No older than 35, but his job had already given him sparse gray hairs. The doctor was shaven smooth, but he had dark circles under his eyes, the effects of constant lack of sleep. 

What a tired man he is, thought Tom, and still saves people. We'll have to remember him and thank him.

Finally the man entered the room with his ex-wife. Taylor was sleeping peacefully on her bed. Her face was riddled with numerous cuts, the biggest of which were taped over with Band-Aids, there was a large blue bruise under her left eye, and her arm was in a cast, but otherwise she looked as fine as it was possible in that situation.

Remembering what the doctor had said, Tom didn't touch her, but only called out to Jenny, who burst into tears even more at the sight of her mother, only now desperately covering her mouth with her hands so as not to make unnecessary noises.

He understood this reaction, to Jenny Taylor had always been a rock, a strong woman, and to see her weakened and was heartbreaking.

"Come on,honey, don't cry, it's  going to be okay," Tom put his arm around his daughter again, kissing the top of her head "trust me, once she wakes up, she'll tell you off for missing practice"

"I think for the first time in my life I'll be glad to hear her rebuke" his daughter smiled for the first time in their hospital stay.

"You know, you need a big glass of sweet tea to calm your nerves."

Jenny nodded "okay, but I also want a piece of cake. There has to be cake, right?"

"you have sucu a sweet tooth" smiled Tom kindly, "come on, there'll be something for sure."

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