8.Scary Dream...

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Mikey POV

I cannot think straight. That dream no nightmare is the worse. There is Unknown,Kisaki,Hanma and me? What the hell is that? I wanna shrug it of but I cant. As I get my self ready to go out and meet the other.


After we all gather I see some is missing so I ask. "Where is Cifuyu and Mitsuya." Hearing this everyone went silent. It seem like no one know. Well those two is the last peron to meet with him. But then just let it be and tell the rest of them about my dream. Some of them said it was becouse I think to much about him while some of them said it kind of suspicous. I dont know as well but I can tell it trying to tell me something.

Mitsuya POV

I was on my way to meet Mikey and other until he stand outside my house. "What?" That all I could say. "Come." He really just give me commend like a dog. But since I alredy acept him I could only follow. Then we reach Cifuyu place. He just about to get going when he saw us. "Huh?" Of course it was confusing. But we just stay silent as we follow him. The place we reach is a mansion. He let us in. "Where are we?" Cifuyu whisper to me. "This is his home." I answer. Well I could see his suprise face. "Sit down first." As he said that he left to get something probably.

"How do you know this is his home?" Im the only one know now Cifuyu also know. "This is where he bought me when I faint." Well he seem like he understand. We just look around until we saw a big frame. A frame that show a picture of a man. "Who is this?" Cifuyu ask. Well I never see it before so "I dont know." I answer. "From his hair colour and eyes colour its that..." But my word get cut of. "That is me." As we turn to look at the voice. Unknow has return with a new clothe on. "Tell the other,you guy cant join becouse of me." With that I make eye contact with Cifuyu. As Cifuyu nod he take out his phone to talk with the other. I turn my head to look at him back. "Tonight is not going to go smoothly." I want to ask more but he just cut me of. "Just wait for the signal and go there." Huh? What the hell is this. "What do you mean?" He just look at me before said. "Dont worry about it." This psycho. I really wanna punch him but then. "Hey is that a mark left after getting punch?" I ask. "This?" He ask while pointing at it. I just nod my head. "I let the 'traitor' punch my face." He just said like nothing happen. Cifuyu that just finish talking with other said. "What!!?? You just let that person punch you." Well it was kind of shook to heard him said he let someone punch him. "Do you guys know that im the one who plane this traitor?" He ask no its more like a statement.

"What?" Cifuyu ask. "I choose him since it will be easy to deal with thing." "Who?" He look at me like he dont understand. "Who is it?" I ask again. But then he just smile and said. "Dont worry just like you guys he dont have a choise." I than slam my hand at the table and look at him. "You think this is funny? Who do you think you are? If that Kisaki guy is your pray than take him down on your own why do you need to get Toman in this mase?" I know he can see me anger. Even Cifuyu was speechless while looking at me. "*laught*" he just laught while claping his hand than stod up following with Cifuyu. "Huh?" I was confuse. "This is why you is my second favourite." I was really confuse. "You know Mitsuya,the reason why I make you guys involve is becouse he also making you guys involve." Hearing this I lost my word right away. "You mean Kisaki?" Cifuyu ask. "Right. That guy the only one who understand me,but sadly he... is to stupid to fall for all my lie." He smile like a psycho. But then it quikly change to his poker face. He then said. "Just wait here until night and go when time come." With that he left. The both of us still speechless with what he said. "Is this really ok?" As I remember my dream and the last thing I heard before faint.

What does it mean. I fell like those two thing is conneted. As I slowly fell asleep. And there it is I saw the Unknow guy in my hand cover in blood. The weird thing is that I see him there with me while im standing here looking at them. I dont know what happen but I could see someone alse there and was having a gun in his hand. It was... Mikey. I cant say anything and just decide to watch this. "Why? WHY DID YOU SHOOT HIM!!??" Seem like im angry. "Huh... I... that..." Seem like Mikey also speecleess. "You know I always like you Mitsuya,but sadly you cant take Cifuyu place just like that." Seem like Unknown also ready for this. "I dont care. I dont care who you like the most so just hold on and I call for ambulance." What actually happen? But Cifuyu place? "You will forever be at the second place Mitsuya,becouse you will always become my second favourite piece." And just like that I wake up from my sleep. I was breathing hard. Trying to understand what happen. Does that dream mean something? Is he saying that Cifugu is his favourite piece while I was he second favourite? What the hell is this? As I look at the side,there is Cifuyu also sleeping. I look out it still early so I deside to just take a strall around and meet someone unexpacted. "Ahh so you also his piece."

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