¢нαρтєя 3

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So I am updating as I promised :) I am not too sure about this chapter but I really wanted to update so ye. I swear I will think more when I update the next chapter. Also, I will be able to update more as Half term is commiinng :) woop woop

Oh and in the last chapter, I wrote that Louis felt his heart race, well he didn't cuz he is a vampire and vampire don't have heart beats, so I made a mistake. I have now corrected it so no woorriiess :)

Hope you enjoy and please feedback :)


*Liam's POV*

Violently, brushing my hands over my watery eyes, I moved away from the door. I weakly, ran up the stairs to my room, moving straight to my bed. Pulling my blankets up, I slid inside them burring my head into my soft pillow. I violently shook, as the sobs came back. Whatever I did, Whatever I thought, I was never able to forget that night. I would've never imagined something like that happening to me, But it did and it hit me pretty bad as well.

Whenever I let my walls down -even for a minute- I was reminded of that night again and again. The nightmares would get worse as well. That was partly the reason for me not letting myself trust anyone, I got nightmares, nightmares that haunted me to death. This is why I couldn't let my walls down for Louis. He was just one of those people who didn't care about my feelings, he would only gain my trust and then joyfully break it. And why should I even trust Louis? I just met him, I had just heard him say a word, why was I getting so attached to him?

I whimpered weakly, as someone knocked loudly on my door. I gripped my bed covers and I turned my head towards the door, tears still streaming down my face. What if it was them? Were they here to hurt me?

*Harry's POV* (yay!! 2 pov's in 1 chappie)

I quickly ran up the stairs after finding the front door open, it was closed but Liam hadn't locked it thankfully. I don't what had happened so suddenly, I knew he got nervous meeting new people but he never ran away like this. Louis wasn't bad either, he sounded really nice, so then why did Liam run away so suddenly?

As I stopped outside his closed door, I could hear sobs coming from inside.My heart twisted in pain as I frowned deeply. I hated seeing Liam like this, I hated seeing him so broken and so sad all the time -It pained both me and Niall. Liam wasn't always like this, he had once loved talking to people, meeting them but now that would be the last thing on his list. He had changed so much after the incident, it scared me but I was beyond glad to see him coping with all the shit he didn't deserve at all. I know he has been trying to open up, to forget about everything that happened but I also know it wasn't that easy.

I sighed, breathing deeply before knocking quiet loudly. I could hear his sobs stopping and some shuffling but no movement came from the locked door. I knocked again, this time more gently afraid that I had scared him.

"Li, please open the door. It's just me" I pleaded, my voice really gentle. I heard him sigh in relief but he still hadn't movement.

"Nno..go. awayy! justt l-eav-e m-me alonee..." His voice was weak and hoarse. I could immediately tell that he had been crying really badly. His voice sounded so broken and I just wanted to scoop him up in my arms until he would go back to the old Liam. And Hell, he was stuborn and if he said he wouldn't open the door then he wouldn't. There was only one thing to do.

I went back downstairs, grabbing the set of keys that were sitting on the kitchen counter before racing back to Liam's room. I quickly reached Liam's room before placing the key in the key hole and slowly opened the door. My gaze immediatly found Liam who was had laid down on his bed, his back facing the ceiling. His whole body shaking violently and his sobs were clear enough to make anyone flinch. Liam's sobs were always like this, they would always sound so painful and so sad, they could make anyone flinch or feel depressed. I placed the set of keys back in my pocket as I walked towards the other side of Liam's bed. I slowly slid in next to Liam, gently moving him and wrapping my arms around him.

He grabbed onto me as he silently sobbed on my t-shirt. His face pressed against my neck, making me shiver now and then. I knowingily didn't dare to ask Liam, what was wrong, I knew what he was thinking about and I didn't want him to say anything about it. Hell, I wish he would never even think about that night.

After an awfully long time, Liam had finally gone quiet. His eyes were slightly closed but he wasn't sleeping as I could still make out his uneven breathing. His head was pressed against my chest and his hands were over my stomach while my hands were wrapped around his tiny waist loosely. A while  ago Niall had came in to check on Liam, looking as worried as I felt. We both couldn't bare it when Liam got like this, all broken and in pain. Liam meant so much to us and It hurt us so much seeing him so different and so distant.


Liam whispered, sounding scared. I quickly pressed my lips on his forehead kissing it lightly to assure him that he was safe. He had nothing to worry about, I was here.


"How did you get in to my room?" I chuckled, out of the questions he could've asked, he choose to ask that one. Typical Liam.

"I have my ways, which I am choosing not to tell you" He gave me a slight glare, a smile slowly creeping up on his face before he placed his head back on my chest, this was the Liam, me and Niall longed for. I watched as he tiredly closed his eyes, sleep clouding his eyes.

"Go to sleep, Li! We have Uni tomorrow and before you say anything -It will be fine. Nothing's gonna happen, Niall and I will always be there with you, okay?" I assured him, kissing his forehead again, He nodded tiredly and yawned. He closed his eyes and snuggled more into my neck. I smiled as I watched his innocent face. I just hope everything will go to plan tomorow. I sighed as I closed my own eyes, drifting off to sleep as well.


Not to sure about this chapter :/ sorry!

Anyways, who enjoyed all the lirryness? Don't worry Harry doesn't Liam in a romance way, It's just their friendship! This story only contains LILO! whoop whoop. So, I promise to get more liloness in the next chapter :)

I hope you like and you know what to do




FAN (I like to say fan :D shoulds better)

lots of love xxx

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