10.Such A Pretty View...

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Draken POV

After Mikey tell us about his nightmare I resive a call from Cifuyu. He is telling me that he and Mitsuya wont be there becouse of Unknown. We were having a normal day but something telling me it wont last long.


I was walking with Emma while Mikey is away. Then someone sudently come and hit my head. I can fell blood coming out. So I look at them and there is so many of them. Some even brought wepon with them. I tell Emma to call for help. While defending her I know I was outmatch. But at that very moment I fell like someone watching me. This person stare make me remember him. As I look at that direction and I see it,that blue ocoen eyes staring at me. 'What is he doing here?' But when I thought that I see someone alse behind him. That guy quit tall like me and at that very moment I hear motocycal and I turn to look at the sound. It was Mikey. When we about to strat a fight there it is,Toman member have arive. When I look back at the same place I see those two they alredy disapear. And the fight strated it was going smoothly but then I could fell a sharp pain on my body. I was stab. I dont know what to do. But then I hear a voice. "Still the same." I know who voice is that but then there is someone alse. "What are we going to do than?" It was those two.
And I black out.

I thought I was going to die but then I hear a sound. I think I know this voice. Yes. This is my voice. I look around and I see my own self with... Unknown? I see me standing without moving while Unknown just stand there with a police surounding him. "...there is no need to do this." I was shouting at him but he did not lisent. I could see he is pointing a gun at me. "This make thing boring. I want to see the other ending." I dont understand what he mean. But then I saw him pull the triged or shoud I say pretend to pull the triged. "...!!!???" I cant hear what my self scream but there is one thing I hear "Until then,Draken." As the police shoot him. "Huh... huh... huh..." I wake up with a cold sweat trying to catch my breath. Then I look around me and I was in a... room? "You awake?" There is someone enter the room. I look at that person but sadly he is cover from head to toe so I cant reconise him. But im pretty sure he is with Unknown guy becouse I remember clearly the voice before I black out. "Where am I." I ask him. "The police arive there so we have no choice but to bring you back. Dont worry we alredy tell your friend about it." This guy for some reason feel the same as Unknown. I just stare at him before the door of the room open again.

"You seem to be in good condition. I will change your bandage again." Huh. Is that Unknown. He look a lot diferance. His hair that was wet make him look diferance. "You didnt dry your hair?" This guy ask. "I dont have time." And Unknown just give him a short answer. "Take a sit." As he said that I get up to let him change the bandage. But then sudently a towel was put right at his head. He dosent seem bother at all. While he change my bandage this tall guy is drying of his hair. Well probably becouse the seen I see I forget all the pain that I have. "Are you both... a couple?" That question make everyone silent. And just like that I fell like my body froze.

"Do we look like one?" Unknown ask. But for some reason he dosent look bother at all. "Yes. Actually." So I just answer blutnly. "Hahaha. Unknown he said we a couple. What do you think? Should we strat dating." This guy seem like a close person with him. "Dont crose the line." But dosent mean he will treat him like someone alse. After finishing Unknown left the room and left me with this another unknown guy. "What your name?" I ask him but it seem like he wotn answer me. "Just wait for a little bit more and you will find out. Since you can remember my voice when we meet again you will notice me right away." Yeah than how long do I need to wait. I just sight before he said. "Do you know that there is traitor in Toman?" That question make me froze. "That guy is so pitiful. He need to do this just for his friends." This guy that stand infront of me might be batter than Unknown but that dosent mean he can be call a human being. "Did Unknown make him a traitor?" I alredy know but still I wanna confrim it. "Yep. Unknown need him to be the traitor or should I say 'act' tritor."  Act? What does that mean. "Well from what I know he have someone to be a traitor,two to become his piece while one to become his tool from Toman Division Captain and Vice-Captain." As he said that I could tell he is smiling brightly behind those mask. 'So there is traitor,piece and tool.' "There actually more of it but im not allow to say anything about it." Seem like Unknown. He know how to read mind. 'That mean he can still target more of Toman member.' "There is also some other gang member that he chose." Huh. Really. Why dose this two know how to read mind. But this guy atlist talk it right away when he get it,while Unknown he just keep it a secret when he know it so he can use it as a wepon insted. 'This two combination is deathly.'

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