2.How Do You Know

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Draken POV

After what happen yesterday Mikey tell me to make a metting with other Toman member. I alredy know why he make this meting,its about that unknow guy. Something tell me to stay away from him but at the same time it tell me to get close to him. I was deep in thought as I reach at the shrine where we always make a meeting at but when I reach there I saw someone alredy there. I was about to aproch him but I realise that his not one of us. I just look at him but then he turn to look at me.

All the thing I could do at that moment is just stare at him. This guy that stand infront of me have the same impreson of the unknow guy. 'Black hair... Blue oceon pair of eye." I dont know what to said. He just look at me not from up and down but staring at my eyes. But probably seeing me speecless he speak but it just make it worse as he said "Ken Ryujin know as Draken Vice-Captain of Toman,a close friend of Manjiro Sano know as Mikey Captain of Toman... I forget have you meet Shiniciro Sano before?" I just glare at him I dont know who this guy is and how he know all of that but im pretty sure his that guy they was talking about.

For some reason I fell a littel bit unconfortable of the way he look at me with those eyes. It fell like he can tell me lying and he know all the thurth. I ask him "What are you doing here?" He just look at me before said "There is no need to be on guard. I can help you guys as long as you guys didnt get in my way." Right after saying that he walk pass me then I yell at him "Hey what your name!!" He stop before look back at me and said "Hmmmm... Take a guest." Then he just left. Right after that I heard someone call for me it was Baji and Cifuyu.

They ask what wrong. I just said to wait for other first. They understand what I said as we get inside and wait for other.


Everyone alredy arive and we start our meeting,Mikey start with a greating then get straingt to point about the unknow guy. He ask wether their is anyone know about him. Everyone when silent but then Cifuyu speak up "Black hair and blue oceon eyes. Ist he the guy who never know his name and wareabout axcept his grade always the same. If he get 50% for 1 peper the other also going to get 50%." Everyone when silent. "What?" That the only thing I could say. Then Cifuyu continue "Yep no one know his name and where he is and he never attend his class but still didnt get suspentded from school. He alway at the end of the row,when taking exam after he finish he leave just like that and no one stop him." Everyone was speecless at what Cifuyu said. No one said a word.

Then Mikey speak "Tell me everything that you know about him" hearing this everyone attention when to Cifuyu and he just saight and explain what he know. "He was know as Unkown but he kind of pupular for his hansome look,but all the teacher treat him like he is a gohst. His age... is unknown as well. He can be at any grade. People dont know his inteligent becouse his mark always 50% never change even when he always change grade. But it is said whoever tried to touch him they will fell like they facing a grim reaper ready to take their life."

After that its a moment of silent before I decide to speak "Before Baji and Cifuyu arive I meet him and we even have a small talk." Now everyone attention at me. I just continue " It seem like he know about me alot and he probably know about you guys aswell. What cifuyu said is right I do fell a little cold when talking to him. Even the blue ocean eyes that look at make me fell like it was drowning me in the sea. But the weird part is that he... he said to not be on guard and he will help us as long we didnt intervine with him." There is still a moment of silent.

Then Mitsuya speak "An unknown person that can even make Draken on guard then he must have something going on. He might think... no he know Mikey going to try and find him so he meet Draken to give a warning and helping hand." Then I nod my head on agrement towards Mitsuya statement. No one can said anything since this is really imposibel thing.


Mitsuya POV

After we talk about this unknown guy we all go our seperate way. I was on my way to go back home but something is telling me to not go this way but since I need to return fast I just ignore it and regret it right away.

Now I was standing in the alley way with some bastrad bloking my way. Ofcoure their looking for a fight but I was out number and they bring a tool with them. I dont have any other choies since the alley is small and there is no way out.


I look at them some of them alredy down while some still standing. I alredy tired and its imposible to fight back,this time im really going to die that what I thought at first but then everyting I heard is someone yelling. I cannot stand any longer as I black out the last thing I heard is a voice saying "Its been a while Mitsuya" as I see a blue oceon eyes looking at me then everyting when blank.

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