3.Be Mine Mitsuya

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Mitsuya POV

"Mitsuya,you is one of my fovorite piece after Cifuyu." "Hah... Hah... Hah..."  I was breathting havyly as I wake up from a nightmare. Then I take my time to calm down. After taking my breath under control I look a round. I dont know where Im at and at that moment I remember someone help me. Then I get off bed and look around. The room that im in is big. And I mean really big for one person then I saw one big mirrow as I walk toward it. I look at myself and I saw that my cloth has been change and all of my wound had been treated. But I was blushing hard when remembering someone change my cloth. Then decide to shrug it off as I saw my beg and phone near the bed. I get my beg then cheak my phone. My Phone is fully charge and there is no miss call or massage. I was wondering why there is no one reach out for me then I get out of the room and I was suprise that im not in a normal house but im in a mansion. A big mansion.

Then I decide too look for my savior. Then after a few time of walking I reach the kitchen there I saw a beg and food that alredy been prepare. Then to my suprise there is a voice come from my back "Sit down and eat first its still erly to go to school." I was really shook and was about to turn around but then he just walk pass me and sit on the cair and just eat his food. I then just do what he said but before that I look at This guy infront of me and to my suprise this guy have black hair and ocoen blue eyes. I was about to ask him but then he cut me off by saying "I call your siblings and tell them you not going to return yesterday." I stunned with the sunddent mantion of my siblings. Then I ask him "Are you... the one who help me yesterday and change my cloth and bandage me up?" He didnt answer,I mean its pretty obvious it was all him.

But then he spoke "Eat up before it turn cold,your cloth is in that bag" as he said that he didnt spare me a glance and just continue to eat. I just follow what he said.


After finish eating we get ready to go to school. After he lock his house we walk to school together but no one spook. Then I decide to break the silent "You is the guy that Cifuyu is taking about wasnt you... Unknown?" He just keep walking and there is a courage suddently come up inside of me and I walk fast and hold his hand. Then he stop and look toward me. Then I look at his eyes and shiver run down my body,now i understand what Cifuyu and Draken mean by 'cold'. That blue ocoen eyes that have no light at all looking down at me. I cant do anything my body froze even my hand that holding his wouldt move. Then he whisper right beside my ear he said
"Mitsuya erent you suppose to repay my kindness."

I dont know what to do. I could only stare at those eyes. Then he smile and said "Be mine Mitsuya." Hearing this made my heart drop. I dont know what he mean but there is one thing I understand hes not a good news. I rather being beating up by those guys then being saved by him. "W-what?" That all I could say at the moment. Then he just said "Think this as how you get to repay me Mitsuya." Then he just turn around and walk away. After a few minute I snape out off my thought. 'Be mine Mitsuya.' That the only think I could think off. I dont know what he mean.

Then i reach my school and meet whit Hakkai. I wanna told him but then decide not too. I know Hakkai realise this but then I decide to speak before him " Hakkai what do you think about Unknown?" I know his confuse but then he decide to just answer my question "Basic from what Cifuyu and Draken said he really sound dangerous and mestry. I dont know what to think since I didnt saw him." I understand since I also like that before meeting him in person. I still cannot forget the way he look at me whit those eyes. It fill like when you get to him you could never return back. I know that time I decide to eat with him I alredy fall for his trick and just at the palm off his hand. I dont know what going to happen soon but I know its not a good thing.

Hakkai POV

I been looking at Mitsuya since he arive I dont know what wrong until he ask about Unknown. At that moment I know he meet with Unknown. But I dont know how and what actuly happen between those two but I could see his fear and the way his acting weird. Then I decide to not question him. Right after that the bell ring saing that we need to seperate and go to each other class. When I reach my class its just a normal day until an anouncement was made the headmaster want to meet me. It was weird but then I go along. The teacher let me go and I make my way to the headmaster office but when I reach there the headmaster just look at me and ask "You need something?" I was confuse and said "You make an anouncement and call for me here." But the headmaster just look at me and smiling without saying a word. I feel wierd so I just left but when I steap outside I was great by someone I didnt expect to meet.
"You is Unknown... right?"

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