19.A Favor

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We settel down on a couch. I was sitting beside the white hair guy and Ran is sitting beside me. Hanma and the guy with a scar a crose his face is sitting beside the blue ocoen eyes. "Lets get to intrudaction first." The blue oceon eyes breake the silent. "I go first." I decide to speake. As everyone nod I introduce my self.

Ran"Ran Haitani. Just call me Ran,im 17 years old. I was invite here probably by you blue oceon eyes." I said while pointing my finger at him.

Rin"Huhhhh... Im Rindou Haitani. Just Rin and im 16 years old. Also invited." Rin said with a his head down.

Izana"Izana Kurokawa. 16 years old. Lets just think I was given a 'good' deal so that is how I ended up here. And im a leader of Tenjiku." So he is a gang leader.

Kakucho"Im Kakucho. 16 years old. A childhood friend of this guy. I was... you could said being colleted after geting put a side for a very long 'time'." Well that was weird.

Hanma"Hanma Shuji. 17 years old. I was his loyal aide and a close piece of his." That also weird. What piece?

Take"Takemichi. Takemichi Hanagaki."






Take"...Just call me Take when we gather like this and call me Hana when there is other people. Im 16 years old. The one that gather everyone here today."

That was weird. Why is everyone react like that when he introduce himself. I look at Rin that also seem confuse. "So you decide to gather everyone here for what?" I decide to breake the silent. "Right. I have an offer for yo-" But before Take get to finish Rin cut him of. "We refuse." He said without even hearing the offer. "Rude." Hanma said with an angry tone. "I think you should hear him out. I mean,im also hear becouse I heard him out." Izana intervane. "Right. Lets hear him first Rin." I try to calm him down and luckly he lisent.

"Its nothing much. Just for you guys to join Tenjiku and help Izana and Kakucho." Help. Who,us? I was about to ask something when he cut me of by saying. "You guys will do me this favor,right?" 'Wait... did he just said FAVOR!!??' I look at Rin,he is confuce. Of course,who wouldt. Im the only one that see what happen that day since Rin faint before he came. "You... dont tell me you is that guy!?" I ask him in an urgen voice. "Of course the Haitani wont forget the favor that I ask for,right?" I was so shoke that I cant hear anything as the memory fly back to me.

1 years ago

Ran"Ehhh you guys really made me mad you know."

Stanger1"Well is youre brother here to help you out!?"

Rin"ugh shut the hell up..."

Stanger2"He can still talk?"

Stranger3"I wanna see what can a brat like him do."

5 minute latter

Stranger1"He quit tought ist he?"

Stranger2"Fuck! He make me lost my teath!"

Stranger3"HAHAH!! I wanna see what can he do after I breake his leg."

Ran"Hahah go fuck yourself."

Stranger2"This bastar-"

..."You good Ran?"


Stanger1"The hell you want?"

Stanger3"Get out of here kid."

..."I didnt expect to meet more than one Ran here."

Stranger2"You... COME HERE YOU BASTARD!!"

Ran'What the hell is he doing?'

..."You have no patien at all *bang*"

Stranger1"That... ist that... a Gun!!??"

Stranger3"Where the hell did he get the gun!?"

Ran'Gun? Who the hell is this?'

5 minute latter

Ran"Hah? Who are you?"

..."Rin going to be alright."

Ran'I disnt ask that.'

..."I help you today,dont forget to return the favor latter Ran and Rindou Haitani."

Ran"Wh-Where are you going!?"

..."Until than Ran."



'Dont tell me,its this guy.' How can I forget that eyes. The eyes that shine even at night. I laught which make everyone startlet. "How can I forget. Hahhhh... I accept this offer." Without a momemt of hasetation I accept the offer that he still didnt say. "BROTHER?" Ran yell out. Than I look at him. "Sorry Rin,but I cant do anything." He went silent. I turn back to Take and ask him a question. "Have you been planing all of this?" His silent is an answer to me. "So,what the offer?" I decide to get straight to the point.

"Join Tenjiku and follow me after the fall down of Tenjiku." Seing that the leader of Tenjiku didnt day anything than its alredy planed. "Huhhh this is crazy." Before anything Take speake again. "You can either agree with this, with the witnees of Kakucho and Hanma or you can sign an agreement." At first I look at him like 'really' but his look still the same. "Hahhhh.... No. Just I accept the deal with this two witneeses." With that I and Rin join Tenjiku.

After the long talk Kakucho lead me to a room. "This going to be youre room and at the other side going to be Rin room. The one at youre front is Izana room while in front of Rin is mine." I just nod my head and go inside. 'There is going to be a lot of difference thing from now on.'

Before they arive



Kakucho"What? What are you here?"

Izana"No why are YOU here?"

Take"We all know im the one bring you both here."

Kakucho"Why did you bring Izana here?"


Take"I make a deal with him."

Kakucho"What deal?"

Take"Here,read this."

Kakycho"An agreement?"


Kakucho"So youre saying Izana going to die?"

Take"Yes. Now lets wait for them."



Take office

Hanma"What you going to do after all of this finish Take?"

Take"Who know?"

Kakucho"There is a lot of thing you can do. Why not make a new hobbie or... get some fresh air?"

Hanma"I agree with him."


Kakucho"There is still time to think about this,Mitchi."

Hanma"Yes. Take your ti-"

Take"Will you come along,Hanma?"

Kakucho"You can bring him if you want. I can take care of the mansion."

Hanma"... If you want."

Take"... Yes... Lets go together."

IG- capriconthegoat
YT- CapriconTheGoat

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