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'I was wondering what if I die in this littel game will I go back to the past or will I die or will the future does not exis any longer.' I was standing at the adge of a building as I stare at the sky. Then suddenly someone come and burge throught the door. I alredy know who was it without even looking. But then before he speak I cut him off by saying "Cifuyu... you is one of my favourite piece. Even how many time it was,you still be the one." I know what his reaction was since I alredy saw it once and it was really beautiful. But then he said "Is this all is just a game to you?" Basic from his voice he is on verge of crying. Then i suddenly laught,turn to look at Cifuyu. He alredy crying. I said to him "Then keep intertaint me,My favourite piece." Then I can only hear Cifuyu call out my name that was like music to my ears and I just stare at the sky then my vision become blury and just like that my 22th death end.

I wake up on my bed sweating. It was not suprising for me any longer as I alredy went through it multiple time. I then get of bed and look at my self on the mirrow and to my suprise I was myself before I meet Toman captain. This has never happen before as I tride to think why. Then something come up, did the future getting destroyed becouse my body is unalive. Then that means im not in the past im in the present. I can no longer go back to the future or return to the past then thats mean this is the last round of the so called game. Then i smile at myself and thought 'Hmmmm... Im getting tired. Then how will it end this time'

Then my alarm goes off. And I know its time for school and just like normal I pack my thing and get ready my self to go to school. "If im not wrong today the first day I meet whit those two. Then should I fight back this time. Ahhh how about not meeting them today.' And just like that i make my final dicition.


I was dodging a punch and kick from this guy and I could tell he is getting tired and piss off. Then he stop and I just stare at him witch make him piss off more and he yell to his friend "GO GET MY BASEBALL!!" I look at him as he was about to say something but before he can,he suddenly on the ground. Everyone was shoke and I could hear them talking but I ignore them. He on the ground was becouse of the kick I gave to his stomach,but i dont have time for that as I turn around and walk away. As I a littel far away could hear them yelling and I know those two alredy there. I alredy know what going to happen as I leave I said "Lets see what ending will it be... shal we Mikey?"

Mikey POV

I came to the place where they said one of Toman members using our name to start a fight,but after I get there that person is already on the ground. Everyone is greating us and after that I ask one of them what happen,then he tall me everyting and to my suprise this person name is unknow. I try asking everyone is there anyone that know his name but for some reason it seams like this person did not exis in anyone memory the only thing they know is that he have a blak hair and blue ocean Eyes. Im really interesting in him but It seam its going to be a problem on finding him.

On our way back I said "Ken-chin,who do you thing this guy is." He was silent at first then he speak up "I dont know but this guy sound dangerous." If it was someone alse i probably would't care but if it was Ken-chin then it must be it.
I wanna shrug it off but I cant even when its alredy night i cant stop tingking. Then I just decide to take a small night walk. But when I was walking past The playground there is someone standing in front of me. Iwas about to pass by him but then I saw it and murmur "blak hair... blue ocean eyes." I freeze at the moment before I speak "Do you need something." He a little bit taller than me but there is something that bothering me it fell like he was waiting for me to come here. He just silently loking at me I can tell he is not studying but instead he just looking at me. I was about to walk pass him but then he said "Manjiro Sano a little brother of Shiniciro Sano." I freeze. I look back at him and he just staring at me with the blue ocean eyes that show no light at all but still there is something hiding behind it."Who are you."He then just smile and walk past me. The only thing I could do is just look at his back before his wave his hand and said "We will meet again soon Mikey."Then he vanish throught the night.

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