¢нαρтєя 21

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so, in the last chapter 3 of you commented but didn't vote, not really happy with that *_* Guys, it only takes a click and just a second. I really want this book to reach 300 votes by the time it gets to chapter 25, so please vote. It means the world to me. 

and here's guess the song!

I'm through will wish the things with you and me could be so good 

Time to wake up or no make ups got make me fool 

and here's chapter 21 and not long until lilo make cute little babies. lol no, jk but not long before they are back! 


*Louis's POV* 

"Zayn, he wouldn't even look at me. Last night, he acted like I was an complete stranger. He fucking ran away from me, FROM ME!" I said, waving my arms around as we entered the canteen. My eyes immediately searched the canteen looking for Liam, but no luck.

"Louis, he is scared and you know he needs time. Be patient" Zayn replied, and I found his eyes searching around the canteen as well. Probably for Harry.

"But Zayn I can't be patient when it comes to him, I love him and I feel so empty without him right now" I said, sitting down on top of the table instead of the chair, who cares? 

"Well, if you do really love him then you'll have to wait, Lou. Give him time to see your love and trust you again." Zayn simply replied and I groaned. He just didn't get it.

I was just about to say something when Harry and Niall entered the canteen. I almost smiled but then I didn't see Liam anywhere. Just when I felt a lump feeling in my stomach, Liam timidly entered the canteen and somehow he was making his way towards Harry and Niall with his head digged in a book yet again. He's such a cute nerd and I just grinned because he was truly amazing and totally worth fighting for.

"I am going to go and talk to Harry" Zayn spoke up, snapping me out of my Liam observation. What? I loved watching him read, it was just adorable the way his nose scrunched up and his forehead would crease up in an adorable and then I had it when his bit his lip.

"I'm coming" I said, as Zayn stood up. Zayn gave me a look that clearly said "Why are you doing this shit?" which I rolled my eyes at.

"I want him back" I growled, staring as Liam again. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could make out Zayn sighing and rolling his eyes before walking towards the trio.

I smiled happily as I followed, and I could already feel Liam's scent engulfing me and I finally felt calm and relaxed.

"Oh hey guys" Niall spoke once he had spotted up. He gave me a smile and I was slightly surprised at his kindness. Lets just say, Niall still didn't trust me enough with Liam.

I turned my gaze away from Niall to find Harry and Zayn making out and not at all caring about other people's lunch. Trust me, no one wants to see that when they are eating. I rolled my eyes leaving them alone as I turned to look at my -yes, he's still mine- Liam. 

His book was now closed and he was nervously glazing around.

"Liam" I said, my voice slightly lowering as his eyes came up to meet mine and I couldn't help but let a smile fall on my face at the sight of him. He gently replied with a smile back, giving me some confidence.

"Come with me?" I mouthed to him and seriously, I have no idea why I am whispering in a canteen but it's just the way things were with Liam. It just came naturally.

Liam seemed slightly hestiant and his smile slowly disappear but he shortly nodded making me grin happily as I grabbed his hand. He didn't flinched like he used to when I had first met him, instead he held on to me tighter, I am not complaining though.

I led us both outside and away from the canteen crowd and soon we both ended up outside, the sun shining brightly on both of us. And no I am not going to burn off, the sun just gave us a warm feeling inside nothing major. It was nice.

"So what class do you have next?" I asked, trying to make a coversation, not that the silence was awkward. I just wanted to hear Liam's voice, I already knew what lesson he had next.

"English" he replied, shuffling his feet around as we stopped near a wall. Liam leaned against it and I could now perfectly watch his face as it reflected against the sun's light. He looked more amazing than ever; his brown messy hair sparkling against the sun and his slightly pale skin looking as delicate as ever. And then there were his eyes, his amazing brown eyes which were missing their spark a minute ago but now they were shining like diamonds.

"God, you're so perfect. I love you" I muttered out without thinking and Liam immediately wiggled around awkwardly, now avoiding my eyes.

"Liam? Please, you can't ignore us forever" I mumbled, trapping him slowly between the wall and me. But I left a good distance between us, not wanting to scare him off.


"I'm s-sorry, I have to g-go" he stuttered out, pushing my arms so that he could get out but I didn't move. I only tightened my arms, we are going to sort this out today.

"God Damn it Liam. What do you want me do? Jus- FUCK!" I slammed my fist on the wall next to Liam's head. He flinched as he looked up at me, his eyes looking scared and pained. 

And we both just stood there in a long silence, I was too scared to speak up. I didn't want Liam to break down, right now.

"Kiss me, Lou" It was a whisper and I wouldn't have been able to hear it if it wasn't for my extra hearing. My eyes widened at Liam's words as I let out a small suprised squeak.

Liam was slowly smiling as I met his eyes and his arms were slowly wrapping around my waist pulling me gently closer to him.

"You sure?" I asked, as my lips now edged closer to his. He gave me a quick  nod as his eyes went from my eyes to my lips.

"Please, kiss me" He whispered against my lips and I smiled before gladly pulling him into a kiss. Moving my lips against his and I definately missed this.


So, there you do. Lilo's back together! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *happy dance* And yeah I got a over excited there but yeah. This chapter was alright, I think but sorry if it was horrible *_*

please please don't forget to





:) x 

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