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Draken POV

A few days have past. Baji havent said anything after what happen. Kazutaro was capture by police and under arrest. Toman member is all taking a rest while im trying to confornt Mikey. He is not in good condition. He is sitting on a swing while I was standing beside him. I was about to say something when I heard someone voice. "You guys here." It was Unknown. He take a sit at the other swing. There is someone alse beside him. Its not Hanma. It was silent,untill Mikey broke it.

"You know this would happen right?" He ask. "Yes." And Unknown answer him. "Why? What part is worng with us that you need to do this?" He ask again. "Nothing." And Unknown give a short answer again. "Did this fight also part of youre plan? If I decide to not fight with them will thing change?" He ask again. This time Unknown answer quit long. "No. It wont. Since I been seing it for a while now." Seing what? "Unknow? Why dont you tell me your name?" Mikey ask again. I just look at him before saying. "His right you know. Its kind of rude to keep calling you that." He just went silent before speaking again.

"...Hana..." That all. Nothing more nothing alse. "Hana..." Mikey call for him. "Yes." He answer him again. Mikey let out a small laught. "Hana... I been waiting to call youre name." He smile to himself. 'I guest I also been waiting huh.' I tought to myself. "You going to fight with someone Mikey so you need to prepare. Kick Kisaki out before its to late." Hana stand and and turn,ready to leave. "I will. I know it was a wrong move from the start." Mikey answer him back. Seem like he dont mind it but than Mikey continue. "I wanna be your friend,but... you keep getting far away, Hana. The fight between Toman and Valhalla,you the one that intervane, right?" What? I tought im hearing thing until Hana answer back.

"Yes." With that short answer he left with the other guy. So he is the one that entervane that fight and call the police. 'How come I didnt see it?'


Take"Have you send the massage?"


Take"Its alredy been a while but you dont seem happy to see me?"

..."How can I? It just a suprise to see you after a long time,Mitchi."

Take"Really? Im glad."

..."... Why do you even need those two?"

Take"They a best combo. If I get the Kawata twin is also good but they in Toman,right?"

..."So that why you want them."

Take"Are you worried that they going to take youre place,Kaku?"


Kakucho POV

I recive a massage from an old friend. I know the day would come when we will meet again but never once I tought that it will be this fast. He is right behind me. I turn to look at. "Hello,Kaku." He greet me the same way he did for our first meeting. "Hello,Takemichi" as I greet him back i walk to him. 'He getting a bit taller but still short.' As I was staring he continue. "There is something I need youre help with." He ask me to help him give a massage to someone.

After that I follow him wearing a mask and hat that he give me. We at the park and meeting with Draken and Mikey. 'They dont look good.' They have some sort of conversation when all of suddent Mikey ask for Take name. I tought he going to refuse but than he give his family name. "...Hana..." I didnt expect that.


Me and Take is walking back to probably his place. If I remember the rod,we are walking to his place. 'The last time I was there it was only me,but now he have come to this im pretty sure there is other people there. After a small chat with Take we arive. He lead me to my old room. Nothing has change except for the clothe. 'Did he change them?' Take left me so that I can take a shower.


After finishing changing and decide to take a look at the mansion change. While I was walking I stumble upon a door. 'This is Take office. I always come in here.' I reach the door and open it. What I see inside suprise me. "Izana?" "Kakucho?"


..."This is..."

..."Who send us a love letter?"

..."Please dont be stupid."

..."Let me read it."



..."What does it say?"

..."Its that guy."

..."What guy?"

..."The one Hanma probably friend with."

..."You mean the one that want to have a chat with us?"

..."Yes. Read it."


..."He have a beautiful hand writhing right?"

..."Where is this place?"

..."Lets just go there,Rin."

..."Yes yes. Dont pull me,Ran"


After reciving a strange latter from someone we was invite to someplace. I know who was it since there is only one people that invite us before. As we were walking we arive at a big mansion. "That big." Rin said. I walk to the gate and see someone. "Ist this Hanma?" I greet him. "I been waiting for you guys." He greet us back. "So he really youre friend." Rin said. He just smile while leading the way. We right now is outside a door.

"Lets go in." Following Hanma we go in and see some people. A guy with a white hair, a guy with a scar a crose his face and a guy that have a pair of oceon blue eyes. "Hello." I decide to greet them. I was wondering where is the guy from before. "You guys here." That suprise me. 'Is this the one from before. Im pretty sure he dont have a blue eyes but the voice is the same.' "Dont be so suprise. We was wearing a disguise." The one with a white hair answer my curiosity. 'So he is wearing a disguise. Is this guy the one with him that day?' I look at them before the blue ocoen eyes speake up. "Since everyone here lets take a sit." As he said that everyone follow his word. Me and Rin that was behind Hanma just follow him. 'Now this is intresting.'

IG- capriconthegoat
YT- CapriconTheGoat

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