14.Your First Task

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Izana POV

"Dont worry, Kaku will follow you." Wth? Did he just read my mind. I look at him and about to ask a question until. He is my childhood friend." What? Am I hearing thing now? Childhood friend. Kaku did tell me before that he have a childhood friend that is quite mestryous. "So you is the friend Kakucho talking about." I cant tell his axpretion becouse of the mask but I can tell that he is answering my question with a 'smile' right now. "Hanma will help you from now until Tenjiku goes down to it peak." "Pardon?" Did he just said Tenjiku goes down to it peak. "Yes Tenjiku will fall down when you asisination feal. Dont worry I will take care of it. You just need to focouse with youre serounding." Is this guy really safe to make a deal with.

"Follow me Izana." Hanma that been satnding behind me speak up. I dont have a choice and just follow him. Before I close the door I look behind me to see Take waving his hand at me. 'Who the hell is he.'

Hanma show me to one of the room. "This is going to be your room soon. While beside it is going to be Kakucho room." He alredy prepare our room before I even agree. I still didnt expect Kakucho to be his friend. "So we will stay here in the future?" He just smile for an answer. "Take is a smart person so you dont have to worry." 'Of course I will be worry when you said it like that.'

30 minute before

Baji POV

I was having my good time but of course it wont last long. I recive a call from Unknown. 'Cant this guy leave me alone.' "Hello baji." Is it just me or his voice sound diference in a call. "What is it?" I ask him. "I have a first task for you." What? First task? "What task?" I tought my first task it to keep an eye on Hakkai. Is that is just a play to see my loyalty. Gosh this guy is really testing my patien. "I need you... to betray Toman." ... "WHAT!?" I ask him again. "Dont worry, I will take care of everything. Just leave Toman and join Valhalla." What does he mean dont worry. "Wait lets-" But before I get to finish he cut me of. "You can use Cifuyu to prove youre loyalty. Im pretty sure he will understand." This guy dosent even let me finish my work. "I... wait let ta-" and again he cut me of. "I send you his location,find Kazutaro and talk with him I will handel the out come. Remember Kisaki is my target." "HEY WA-" Than he end the call. "Did he just end the call without hearing me out?" Oh gosh. How am I going to do this. 'I guese there is nothing to lose... he going to handel the out come right? I wont die right?' Im really gonna die. I dont have a choice either. Than I recive the massage. He is not that far. Where is he from. Wait... how does he get Kazutaro location? This feel wierd.

'He is really here.' I try to come up with a good reason to come up with and I couldt belive I actually using Mikey name. Luckly he belive me. And I think Unknown know I need to prove my wroth so he tell me to use Cifuyu since he is the closet to me. 'In two days huh. I need to get out of Toman tonight.'

Cifuyu POV

I was just chilling in my room when I recuce a call from we all know who. "What is it do you want?" I ask with an anoying tone. "Baji is betraying Toman." I choke myself. "WHAT?" I ask him in urgen voice. "He is betraying Toman,but this will be useful." Is he crazy. I tought he said he wont touch Baji if I listen. "What do you mean?" I try to be calm. "I promise Baji will be safe,so dont worry all you need to do is support Baji." Huh? "Why?" This my my tirth question. "Baji have  areason why he betray Toman. In two days from now he will join Valhalla and he will leave Toman tonight. In order to prove his loyalty I need you to cooperate." But why? "Why does baji need to leave Toman?" I ask again. "Becouse of Kisaki." And just like that he hang up. 'Kisaki?' I know Unknown Target is Kisaki but Baji? 'Huhhhhh im going crazy with this,but still something telling me to be close with him.'





"Is everything is going acording to the plan?"

"Yes... its perfect."

"Ahhh I cant wait."

"There is 5 more days before the war between Valhalla and Toman,you need to prepare yourself."

"Are you worries about me?"


"Why are you so co-"

"Dont get hert to much..."



"I wont... even if I did you will take care of me right!?"


Hanma POV

After handeling everything Take sit on his chair and face his cardbord that full of chess piece. Each chees piece have their own name. While at his back is stand bord that full of card that have people name and a red treid that connet each card. This is where Take make his plan. Its pretty nice to even stand in this room. 'So its almost near huh.' Even having a small conversation in this room is auch a blessing what a out satnding beside him while he making his plan. Such a blessing. 'This is gow it should heve been from the start. He the one who control everyon movement and control they tought. He the one who bring a destruction in order to ecive his goal of winning this game of his,the bloody path he create,his world where he become the god. No one can take him down.'

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