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Hakkai POV

"You si Unknown... right?" He did not answer me. I look back at the headmaster that was still smiling,that is when I understand. The one who is calling for me is not the headmaster but him. And the reason he still not expel becouse of the headmaster. When I turn around to look back at him he is still looking at me. "What do you want? What did you do?"That all I could say. Then he spoke. "I dont know and I dont care what kind of rumore is spreding about me. But I cant when someone wanted to bother me."

As he said that he turn around and signal for me to follow him. For Mitsuya I just follow him but before that I take a quit glance at the headmaster he looking at me with a smile before waving. I dont understand what happening but this dont look good. As he lead me at the toop of the roof. When we reach there he turn to look at me and we made eye contact right away. I feel really cold. Its like my body is alredy dead. He just said. "Do you know what happen to Mitsuya that make him full of bandage." Its not a question but statement. I realise that Mitsuya is bandage up but I dont want to bring it up. I just look at him before his continue "Hakkai... why not we make a deal." Hearing this I stunned. I dont know what this guy up to and I dont know what he actually planed to do. I was about to reject him before he said "We could make it worth for the two side. Only me and you." I think this guy can read people mind. I ask him "What is it?" He just smile and said "Be one of my tool and I wont do anything to Mitsuya." I just look at him with disbelift. Is this guy even a human. Dont he have a heart? Then he continue "That is for my side." I was confuse at first than he spoke again. "While yours,I can help you in anyway in exchange to not intervane with whatever I do even when it risk my life." I dont know what to say. "Anything?" I ask and he answer me with "Even if it is fighting with Taiju." At this time I know this guy is not a human but a real gream ripper. Im afraid to continue but I need to atlest say something.

"If you didnt acept this deal today, Im afraid something worse might happen." I know what he mean. This guy a real danger. I know there is no other choice. "Deal." He smile fade at that moment as I feel cold air surounding us. He walk toward me and said "Just tell me when you need help since I never go back from my word. You can go now." Just like that I turn and left the rooftop fast. I dont even look back and run back too my class room. But I cant stop thinking of the deal I make whit that devil.


Right now we is having a meeting with Toman. Mikey is still searching for him. Then Mitsuya spoke up. "On the way back yesterday I get into a fight with some bastard. Of coure I lose but he suddenly came and help me. When I wake up I was at his house... no it was a mansion. He bandage me up and call my sibling telling them im alright. Then on our way to school it seem like I piss him off by grabing his hand while asking him question. And all of a suddent he said... 'Be mine Mitsuya.' I dont know what he mean."

I was suprise by what Misuya said and I thought to my self 'This is all was plane. He make a deal with me and he know im going to acept the deal. In order to make sure I did not betray him he use Mitsuya. By saying those word he know Mitsuya going to tell us about this. Who actually is that Devil.' When im deep in thought Darken call out for me. He ask if im alright I wanna tell them about the deal I make,but since I alredy acept it I cannot intervane so I lied to them "I meet him when when I finish talking whit the headmaster. He was telling me what happen with Mitsuya but I dont understnad why he tell me that." At first Draken was suspicous but then he ask me why the reason headmaster call for me. I dont know what to said when an Idea pop out "He said that... He call for a wrong student and tell me to call for that guy." I know I look suspicouse but Draken did not ask more about it and just let it go.


After the meeting I went back home but I fell like someone is following me then decide to cheak it out but when I reach there... There is no one. I guest I being a little bit paranoid after the meeting whit the Devil as I continue my walk back to home.

Baji POV

After seing Hakkai run toward his class room from rooftop I decide to look at what his running away from when I reach up there I saw it the person he run away from. It was tbe Unknown guy. I saw him once when Im taking an exam. He sit behind me when crlearly he is not from here. But after he finish he just left. I look at him from a peek of the door but it seem like he saw me as we lock eye with each other.

When the meeting with toman strat I saw Mitsuya bandage up and Hakkai acting... weird? After what Mitsuya said I tought Hakkai going to talk about his ancounter,but he just went silent. He is deep in tought that went Draken call for him.

When said how he encounter him I know right away that he is lying since their talk at the rooftop not the hall,and he just went to class right away and did not call for anyone. When hearing him lie I decide to keep silent about my story.


After the meeting finish I decide to follow Hakkai,but I know he can feel it. He was walking towards me I was almost discover when someoen pull my hand and put one hand at my mouth. I saw Hakkai at my hiding spot. I think he think that he just being paranoid before left. Then the one who pull me let me go. When I look at him my heart beat drop. I saw a figure that I just lock my eyes with at the school roof. That blue ocoen eyes just look at me. I dont know what he doing and why he help me but there is one thing Im sure of he not here for Hakkai since Hakkai alredy lie about their meeting,but his here for me.

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