6.The Next Person

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Hanma POV

"Be my first tool and I make sure you will be intertain,Hanma." That word still ringging trough my ear. And its slowly drove me insane. Its like he put a spell at you and you will forever be lock. But,what he said is true he did intertain me with his plan.

"Did you wait long,Kazutaro?" I ask the guy that was standing while looking up the sky. "Where has you been?" He ask. "I tall you someone call for me." But then he looking back at me and said "You mean that mistry 'friend' of your?" 'Its seem he getting suspicous.' Just as I tought everything he said always come true. Its like he can see all of it. Then I answer back "Yep that guy." "Is he really your friend? Becouse you not someone that friend with someone stupid." He said. "Of course! He is... you could say unique." He look at with a piss off face. I mean he always try to find out about Takemitchi,but never once find any clue. Its obvious becouse of my doing. I was task too keep a look out of Kazutaro and Kisaki. I still didnt meet Kisaki but basic from what Takemichi said its almost time he meet with me but I dont know how. So I just do what I always do and wait since his plan always work out the way he want.

"Are you really not gonna said it? You can be label as a traitor you know!" It seem like he really angry this time. "I know. But what can I do when you cant find anything even after you look into it wasnt you?" And just like that he left. As I said he cant find any trace of Takemichi.


I was sitting beside a lake. Im still waiting for Kisaki until "Are you Hanma?" I turn to look at him and that is when I know the plan is strating. The one standing infront of me is Kisaki Tetta. The one I was suppose to work with and make him one of Takemichi chess piece. "What do you want?" I ask him. And just like Takemichi said he make me an offer and try getting me manipulated to work with him. But of course he cant fight with Takemichi when it goes with mind game. So I follow the plan by join hand with him. He tell me all his plan and its all following Takemichi word. I dont know why but now I understand when he said he will intertain me.

After all those talk with Kisaki I told him im gonna introduce him to Kazutaro and Izana. So he agree. I wonder how its going to turn out after this. But there is one thing I know,everything is going the way he want it too.

Cifuyu POV

I was sitting in my class room the subjec is so boring until the class room door open and reveal this person known as Unknow. I dont know why his here but im pretty sure his here for me. When his walking towards me he stop at my table. Im afraid of looking at him so I just look at my teacher that just keep teaching the class like he never here. Then he come closs to my ear and said "Wanna come along,Cifuyu?"

My heart beat almost drop. As I follow each of his steap when we reach another class room and I know who his looking for at this class it was none other than Mitsuya. I didnt follow him but when he come out there is Mitsuya following him. Then he just keep walking and we follow him. "Where are we going?" Mitsuya ask,but there is no answer. We just give each other look but before we know it we is at the top of the roof. He turn and look at Mitsuya before said "Have you decide?" I was confuse but then thing its probably about being mine thing he talk about. "What do I get from this?" Mitsuya ask. I dont want to make thing worse so decide to stay quit while watching.

"You see Cifuyu there?"
"Yeah. What about it?"
"Im also gonna make the same offer to him."

Hearing this make me shoke. His not only want Mitsuya but also me to become his. "What actually you want from us,Toman?" Mitsuya ask and I can hear anger from his voice. "I never said I want anything." I continue with "Then why you bother asking us to be yours!?" I was really angry. "I said I can help Toman in exchange you guys dont but in. Im making this offer becouse I can help Toman and I also can take down Toman. If you guys accept not only Toman but everyone dear to you guys will be safe,atlest from me." Its the first time I saw him talking so much but I dont care. I just yell out in anger "WHAT DO YOU MEAN!? YOU THINK YOU IS SOME KIND OF GOD OR SOMETHING TO SAID SUCH A REDECOULEST THING!?" But he jsut stand there un amaze. "Probably,but I cannot say that im a god since I can die." He said that while look at me. I cannot belive what I heard. He just said that stupid think while lookingat me like saying *so what if im a god?* Im really going crazy.

But then Mitsuya said "I accept your offer." "What?" I look at Mitsuya in shoke. Then he said "If you did not accept this Cifuyu im affraid baji the one whos going to get hurt." I then look back at him. I dont know why but when I look at his eye I can tell what Mitsuya said is true. He really going to go after baji if I refuse. I bite my lower lip before said "I also... agree." Just like that he walk pass us and said "There is traitor in Toman but dont worry about it since im going to deal with it. And someoen going to join Toman soon,that guy is one of my pray so dont try and stop me,Mitsuya and Cifuyu." Then the dore close. I look at Mitsuya. He also was shoke. "There is... traitor in Toman?" He said. I also cannot belive it when he said his pray going to join Toman. "Who could posibly become that demon pray. But since he said 'pray',maybe he been targetting that guy from the strat to make his life a living hell... like us but worse." Mitsuya just nod at me before siad "But what actually triger him into doing this? Is it only for fun or there is something more?"

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