15.Its Going According To Plan

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Mikey POV

Right now we is having a meeting with other Toman member when all of a suddent Baji come up to Kisaki and pucnh him. Well like everyone alse I also wear a suprise face. "Baji,wth?" I broke the silent. "Huhhhh you think you can hide forever?" What? The hell is he talking about? "Baji what are you doing?" But than what he said next suprise me. "I QUIT!" The hell is this? "Baji there is no-" but than he cut me of. "I quit Toman." Huh??? 'Why?' Why did Baji suddently wanted to left Toman. But before I cound say anything Baji turn around and left. Before his shadow fully disapear he yell out. "I MEET YOU GUYS AT THE FIGHT BETWEEN VALHALLA AND TOMAN!!!" What? How did he know? I never said anything about that. This is also the purpose of the meeting tonight.

I could hear everyone whisper. "EVRYONE SILENT." With this everyone goes silent. "I know everyone fell weird and suprise with what Baji said but im here today to tell you guys that in 5 days we going to start a fight with Valhalla." I went silent to look at everyone. Than I continue. "The one who lead them is unknown but there is one person I known in Valhalla... its Kazutaro." Hearing this name everyone strat to whisper with each other again. "BUT... since Baji is joining Valhalla and I dont wanna fight with my friend,so in this fight our goal is going to be TO BRING BAJI BACK TO TOMAN!!" Hearing this everyone chear. 'Why did Baji left?'

5 days latter

The fight between Valhalla and Toman

Valhalla lead by Hanma Shuji
Toman was lead by Mikey Sano


"So this is fight between Valhalla and Toman before Tenjiku and Toman huh."


"Are you going to intervane?"

"I will... if there is a need."

"If there is a need?"


"Seem like you wont intervane at all."



"I will intervane when I need to, if Hanma is in need of help."

"I tought you just think Hanma as youre tool."


"Ahem... I mean lets watch should we."

Hanma POV

Right now im facing Toman while siding with Valhalla. Just like Take plan I will side with Valhalla to create a fight with Tenjiku. "Hei Hei Hei Toman!!!" I welcome them but seem like they missing someone. Of course I now who is it. "Hmmmm where is another Toman Division Captain?" Hahahhah. Look at they angry face. Is Take here to watch. Where is he. Ahhhh there it is. Take is with Izana watching in disguise between everyone that here to watch. I wave at them and of course everyone watch me than turn to those two. I could see Izana just smiling while Take just the same with his poker face. Than I hear evryone whisper to each other, but I just ignore it. "Are you guys here to watch me fight!?" I yell. "What are you doing?" Kazutaro ask me. I just smile while ignoring him. "Oi we in a fight here dont do anything stupid." He speak again. "Yes yes." I just replay with lazyness.

"Who the hell are you speaking with, we is still here you know!" Mikey spoke up. "Hmmm im sorry I dont see you guys there." They is so angry now. "YOU BASTARD!" I can see Cifuyu yell out in anger but my focuse is at someone alse. Yes it Draken. I could see his suprise face. 'Have I been discover?' I just look at Draken with a smile. "It has been a while, Draken." I greet him,this make everyone attantion turn to Draken. "You guys know each other?" Mikey ask. "I dont... know?" Ehhh. So he going to deny it. Welp it cant be help. "Hmmmm Baji look at this. Its Mikey!" Kazutaro walk to the front. "It has been a while Mikey!" He speak. "What the hell do you want?" Seem like its not really working. "What I want? I dont want anything. Since I alredy have everything." Have everything? He almost lost everything if I didnt stop him from hitting Take. But my eyes still meet with Draken.

While Kazutaro is taking everyone attantion I spoke with Draken with our lips. "how has you been,Draken?" Seem like he can read my lips. "so you is that guy huh." Hahahah. He is pretty good. "has I been discover?" Its really impresive. "you know this would happen that why you said to wait,right?" I just smile as an answer. "WE HERE TO TAKE BACK BAJI!" Suddently Mikey yell out at Kazutaro. Indid thay only here to take Baji back, but sadly they cant take Baji even with force becouse of Take. But now my attention when to two other people that had been watching this fight.

'So this two is the one Take been talking about. Ran Haitani and Rindou Haitani.' This duo is pretty good. But I still didnt see they fight. Take said that he has fight with them before and they pretty good but still cant take down angry when he is using his full power. Than is he going to take them in after this fight or is he going to take them in after the fight with Tenjiku. Suddently I was snap out of my tought when Kazutaro and Mikey strat this fight. 'I guese I need to wait to find out.'


"So who do think going to win?"

"I think its Toman."


"I mean they have the Invincible Mikey right?"

"You right."

"Am I bothering?"



"Seem like I didnt."

"No you ac-"

"No,of course you not. You need something?"

"Are you guys Ran Haitani and Rindou Haitani?"

"What ac-"

"Yes is there is something wrong?"

"Ahhh I have something to talk with you guys about. If you guys have some free time after this can you guys come to meet with me?"




"Why did you accept,brother?"

"Dont you see,thit guy is the one that Hanma wave his hand at."


"Yes. This mean that guy might be someone powerful,Rindou."



"Have you greet them,Take?"

"Yes,they going to join Tenjiku in the future and im going to use them really wisely, so take care of them for the time being,Izana."

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