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Izana POV

Just like Take has explain,the fight going the way it suppose to. But than its all change whan Hanma getting a big punch from draken. Becouse of the punch Hanma was send so far back. For some reason I fell chill run down my spine. I turn to look at Take,and just like I predict he dont look that good. He send out a murderous oura. "Take?" I try to talk with him but than he said something that shoke me. "Call the police." While saying that he lend me his phone. "What? Have you gone crazy? They can track youre phone number." I try to speake as low as posible. "Just do it." Without looking at me he answer me. I wanna rebel but I think this is what he mean he will intervane if Hanma is hurt. 'Seem like he worries about him.' Than I just follow what he said and call the police. Becouse of the fight between Mikey and Kazutaro everyone attention is at them so no one really pay attention to me.


After telling the police the location Take suddenly stand and make his way towards the fight. He didnt say anything but I decide to follow along. 'He didnt say anything about what will he do if he intervane.' I try to figure where is he going to but I cant since everyone attention now when to Take and me. I cannot act like I dont know anything and walk with a big smile. Than Take stop in between Draken and Hanma. "What are you doing?" Draken ask. Is he going to punch Draken for what he did. Im so confuce. But than he just turn towards Hanma. I dont know what he did but I decide to turn to Draken. We both make eyes contact. Thanks to the disguice no one can see my real self. After a while Take walk away and I follow him. I take a quik glance back and see that Hanma attacking Draken when he let his guard down. I wanna ask what did he do but than decide to stay quit.

Now we is right infront of Cifuyu and Baji. Seem like they confuse just like me. "What the hell you doing here?" Baji ask. But Take just stay silent as he make his way up the broken car. Even the way he make his way up seem cool. "Cant you hear me?" Baji ask again. But this time Take open his mouth which make Baji and Cifuyu seprise. "Seem like its going pretty good here." Probably becouse they alredy remember his voice. "You... what the hell?" This time Cifuyu speake up. "I dont want to make thing difiquelt but... he make me pretty angry." As he said that I can tell he is really angry at Draken. I take a step back from Take,but before I know it he suddently kick baji and dodge an attact from someone. 'What the hell!' It was an attact from Kazutaro. He did say that Kazutaro going to try to kill someone,but if Kazutaro knife still in his hand where the hell did he get that knife?

Right now Mikey was left alone after Kazutaro escape from him. Kazutaro plan is to kill Baji or Cifuyu I dont know. While Baji try to get back to his feet and Kazutaro is in confusing while Cifuyu still in a daze,Take is standing with a knife in his hand. 'What the hell is that move. I never see something like that.' He move so smoothly like he is dancing,when he kick Baji and dodge an attack like it was nothing. Sometime I wonder how powerful is this guy. But today my question is answer. 'Is Kakucho really friend with him?' Than why is he never introduce his friend? Right. He said something like 'My friend is really strong but... once he get what he want he will never let it go. Even now when im not with him I can tell he is watching each of my move and just waiting for the right moment to collect me.' That is what he said. But I was snap out of my tought when something run past us and goes straight to Kazutaro.

It was Mikey,he seem angry. He punch Kazutaro without stoping. 'So this is Invinceble Mikey? So pathetict.' We just watch without stoping him. I can hear Draken yell out his name and run to his deraction but than I hear Take whisper a word. "Hanma." Did he call Hanma? I than look back at Hanma. Seem like he get the massage as he run to Draken and stop him,than they start to fight again. I look back at Take wonder what he going to do next but than Baji run past us towards Mikey and Kazutaro while Cifuyu follow behind him. Take is walking back down and stop a little back from the comotion,but than I see someone make his way to us. 'This is... Mitsuya and Hakkai.' Does they know Take? "You... did you plan all of this?" Mitsuya ask. Seem like they know him. But how did they know him in disguise? That was weird but whatever. "So what if I did?" Take answer him in angry tone. Seem like he still mad. "What are you doing here. Arent you need to stop Mikey from killing someone?" I decide to speake. "And who are you?" This time Hakkai ask. "Who know?" Seem like he piss of but before we get to continue I can hear yelling from Mikey place. We all turn to look at what happen.

Right now Baji is holding Mikey with the help of Draken,while Cifuyu is chaking over Kazutaro. 'Draken?' Arent Hanma is fighting him? When I look back at Hanma place he alredy disappear so I look back at Take. He seem like he alredy cold down. 'Seem like he tell Hanma to reatret.' I look back at Mikey and the other they is talking about something but I cant hear them. Right at the moment I hear a sirent sound. 'The police is here.' I look at the direction of the sound. "Lets go Izana." Take broke the silent. "Did you call the police?" Mitsuya ask. "So what?" As I said that I follow Take as we left. I take a quik glance around I can see Valhalla and Toman member reatret while Mikey and the other also reatret and Kazutaro was left behind. 'Why did he was left behind?' But I can see that Baji cant do anything as he left with the other. We were walking towards somewhere but I still dont know what just happen and where is Hanma. But i still remember something. That guy that I saw running. Im pretty sure he is part of Tenjiku. 'Kisaki Tetta.'

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