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Izana POV

'Kisaki Tetta.' Right now we were walking back to Take place. I wanna said something but I decide to wait until we reach there.


We now in Take office. 'Is it sound proof?' I wonder. Right now Take is doing some work while I was waiting for him. After a few minute the office door burst open and reveal Hanma. He dont look that good. He have blood driping everywhere. "Oi Hanma!" I call out to him. "He pretty strong. I tought I get to fight Mikey!" He said with a playful voice. I dont know if he has gone insane or something but for someone that has been close to Take he should alredy know what Take thinking right now. As Take stand and Make his way towards Hanma I decide to turn back my body and just let the two of them be. I dont even wanna know what he going to do. 'I pray for youre survival Hanma.'

Hanma POV

At first its all good until I was distrube with the fight between Mikey and Kazutaro. Seing this Draken give me a strong punch witch send me far back. 'SHIT!' I curse in my mind. As I stand back up I hear a lound whisper of people as I look to the side I see Take and Izana is making they way towards us. He than stop in between me and Draken. I was confuse,until Take turn to look at me while Izana turn to look at Draken. I wanna ask what is he doing but I just cant.

After a few second he turn back and just left while Izana follow behind. 'Did he just chake my condition?' But I decide to ignore it and attack Draken that been focusing at Izana. 'Huhhhh he is worried ist he.' I laught to myself.


I can hear a commotion at some other place. I turn to look at it and I saw Mikey that was punching Izana than I turn to find Take. I see him with Izana, but where is that knife come from? I was staring at him. He then turn his gaze at me and he said something. We might be far but I can still read his lips. 'Hanma?' He just call my name,but than I realize what he mean. Draken was about to escape. So I run to him to stop him. I hold him back for a few more minute before he manage to escape and run to Mikey and the other. It was pissing me of,but when I look back at Take he said something alse. 'Reatret?' Why? But I decide to go first. As I was running I saw him. 'Kisaki Tetta.' I dont know what happeing but than I heard a siren sound. 'Did he call the police?' Seem like he is angry for him to actually make a change of plan at a last minute.


I arive at the mansion . Since I take a far rod Take and Izana probably alredy arive. I walk and walk with my bloody body before I knew it I was infront of Take office. I walk in and was greet by Izana that was sitiing on a couch. But I was longging to hear Take voice. As Take stand and make his way to me, Izana turn back around. He probably sacnning me first before he left the office. I decide to sit a crose Izana. "How is it?" I ask him. "Its pretty funny to see Mikey acting like that." He answer me with a big smile. "Did you see anyone intersting?" I ask again. Before answering me he look at me first. "You talking about him right? Kisaki Tetta." I just smile as an answer. Before he get to continue Take walk in with a first aid kid and a wet towel.

He sit beside me while putting everything on a table. "Are you going to treat me Take?" I ask playfully. This is not the first time he did it. At first he didnt even care but than he slowly change,he bring the first aid for me and than change to help me bandage up. So if he going to do it I wont rebel. He didnt say a word but his move does. He is taking care of my brusies carefully. I remember when he take care of Draken injure. 'Is he angry at Draken?' I wanna ask but im pretty sure he wont answer me. I just let him do his thing while Izana just look at us.


A few minute has past and he alredy finish. He get up to put everything away. After the door close Izana quikly speake up. "The hell was that?" He ask me witha confusing face. "HAHAHAHA!!" I burst out a laught. "Im serious! Are you guys in some sort of relationship or something?" He ask again. "Take a guest." I said without giving a clear answer. "Huhhh. Whatever,anyway is this plan a succes?" He ask me. "Yes. Its a big succes." I answer him back. Its really a big succes. Take take everything under control even when he change his plan.

Then the door open again reveal Take. He than sit down beside me and said. "Now the next art will beggin."

Draken POV

I was batteling with Hanma quit a while now. Until two people decide to intervane. They are walking towards us until they stop. I wanna ask something but one of them turn to Hanma while the other one turn to me. We both make eye contact until he start to walk again following the one that in lead. I was watching him. 'Is that contact lanse?' When I was in deep tought Hanma attack me again.


I saw a big commotion between Mikey and Kazutaro. I was anout to intervane when Hanma stop me. I was fighting with him for a few more minute when I see the opening to escape. I run to help Baji. "MIKEY STOP IT!" I yell at Mikey. "There is no use of killing him,you just going to bring troubel to youself!" But he wont lisent. Than Baji speake up. "It my fault! Its all my plan from the beggining. Betray Toman and join Kazutaro none of this is his plan!" He said shoking all of us and make Mikey snap out. He look back at Baji but before he get to continue we heard a siren and I saw Mitsuya and Hakkai make they way to us. "We should go now." Mitsuya said. We all is ready to go but than Kazutaro said. "Just go alredy what are you waiting for?" Since the siren is getting louder we dont have time to wait. I drag Mikey and everyone help the other that cant walk to escape. Baji just look at Kazutaro and left him there. 'Seem like he wont be coming along.' Baji just left Kazutaro behind. 'Sorry,Kazutaro.'

IG- capriconthegoat
YT- CapriconTheGoat
WP- CapriconTheGoat

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