i-Special KAKUCHO

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Kakucho POV

It was just a normal day. Im on my way of meeting someone. Someone special. I like him,even when he seem different. Even when he have such a cold look in his eyes.

I walk till I reach the play ground. I see a few other kid there,playing together. Since today is not raining there is many than usual. But even when the day look so bright,it was not the same for him.

2 days ago,we just hold his father funeral. By now he should be an orphane but,becouse of his back ground nobody can do anything when he refuse to go.

I wait for a few minute until he arive. I wait for 15 minute and I tought he wouldt come so I was about to go back,when I heard the voice call for me.

"Kakucho." Just a small voice but enough to let me knew who was it. I didnt have much hope of him to appear but I guest he dont really care.

Yeah,he never care. He will do his own thing without thinking of other. As long as he get what he want,he will even... beat up the other kid.

"You here... Takemichi." I smile at him. I dont wanna look sad or anything,becouse I know him,I know he dont like it when people show him pity. He dont even care about his father death so why would they care.

"... What am I to you,Hitto Kakucho?" What kind of question is that. No. Why is he asking me such a question in the first place.

'What is he to... me?' I ask myself the question back. I mean,the answer ofcourse is that he is my friend,but yet it is hard for me to said it. Something is telling me that im going to regrate it.

"You... you is my friend! Ofourse?" I utter the word,but at the last sentence I question myself. Is he really my friend?

"Friend?" He ask me back. My body cant move. Such a cold voice. He is not someone who will talk to people with a cold voice like that,but he just talk with a cold tone to me make me fell like im drowning.

"... ." I cant say anything. I just look down on the ground. Yeah,what alse can I do. I dont even have a gut to look at him.

"But Kakucho... ." He take a moment of silent so I look up at him just to be meet with a cold face. A face that telling me he dont fell the same way I did.

"You is only a tool for me." My heart beat drop. I almost fall to the ground if I didnt get myself together. I lost my word. I feel like my world shutter a part.

"...What?" I ask him back. Just please. Please dont answer me. Im afraid to heard it again. Those word hurt so much. Why? Which part of me is not to his liking.

"Dont wear such a face." But I cant react. I cant follow his word. I feel like my tears is going to burst out at any moment.

"Prove to me that you is someone whorty to even stand beside me,Hitto Kakucho." With that being said he left. He didnt even turn back to look at me. I feel my tears flow from my eyes.

I was crying. I dont understand what he mean. Even when I try I cant understand. My mind is playing the memory of his word. Each time I remember it my heart is getting hurt so much.

Until the accident happen. The accident that take both my parent life. I was put in the hospital. I dont know how long.

I was in so much pain at the time. The doctor also told me that my left eyes is now blind. I have a big scar on my face. I can tell that so many people is disguise with it.

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