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Baji POV

I cannot utter any word when I saw him. He just stay silent while looking at me. "Have you seen enought?" That is what he said. "Why? Why did you said that to Mitsuya and why is Hakkai run away from you like that?" I was piss off but since this guy was label dangerous I dont want to provoke him.

"Do you know,between You and Kazutaro, you is more easy to talk with." At that moment chill run down my spine. He know what my relationship with Kazutaro that is what I guest. "How many you know?" I really wanna know this. "How many you think?" But he just answer back with a question and its really strating to piss me off more.

"Hmmmm... You quit tought." I just stare at him wondering what he mean. "I wanna make you mad but,you still can keep your posture,Baji." I dont know what to said. This guy is really testing my patien. "Why did you run away when we 'meet' at the roof?" I know 'meet' is not really the right statement but I just go along with him. "I tought that you is a ghost since Hakkai run away like he saw a cropse walking." I laught at the same time but then he also laught along. For some reason even hearing him laughing make me sacre. "You do know how to make a joke even... in this kind of situation,Baji." And just like that his antitude change. He not laughing anymore.

With him looking at me with his blue oceon eyes. I cannot run away. All I could do is looking at him and let him do whatever he want. "What exacly you want with us?" I ask him try to be calm as possible. "Do you know that there is traitor inside Toman." I was shoke. "What?" That all I could ask. "His not actually traitor,its just he doing it for everyone." "Who else know this." I really wanna punch him. "Only. You." And just like that my fist land on his face. To my suprise he still standing and I could see blood drip from his mouth. Then he turn too look at me. There I could feel chill down my spine. It seem like he been waithing for it. He just whipe the blood whit his finger and look at me.

"Has it all finely out?" He ask me. "Huh." I dont know what wrong with this guy any longer. "If you still holding back you can continue." I did not move." He really waiting for my punch. "If that all,then..." And just like that I hit the wall behind me as I was holding my stomach. He send a kick to my stomach. And I cant lie,he kick really hard. "Y-you." "Baji,you should just let it all out when you have the opportunity." Hearing this I srating to wonder if this guy really a human being.

"I want Draken to not be close with me since he going to be a big problem if he goes again me. For Mitsuya,just like I said I want him. For Hakkai,I just make a worth deal with him that he accept. And lastly for the traitor..." He smile at me that make a shiver run down my spine. I dont think what he going to say next is a good think. "...its becouse he dont have any other choice." He than hold his hand out to me. That when I understand what he mean. The traitor that he been talking about is not yeet there. The reason why he said the traitor is doing this for everyone its becouse,the traitor...is me.

"Baji you is the fifth person to be able to talk to me like this. But only you and Hakkai was given this opportunity like this by me." "Should I feel honored?" I ask. "No,you should feel lucky you can save your friend." He still hold his hand out at me. He know I cant refuse so I just take his hand. As I stand back up his smile quikly fade away. "For now follow Hakkai movement. I let you both be in contact when a good time come." He was about to leave so I said "If im an act 'traitor' then what is Hakkai?" He then turn to look at me and said "He is my tool." Then he left. I know this guy really not a human but a devil that take human life as simple as tool.

No one POV

"Ahh there you are. You the one call for me right? You need something?"

"Keep a watch over Kisaki."

"Ehh?? Why are you being so cold to me?"

"How is Kazutaro? I left him to you becouse I cant be there."

"Haiiii. His fine. Just doing random stuff."

"I meet with Baji today."

"Ohhh. Finaly you tell me a bit about what happen."

"Dont dig into it or you will regret it,Hanma."

"Dont worry about it,Takemitchi"

"Dont call my name."

"Not like anyone going to heard it."

"If someone heard it then you deal with it."

"Got it,Got it"

"Go back"

"When will you come back?"

"Just wait for me and follow along with Kisaki."

Hanma POV

As he left I look at his back as he slowly disappear. How did it get into this? Its becouse of the offer he give me. Then shortly after accepting his offer,Im enjoying this thing more. Its like he put himself as one of the enemy piece and let the enemy do whatever they want,when in reality he is the real mastermind that let his enemy fall his trick. Its really fun. I cant wait for the battel his talking about. I wanna fight with Mikey but I aslo wanna see him fight.

The first time I see him fight is also the first time we meet each other,it was our first meeting. Firstly he just dodge my attack but then he land a side kick at me. It was a strong kick that make me fall a little far away. That when he come closer and give out an offer to me. I dont know what this guy actually is talking about but I decide to accept his offer. "Be my first tool and I make sure u be entertain,Hanma"

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