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"Taylor are you listening to me?" came Joe's voice again and Taylor blinked, trying once again to concentrate on him

"Yes, of course, but can you please repeat what you said?"

"I'm afraid I'll have to repeat the whole conversation then, won't I?"

Taylor was shamefully silent but to her surprise the man wasn't angry and it was at that moment that a waiter came up to them, bringing an espresso for Taylor

"This is the second espresso and we've been sitting here for less that an hour. Plus it's only four in the afternoon and this is clearly not your first coffee. Are you sleeping at all?"

"Not really."

"Why? Did you find someone who keeps you up all night?" Joe joked.

"If only"

"What's the problem then?"

"Nothing, I'm fine."

"Well I can see that you're not.You can't concentrate at all and you're on abnormal doses of caffeine. Did something happen at work?"

"Thank God no."


"Insomnia" replied Taylor, hoping Joe would end the conversation on that topic

"From what?"

"I don't know" the blonde lied "I just can't sleep."

Joe looked her straight in the eye, clearly not satisfied with the answer

"And the true reason?"

"It is the truth."

"I know you too well, if it's true it's only half true. Darling,you know you can tell me. What's going on?"

"I'm having nightmares."

Taylor expected some kind of surprised reaction but Joe just asked, "How long?"

"Month and a half."

"Nightmares related to...?" Joe stopped talking halfway through not knowing how to say it correctly but Taylor already understood.

"Yeah. About that place. And about what was done to me there."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"What was I supposed to say?"

"That you need help. Taylor,I know I'm not a doctor but, you've clearly developed some kind of PTSD"

Taylor stared at Joe for a moment, feeling a mix of fear and frustration bubbling inside her. She knew deep down that he was right, that her nightmares and insomnia were likely signs of PTSD, but she wasn't ready to confront that truth just yet.

"I don't have PTSD," Taylor finally said, her voice firm, though she could feel a knot forming in her stomach.

Joe frowned slightly, concern evident in his eyes. "Taylor, I know you well enough to see that something is seriously affecting you. You can't ignore it forever."

"I'm just stressed, okay?" Taylor deflected, trying to push away the thoughts that threatened to overwhelm her. "Work has been tough, and I've been dealing with a lot lately."

"It's more than just stress," Joe insisted gently. "And I think you know that too."

Taylor looked away, unable to meet his gaze. She knew she couldn't hide from the truth forever, but acknowledging her PTSD felt like opening a Pandora's box of painful memories she wasn't ready to face.

"I can't handle talking about it right now," Taylor admitted, her voice wavering. "It's too much"

"That's alright," Joe said softly, reaching across the table to squeeze her hand. "You don't have to talk about it until you're ready. But I hate watching you suffer" Joe said,his eyes filled with genuine concern as he looked at Taylor. He knew he had to approach the delicate topic with humility and empathy "Maybe you should seek professional help? Like a therapist"

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