12.Does He Know?

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Hanma POV

After I lead Hakkai to his room I return to Takemichi. "What next?" I ask him. "Just tell Draken that Hakkai here." But he answer me with something I alredy know. "I know that,but I mean what going to happen next?" I ask him again. "Reveal me." That what he said. 'Am I hearing thing?' But he look serious. "You mean reveal you to who?" I ask again want an explanation. Than he look at me and said. "To Kazutaro,who alse?" 'Oh. Oh... wait.' "KAZUTARO!!??" I accidently yell out but luckly Take office is sound proof. "Yes." What is he planning now? "How?" I give in. "Just do like you always do. Now go out and do your thing." As he said that I get out of his office. 'What does he mean do just like how I use to do?'

I decide too just shrug it of and go to Draken room. He is still asleep so I left to take some fresh air first. After a few hours I manage to come up with how to reveal Take. I than get up to see Draken again and luckly he is a wake. "Hey! You wanna know something?" I ask him and he just look at me anoying. "Hakkai is at the next room!" I continue. "You should go there to see him." As I said that he get up and go to the next room. I can hear his scream from here. 'They act like they never see each other. Well it none of my bisnes,I have something more importance to do.' As I left the mansion to do my thing.


After I arive at our hide out I see Kazutaro waiting for me. "Hoi Kazutaro." He than turn and look at me with anoying look. 'Hahhh this people. Not even Take even show me his anoying look what even I do. He only anoy at someone alse.' "Have you been waiting?" I ask him. "What do you think?" Seem like he angry. "Hei hei. I heard someone from Toman going to join in." Hearing this Kazutato look at me again. "What?" Cheak mate. "What? If im not wrong his name is ummmm Right! Baji Keisuke." I smile while saying that. It was really funny to see his shoke face. "How do you know that?" He is so angry right now. "Ehhh I tought he here alredy,I guest im wrong then. Just forget what I said." I push him far enough. As he stand up and walk to me. "I ask you how did you know?"

"Fine fine. Remeber my unique friend?" I ask him. "Yeah what about that?" He really clueless. "He is the one that tell me that." Yes. That suprise face. That what I wanna see. It such a pity Take is not here. "How does he know that?" HAHAHA what kind of face is that. "He have his way." As I say that I was about to leave when he suddently grab me. "Take me to him." This is what I been waiting for. "Sure."


I was on my way back to the mansion with Kazutaro. I inform Take before head so those two wont see us. "Kazutaro. When you meet him just call him Unknown." It doesnt seem like he care. Just like that we arive. I lead him to Take office. "You still not finish yet." I call out to Take. "So this is your friend Hanma." I just smile. Take than look at Kazutaro and signal us to take a sit first. I lead Kazutaro to sit on the sofa while waiting for him. "What is he doing?" Kazu ask. "He have some work to do. Just wait for a bit."

After 5 minute Take stand up and walk toward us. He sit on the oposide side to face us. He have some paper on his hand. "So how the hell do you know Baji will join Valhalla?" Such disrespect. Luckly Take not soemone that really care. "How do you think." But he is someone who can make people mad so easyly. "Dont be such a sarcam,just becouse you rich you wanna act so almighty?" Huhhh this guy really clueless. "Unknown just tell him alredy." Im alredy tired with this. "Just wait. He will come to you and at that moment you know I wasnt liying. Hanma lead him back." Than Take stand up and go back to do this work. Seem like Kazutaro is angry since he stand up to attack Take,but luckly I manage to stop his attact. "Kazutaro,I bring you here to meet with him not to create trouble." This is really pissing me off. Probably seing my reaction he brust out the door to leave before that he look back at Take and said. "You better not liying." Then he left. I look back at Take. "Is it hurt?" He ask me. "No." I just give him a short answer and stay beside him while his doing his work. I know Take batter than anyone. He said this is all the game he need to win but I wonder what game he talking about.

"What going to happen next." Well its more like a statememt to me. "Just wait,and you will see it." Never give me a clear answer wasnt he. But than I fell someone hand holding my hand. "Take?" He is holding my hand and exemening them. "Are you worries?" I ask him but he didnt answer me. Take dosent know he sometime act really cold but sometime he act really... nice? You could say he has kind of wierd personality,but I know im the only one thst can see this. That is why I will stay loyal to him to see what future he going to create with his capebility. He someone that shead no tears and he someone that will do anything to win this so called game. I then grab his hand that been holding mine and plant a kiss at the back of it. "Let me stay by your side forever,Takemichi."

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