11.Another Dream

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Draken POV

This unknwon guy tell me to rest first and leave tomorrow. So I decide to do as he said,but it slowly getting boring so I get up to explore this place. It still early. When I was walking I realise this place is big but its quit like a library. I walk and walk till I saw a garden full of flower. It was beautiful but I wonder who take care of this place. I decide to walk around it and I stumble upon him. 'Unknwon?' He was staring at the flower. I was about to leave so I wont bother him but then he said. "Ist beautiful?" I guest he talking to me since no one is here. "Yeah. Who the one take care of it?" I just try to be friendly with him. "Just me and him. No one realy here to take care of it." Yeah,I mean its obvious no one here to take care of it except them. "You should go back in,the food going to get cold." Food?

'Did he prepare a food for me? I tought he going to let me strave.' Well atlest he is not someone like that. I make my way to the dining table and see the same guy as before. "You here!" And he look as happy as always. "Did you the one who cook?" I ask. "No. It was Unknown." I choke on my water. 'Unknown the one who cook? Well i guest that why he is alone with this guy here.' That give me a big suprise. "HAHAHAH you good man?" Does he see me like im in good condition. I really wanna punch him now,but I manage to calm mysefl down and eat. We just have a small conversation untill finish.

"You shouldt move so much with that wound." Ehhh I dindt know he know how to take care of people. "Yeah yeah I know." I left to go back to my room and rest as I quikly fall back asleep.

Hakkai POV

A few days ago I got a massage from Unknown. He said he plant an 'act' traitor in Toman. He also manage to get Mitsuya and Cifuyu as his piece. 'Huhhhh im dome.' I was sitting on a sofa when I got a new massage from him.

"Come to this location." That what it say. I decide to get ready and go there. 'If im not wrong the one who take Draken away is him wasnt it.' After finishing getting ready I make my way to the location and to my suprise this is a mansion. I was about to get in when I was greet with a tall guy. "You... Hakkai right." I just look at him and nod my head. "Ahhh come in. Come in. I been waiting for you." How many people dose he get to his side actually,and who is this guy. But I just decide to follow him and we arive at Unknown room. "Just go in,he is inside." We right now is outside his door and he tell me to go in alone. For some reason this give me goosebump. "Hello?" As I walk in,the door behind me quikly shut. "You here. Take a sit." I could see him sitting on a chair and doing some paper work? I just sit down infront of him and wait. After five minute he put down his pen and look at me.

"Draken will stay here for tonight,I need you to take care of him,so that mean you will stay here for tonight." What? Draken still here? Stay here? I was about to ask when he cut me of. "He will be happy to see someoen he know. After all you still didnt decide what you want." Huh he realky know how to make me nervouse dont he. But he right. I still dont know what I want him to do. But im wondering. "Is im only qualifite to ask for a favor only once or as long as the deal still on?" I ask. He than smile and show me a paper and lend me his pen. "Sign here and you will know." Huh? What? 'Now what is he trying to do here?' I read the paper he gave me and it was an agrement later. This is a deal that we make for both side.


1. No harm to mitsuya
2. No harm to Toman

Sign Sign
Takemichi Hanagaki Hakkai Shiba

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1. Can ask as many favor as long it did
not brake the deal
2. Did not intervane with Takemichi

Sign Sign
Takemichi Hanagaki Hakkai Shiba

---- ----

That is what the paper said. 'Takemichi... Hanagaki... is that... his name.' I never tought i will know his name. I look back at him but his alredy back to work. At first im afraid but since he alredy reveal his name seem like he is prepare with this. I take the pen and sign it than I give it back to Takemichi. He take it and read it again and sign it. "Just becouse you know my name dosent mean other do. That guy going to lead you to your room." I left his office.

'So he mean 'dont you dare reveal my name'.' When I look around I see the guy from before. "It seem like he reveal his name to you." Oh so he alredy know. "Yeah." I just give him a short answer. "Follow me. I show you,your room." I just follow him until we reach there. Probably becouse I was stressing out I quikly fall asleep. But then I woke up in a strange place. It was dark but then I could see someone. It was me? And Unknw- Takemichi? What happening? "Why?" I see my self ask Takemichi. He juat stood there smiling. "Why does it need to end like this?" What end? I dont understand. "You know,sometime we need a bad ending so other will get better ending." Huh? Im lose. "Dont worry Hakkai. Its not ending yet. Its just the begining." As I hear a gun shoot and wake up. "Huh...huh...huh... what the hell is that?" I was breathing hard when soemone suddently burst trought my door. "HAKKAI!!" "DRAKEN!!"

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