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Taylor woke up abruptly to something falling in the next room. Not understanding, she reached for the phone that was charging on the nightstand and saw the time-half past five in the morning. There were still thirty minutes before the alarm clock.

Not realizing anything but being on the lookout, she left her bedroom and walked into the kitchen to see a fully dressed Jenny picking up a can from the floor.

"Did I wake you? Sorry."

"Why are you dressed? It's too early for school."

"Mom, it's championship day."

"Oh my god" Taylor sighed and wiped her eyes with her hands. She didn't even know

"You didn't know?" asked Jenny calmly as if everything was normal

"No" shook her head Taylor. This wasn't even a situation where she forgot something, she just didn't know. Her daughter has a championship and she didn't know "damn, sorry. The championship! How could I not know!"

"It's okay, mom."

"I don't think so."

"The last time you were at my competition was four years ago. This championship is no different than any other championship you've missed. So let's not start this already nervous morning with some idle chitchat. I'm really not in the mood for that."

The words Jenny said cut Taylor's heart. Because they were true. First busy with her "problems," then her divorce, then her job, she really had dropped out of the sports part of her daughter's life.

"When do you start?"

Jenny raised her eyebrows in surprise but replied "Team performance starts at three, my solo is in an hour and a half"

Taylor immediately went to her calendar. As usual at this time she was working . However, putting her phone aside she calmly said
"I'll have a seat in the auditorium, right?"

"Yep, there are two seats per person. One is always occupied by Abigail and the other is empty" Jenny said quietly


"What does that mean?"

"That I'm going to come."

"Okay" Jenny replied still as quietly.

Taylor looked at her. There was a lump in her throat. There was distrust in her daughter's eyes. It was fixed firmly in the bright blue eyes, like a scar from all the previous unfulfilled promises. And in that moment, Taylor vowed to herself that she would come to this and the last competition no matter what it took.

"See you later" not knowing where to put herself Taylor turned around and walked back to her bedroom.

Regret and guilt weighed heavily on her heart. She couldn't believe how distant she had become from her daughter's life, prioritizing work and her own issues over the precious moments with Jenny.

Sitting on the edge of her bed, Taylor picked up her phone and started to type a message to her assistant. It was time to make some changes in her work schedule. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she was determined to be there for her daughter.

After sending the message, the woman took a deep breath and looked around her room. She saw a framed photo of her and Jenny from several years ago, both of them smiling brightly.

It served as a stark reminder of the bond they once had and the importance of mending it.
With renewed determination, Taylor got up and began to get ready for the day. She knew she had a lot to make up for.


Taylor arrived at the venue an hour before the championships began, but even then the hall was already half full of spectators. There were sports fans as well as excited families and friends.

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