20.The End The Beginning

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Mikey POV

It has been a week since my last meeting with Hana. In this week I regain my self and have a talk with Baji. I tell him I alredy forgive Kazutaro. It was all find until a news of Emma getting in danger. Me and Draken rash to the hospital. The doctor said that she is find. While waiting for Emma to woke up I see someone enter the room.

"Ah! Sorry. I tought no one here." She was about to leave but I stop her. "Its okay. You can stay." She turn back at me. "Thanks! Im Hinata. Hinata Tachibana. Im Emma friend." Ahhh. Right. Emma did say she has a friend name Hinata. "Are you also there when Emma was injure?" I ask. "Ah! Yes. But! Its not me that help Emma. It was my friend." Did I scare her. "Your friend? Can I meet that person to thanks them?" No. I didnt scare her but she just fell scare when talking about this friend of her. But than she hand me a paper. "I-im here just to see Emma,I will leave now!" As she said that she left.

I just look down at the paper and open it. "After this fight,I hope you forget me Manjiro Sano." That is what the latter said. I dont know who is it,but calling my name like this could only be him,Hana. But Hinata said its her friend. Is that why she is so afraid? I guest it make sense. I was wondering who could have hurt Emma but there is only one person come to mind. 'Kisaki Tetta.'

3 days latter

Me and Draken was in despair that we didnt leave Emma side. Mitsuya and the other is in a fight with a big gang that was under control of my 'sibling'. 'Tenjiku that was lead by Izana Kurokawa.' I dont know the situasion and I dont want to know. Since Kisaki there as a member of Tenjiku I cant bare to see his face. 'After talking with Hana that night I kick Kisaki out of Toman,is that way he try to kill Emma.'

"You should go." I turn to look at the voice behind me. I was alone since Draken is going to toilet and Emma is sleeping. Even hearing the voice alredy make me cold. "Hana..." I look at his eyes that shine trought the night. "Your friend going to die if thing continue like this." I know that but I cant. "I told you I help Toman if you guys didnt intervane. Let me keep my word Today,Manjiro." Ahhh right. From the first day I meet him I always fell cold but in reality that cold fealing is the one that always confort me. "Yes. Yes lets go and help the other." As I said that Hana go out and I follow behind. We bump to Draken that look confuce. "Lets go." As he said that I pull Draken and follow Hana. "Where are we going?" We were raiding Draken bike while Take is raiding his own. "To save Toman." Hearing this Draken look at me and understand imedeatly. We were raiding at a full spede to get there fast.


We arive. I can hear people fighting but than Hana stop. "Why did you stop?" At first he just look at the front but than he spede his bike and went to the front seing this Draken follow along.

Right now Hana was making a space around Izana with going around with his bike. Everyone stand back seing this. I get down from Draken bike and goes to Izana. "Well well well. Look who we have here. Its our invincible Mikey." He look insane. As hearing this Hana stop his bike ans get down. Everyone present is now looking at him.

With this I can see the Divison Captain and Vice Division Captain face. Basic from that I can tell who have meet Hana.

Draken the first to meet Hana,they meet when Draken is waiting for the other at the shrine.

Mitsuya was save by him. He was offer to became his.

Than follow by Hakkai. He meet Hana at the headmaster room and have a talk at the rooftop.

Baji also meet him. They meeting is not that good.

Than Cifuyu who he meet along side Mitsuya second meeting

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