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Wassupp Guys???!!!

anyways, I love you guys so much and thank you so much for having a look at this story. I received some amazing comments on the Note and they have encouraged me to update early! woop woop x

This chapter is dedicated to @PercyArtDirectioner! Cuz she amazing and really sweet :)

This is my second story and I hope you like it as much as you like my first story "Torn" (Ziam,Lilo&Larry)!!! that is if you read torn

So lets begin :)


*Liam's POV*

"What did that Prat pack in his suitcase? It's fucking heavy" Niall groaned, as he carried Harry's suitcase up the stairs. We had just finished cleaning up our new house and decided which bedrooms we wanted. You see, we had just moved to Forks after finishing our high school in Ireland. We had decided to do our further studies in Forks. Me, Harry and Niall.

Forks was an amazing place, even with its rainy weather; dangerous but beautiful. This place was well known as people believed this is were most of the Vampires lived. Vampires who were a danger to our kind, who killed our kind. I hated them. I had a reason to hate them, I had a reason to feel anger towards them. I never spoke about it, actually I never spoke about anything much nowadays. I never see the point in talking to people because it's leads to trusting them and I hated trusting people because they will always find a ways to break your trust and smash it. Niall and Harry were the only ones I could trust after what happened, they were the only ones who knew what happened that night. However, I never spoke of it and they never even dared to mention the horrific events of that night to me because it broke me and I know I could never return to who I was before because I was lost and no one would ever be able to find me

"Li, mate you alright?" Niall asnwered, as he skipped downstairs, panting rather heavily after carrying Harry's massive suitcase. I gave him a slight smile and a nod, he immediately got the message that I was ok and grabbed my, as light as a feather, bag and ran upstairs. They were used to it. They were used to the nods and the small weak smiles. They didn't dare to make me talk anymore because they knew I wouldn't be able to pull it off, I had gone too deep. They didn't try to get me to talk , they just tried to get use to the new me.

My head snapped up at the noise of the front door opening. Harry's head popped in through the door as he took of his coat, which was dripping with droplets of water. Underneath his bright orange beanie that he had just pulled on, his curls were slightly wet. He made his way towards the kitchen, with his face pulled up into his usual charming smile.

"It's pouring outside, gonna be tough living with this weather, huh?" He said, as he ruffled my hair. I shrugged not in the mood to talk back. It was usual. Harry gave me a small smile, while rolling his eyes and moving towards the fridge where I had just put the food in. The fridge was full right now, but not for long. Niall was in the house, remember. Swiftly, Harry opened the door and pulled out a can of coke. He gestured the can towards me. I shook my head and leaned against the counter.

"Guys, Guys we have a neighbour!" Niall screamed, as he raced downstairs grabbed a packed of crips and raced outside effortlessly leaving the front door open. It wouldn't be too long before one of us gets kidnapped in this house.

I frantically rolled my eyes, shaking my head lightly at the thought of what Niall would do if someone broke into the house. Offer food. 

"You coming?" Harry asked as he moved towards the front door to follow Niall. I hesitantly nodded as I gathered my self up. I hated meeting new people. I hated it. But this was the neighbour. I had to make sure the neighbourhood was safe for us.

"It's gonna be fine, just the neigbours Li" Harry wrapped his arms around me tightly. Him and Niall were the only ones who were allowed to come this close to me. I hated physical contact too. 

We went outside. The rain had finally decided to stop, but the sun was still hiding behind the dark, grey clouds. It was dull, gloomy and it made me think of that night. I grabbed Harry's hand, holding it tightly. He instantly got the message, and tightened his hand's grip. He could always figure out when I had thoughts about that night and tried to give his best comfort to me. But it didn't always succeed. Niall was already busy talking to our neighbour, he was a guy and he looked around our age.

Shakily, my breath stopped as his bright blues eyes followed mine and Harry's movement. He had the most amazing eyes ever and light feathery brown hair, that were styled to the side complimenting his face. He wore a welcoming smile that set my heart on fire. No, I wasn't allowed to feel like. I promised myself and my heart. But this boy in front of me, just made me feel weak on my knees.

"Hi, Louis" He said. His eyes flicked towards to mine and Harry's glued hands and I could make out his eyes going dark. But then Quickly, he looked back up as if nothing happened and offered a bright smile. I gripped Harry's hands as I felt my knees about to give out. His smile...NO LIAM!

I gave him a small smile back, surprising myself. Why am I letting my walls down? No, I can't let them down just because I saw a stunning boy with stunning blue eyes. I couldn't trust him, No! I never trusted anybody and I don't want to. My eyes widened at what I had just done. How could I open up to someone? No they will just break me! He will just break me! I don't even know anything about Louis! No, I can't let this happen. I let Harry's hand fall free and quickly turned around, I ran as fast I could through the front door locking it. I leaned against it as the tears streamed down my cheeks.

I can't it happen again...No Liam you can't.


What do you think? I hope it was a good start!

Anyways the next chapter will be in Tommo's POV!!! woop woop

Any ideas on what happened to Liam? What caused him to break down and built up his walls???

I wanna see those




FAN! (if you want :)

Hope you liked it :)

:) <3

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