7.The Strat

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Mikey POV

Someone suddenly come to me and said he want to join Toman. At first its not that weird but I could feel something weird. Like something bad going to happen. But I just ignore it and decide to introduce him to Toman members this night.


When everything and everyone arive I start with a greeting and small talk. Then I get to the introducing of new members. "Please welcome the new Toman members,Kisaki Tetta." Everyone was... you could say happy,but I could see some people face that doest look happy? It was Mitsuya and Cifuyu. It seem like they know something since they make eye contect before nod to each other and return to they old self. Right,I also feel something off about this guy. Since Mitsuya an Cifuyu show such a reaction then there is no problem to be on guard.


After the meeting I call out a divison captain and vise-divison to keep behind. After everyone left I look around. I said "I wanna ask about... Unknown." After saying that I look at each of their face. Its normal for Draken, Hakkai and Mitsuya to show a reaction except for some,but its not normal when Baji and Cifuyu to show that kind of reaction. "Then im guesing that the two of you also meet him,right?" I ask even when I alredy know it. They stay silent. I decide to continue and said. "Hakkai and Draken alredy meet with him and having just a small talk. Mistuya have a weird talk with him. What about you guys?" I ask. Then Cifuyu speak up "We meet by coincedence or not I dont know,but he said that to not get on his bad side and just left." He said that but I cant except it but I just let it go for now. Then Baji continue. "I also meet him,but outside of school on my way home. He also said the same thing to me and just left." I could tell that everyone was lying about they meeting with him.

It becouse I... alredy meet him more than twice. I know who he meet with since he always come to me and tell me about it. It not detail on what he say to them but he tell me who,where and when he meet them. I wanna ask but he gave me a warnig not to try and dig deeper since its going to bring bad luck for me and my friend. I know its not a mare word since he always said the true.He may seem undengerous but in reality he is the real moster,the devil in disguise. Then I look at them and said "I... lets continue this on other day. You guys can go back home." I could see they relift face. I dont know whos next but I could tell all of those who was confuse and still okay will end up like me and the other. They happy face will not be like that forever.

As I was walking my way back home I stop. I think I feel cold on my back. I could tell why. Its probably becouse he behind me.I turn and look at him. "Who is it?" I ask him since he always said the same thing with that poker face of his. "This is just the begining." That what he say. "What?" I was so confuse he did not said the thing he always said. "I just finish preparing my tool for the start of this game." Game!? What is this guy talking about. Is he in a fight with someone? Are they trying to take Toman down? What does they want? Like he can read my mind even when I use my poker face he said. "I have no attention on taking down Toman. Just like I said,do not intervane with me and I will help Toman to not get involve with this blody path I create. I make sure none of Toman member die becouse of me,even if they die it will be becouse of the other side but I will still try my best to keep Toman away. Since all of you guys is my chess piece and my trump cards." As he said that he left. I just stand there speccless. 'Did he just said blody path he create and... DEAD!?' Who the in the hell is this guy. Talking easily about death and human life. Is he even human any longer.


I reach my home then take a shower and decide to take a nap and that is where im regregting it. I have the worse nightmare ever. There I see the Unknown guy standing right infront of me. He wearing a set of coat. He is well dress but what seem weird is that there is Kisaki infront of him a tall guy is at his back. Kisaki is pointing his gun at his head and said "All of your game has end. I be the winner and end your stupid game!?" His angry probably. "I can just stop you and I could tell Hanma to stop you,but I refuse since... I wanna see other ending. So stop wasting time and shoot me alredy." It seem like he dont care at all. And seem like the guy at the back name is Hanma probably one of this guy so called tool basic from what he said. That guy also seem loyal. Is Kisaki enemy with Unknown. It that why he said this is just the begining becouse Kisaki just join in Toman. But seem like he alredy know that so he give warnig to everyone before head. "....!!???" I heard someone yelling. A name probably? Its might be the Unknown real name. But I cant catch it. Slowly I heard the voice,its belong to...me? Yes! That voice belong to me,but what does it said. "Do it before its too late Kisaki. Hanma take Kisaki away after this." As he said that Kisaki shoot him. The voice still call for him until "HAH...HAH...Hah...hah..." I wake up and breathing havyly. "W-what was that!?"

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