9.The 'War' Is Near

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Cifuyu POV

I wanna ask him something but I could see he is stressing out,so I decide to just left it alone. After a few minute I look back at Mitsuya and he alredy asleep. Seing this I also decide to go to sleep. And the thing I never thought would happen sundently happen. I was In a dream and I could see Unknown with... me? "Dont you see me as a friend...?" That what I said but strangely I couldt hear his last word. "I dont need a friend." That what Unknow said and at that moment he fall down to his knee. I was stratled. That is when I see it blood that pouring down his mouth and troat. I could see it clearly. Then I see myself run toward him. "Hey! Dont lose yourself yet! Just wait a little bit..." But before he could finish his word Unknown cut him off. "Cifuyu... you will always be my favourite piece no one cant take it. So,keep intertain me." And just like that I woke up from my nightmare. "Huh... huh... huh..."  I try to catch my breath. But it seem like I cant. I was having a panic attack when sudently there is hand at my mouth and nose. There is a voice coming from my ears. "Calm down. Take a deep breath and let it go slowly. Keep repeting it." I follow the voice. After I manage to calm down I turn to look at that person. It was Unknown. I look at him and his deying imej come to mind. As I turn my head slightly. "It seem like you having a nightmare. It would be better to sleep in the room to cold someone mind than slepping here without any fan." At that moment I could see somethinh alse. Yes,this person infront of me might be a devil but something telling me that he is not.

That is when suddently a lound sound was heard. I look back at Mitsiya place and his not there. "Seem like Mitsuya meet him. Probably having a fight." He said like it was nothing. "Where are they?" He look at me than just turn around an walk away. Probably becouse alredy used to it I follow him. There I could see Mitsuya and someone is fighting. This guy is quit tall and is smiling like a mad man. I could see Mitsuya dosent like it at all. "Are you going to stop them?" He ask me. "Can I?" For some reason I fell like I need to ask his permision. "Follow me." As he said that he make his way towards those two and I follow behind.

Hanma POV

Takemichi said he going to bring two people back so i was waiting for them. After they arive to my suprise the one he bring back is one of the toman divison captain and vice-captain. I was watching from a far since Take didnt say anything about aproching them. Then Take left them to change his clothe as he walk past me and said. "Watch them." Probably dont want them to go too far from there. But I can alredy tell they wont budge becouse of the big picture of him. As I look at them from a far Take alredy finish. He make his way towards them again and having a smal talk before leaving them speecless. He walk pass me without saying anything. I understand what he mean. It mean dont aproach them unless they aproach you. I just watch them and then one by one go to sleep. I decide to just left,but after a few hours a hear footstap aproaching. I know it was one of those two since Take walk without sound.

"Ahh so you also he piece." It seem like my word triger him. As he turn to look at me. 'Hmmm Mitsuya huh.' This is one of Toman Division Captain. "Who are you." Did he just ask who am I? You really fearless arent you. "Unknown piece. His thirth favourite piece." I said with a smile,but this guy seem unconfortable. "You pretty happy about it." Ahh so that is the reason. "What wrong. Becoming his piece even his favourite is something that not easy to achive." He look even more piss,so I decide to speak what I know to see what will happen. "Im quit jelouse of you even when I become his first piece you still upper than me by becoming his second favourite piece." And to my suprise he actually punch me. 'Now this is what is call intresting.'


It been five minute. 'This guy quit thought.' Mitsuya a division captain. You really deserve it. He did not back down and still standing there,but then i could hear footstap aproching us. I turn becouse I thoung it was another one that come along but,he not alone. Take also here. "Dont you guys find it hot here." 'He really dosent know how to make a joke does he.' I dont know how long he has been watching but seem like he really please with what he saw. "This guy pretty good." I turn my body completly to him. "Inded." Mitsuya than speak up. "Who is he. He said he is the first person you make your." After hearing this I laught. "Inded he really usefull,but sadly he cant be my most favourite piece since he... doest suit my condition." He smile while looking at the guy behind him. Im really jelouse of him but what can I do. To make Take intresting at someone is not easy. Even when Im the first one he make an offer at Im only the trith.

"Hmmm ist that Cifuyu the Vice-Captain?" I ask Take. "Yes." It just a short answer. "Well than should I introduce myself?" I ask him again. He just look at me before said. "No. Let them figure out on they on." I understand what he mean. It mean let them show they 'worth'. "Welp let all go back in. We need enought rest for tonight arent we." Just like that we all follow him to go back in. 'Tonight we need to do a lot of thing since the 'war' is near.'

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