¢нαρтєя 29

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hello. :)

how's everyone? So, I just have like 5 more days of finals left and then freeddommm. :D Also, 5/6 more chapter left! Time goes quick, eh? 0.o

anyways: L.f.D- this time it's a bit different, because the song is too easy. I will give a line from a song, you have to tell what line comes after it. Simple.

Don't look at me that way

so, just tell me the line that comes after the one above. I really do hope everyone knows this song because if you don't, I am seriously judging you... *-*.

haha, anyways here's chapter 29.


*Liam's POV*

"Fucking touch him again and I rip your throat off your body." Louis hissed as he slammed Josh against the lockers, a small whimper left my mouth as I stared at the two boys in front on me helplessly. I looked towards Zayn who quickly rushed up to stand beside me, smirking.

"Do something" I whispered, nudging Zayn, who just smirked harder, shaking his head.

"Just watch Li" I glared at Zayn, regretting the part where I ever even decided to trust him. I turned to face the other two.

"Stay away from Liam, if I ever even see you anywhere near him just know that, that will be you last day on this earth" Louis said, and I couldn't help but blush at his words, at his possessiveness. And not to mention, Louis looked hot as fuck when he was this jealous. Okay Liam, not now. 

"Last time I checked you left him sobbing in the corridors, you have no right on him" Josh shot back, receiving a thumbs up from Zayn. And this whole situation would have been funny, if there wasn't that nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach, again, that was telling me to stop this before it got out of hand. Louis' a vampire, he could do anything.


"Louis stop, let go off Josh please" I pleaded moving towards the pair, Louis' head snapped towards the side, the side off his eyes watching me as I gulped.

"Stay the fuck out off this" Louis hissed at me before turning back to Josh. And now the nagging feeling was all to clear to me, It wasn't just an annoying feeling. I was scared, I was scared to see someone else get hurt just Iike I had a few years ago, even though Louis would never hurt Josh like that, he was still a vampire and he's anger could erupt anytime. I was scared to see Louis' bad side, see his angry side.

I wanted hide into a dark corner again, get away from everything that was happening right now, I didn't want to see this happen. I didn't want to feel the tears that were running down my cheeks right now and neither did I want to feel that nagging feeling again. I didn't want those nightmares and hell  to return. I ran away from it all and I don't think I can face it again.

"See you even managed to make him cry" Josh snarled and I snapped up just in time to see Louis' fist colliding with Josh's jaw line and then Zayn pulling Louis away from Josh before he could do anything else.


"Please stop crying, Li. God I never meant to do that. I am so so sorry. I can't see you like this, can I just hold you, please" I shook my head, skipping through the TV channels aimlessly. I hugged my knees closer as my eye sight blurred more.

"Liam, please. I know what I did was stupid, I never wanted to you to see that. I didn't want you to see me punch someone, but I couldn't control it. I am sorry" Louis whimpered, the vulnerability in his voice just making me sob more and before I knew it, Louis' arms wrapped around me pulling me into lap.

"I don't know what to do Louis" I whispered into his neck, grabbing a handful of his t-shirt.

"Let me back in, please. I need you too Liam. I can't live without you" Louis whispered into my hair.

"I want to Louis, I need to." I whispered, looking into his eyes as his hands grabbed my cheeks, his lips slowly pecking my temple. 

"Then please do." 

"Just promise, this will never happen again" I whispered, placing my head on his shoulder. 

"I promise. I promise you, baby. Never again" Louis whispered as he laid us both down on the couch. 

"Lou" I said, after a while of silence.

"Yes, Love" Louis asked, his hands running deeper into my curls.

"Why did you ignore me? What did I do?" I croaked out.

"You didn't do anything. It was me. I was scared that I would hurt you just who know who did and I didn't want that. I never want to hurt you" Louis whispered, pulling me up to lay a kiss on my lips. "I love you"

"I love you too and I know you'll never hurt me. I trust you" I smiled weakly, laying another kiss on his lips. "Are we okay?"



Hope that okay, have to say this is my fav chapter so far. :) 


Don't look at me that way

don't forget to tell me the next line, for a dedication :)

and don't forget to





:) x

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