¢нαρтєя 24

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hey :)

been a long time, how are you? OMG, I am so excited for One Direction Stadium Tour!! (Not that I am going :( :( but still) Although I was hoping the big announcement would have something to with Lilo, the tour announcement is still great :D

and here's this chapter's song for dedication, I decided to do 2 since the first one is kinda easy *_*


S_a_ _s     F_y

 Oh and I have posted two new stories, Sparks Fly [Ziam, Lilo, Lirry (a hogwarts story (yepppe (whoop whoop! (too many brackets ^_^))))]

and the other story is called "Beside You" and it's a Lilo/Ziam, so please please check them out?

love all lots and here is chapter 23 (haha @live_love_lilo :))


*Louis' POV* 

"You're so cute when you're reading. Like cuter than a cute little puppy" I said, and Liam giggled, cocking up his eyebrow up at me after he did so. "I am not lying. I want kiss you non-stop when ever I see that face"

Liam giggled again before returning back to his book and mumbling a "You should" thinking that I didn't hear it.

I smirked, pulling him closer and slowly letting my eyes shift towards his lips and I felt my mouth watering as my eyes stared at his slightly apart ones, taking in the way they would slowy tremble as he would breath, the way they would sometimes looker fuller than ever when he pressed them together and I felt so lucky to have felt those warm lips on mine.

"Li..." I whined, Liam looked up giving me his innocent confused look again and that just made me more impatient. "Put the book again"

"Okay fine" He mumbled, clearly annoyed that I had stopped him but his head was now off my chest and he was now nearly on top of me giving me a pout. 

"You said I should kiss non-stop, that's what I am going to do" I stated. 

"How did you know?" He was blushing, giving me shy smile. And I secured my held around his waist, nuzzling his nose as I did so.

"Your boyfriend's a vampire, remember babe?" 

Liam simply smiled at me, no longer flinching at word vampire, before leaning in and gently pressing his lips on mine, I moaned as my thoughts went back to how his lips looked before and I couldn't help but pull him closer, add more passion and lock Liam into me by caging my legs over his own.

I rolled us over, smirking when I finally took control over the kiss, not that Liam wasn't letting me, he was always the submissive one. My tongue longingly swept over his bottom lip and Liam slowly let me in, already out of breath and I pulled away because I may be able to kiss him all day, since I don't really breath but he can't.

"I really hate breathing sometimes" Liam pointed out and I chuckled pushing myself off him.

"I know, I really wasn't joking about kissing you all day" I said, as Liam smiled slipping back on my chest, his head softly laying on my chest and my hands gently playing with his hair.


"Yeah, sunshine"

"How does it feel to be a V-vampire?" he asked, looking up at me, a scared look in his that instantly made me cup his cheeks and peck his temple.

"Why?" I asked.

"I just want to know, I want to know more about how you feel" He mumbled, falling back into my chest and I sighed, resuming to play with his hair.

"It feels normal I guess once you get used to it. At first it's cold and dull and you just have this uneasy feeling within you but then you slowly get used to it and you finally feel like a humany, well as humany as you can."

"And Blood cravings?"

"Well, it's really really bad in the begining and you almost feel like you're adicted to it but then you do get a hold of your self, well some do anyway. Some of us, like me and Zayn actually use animal blood which can be as good as human's but not all people choose to do that"

"Oh. Okay" 

"Li, why do you want to know this?" 

Liam turned around, finally facing me and I could clearly see that pain and dullness in his eyes. I knew this was touche subject for him and I also knew Liam really didn't want to have this conversation but he was and I wanted to know why. I wanted to know why he hurting himself, why he was letting himself go through this.


 "I want to talk about M-Mark, I want you to know Louis"

And it was when he said "Mark's" name was when the tears finally appeared on his face and I sighed, pulling him down to my chest and hugging him as closely as I could.

I knew he wanted to have this conversation with me and I wanted to as well. Although, Liam's past wasn't something that should interest me because it's gone and there is no point troubling him about it but I wanted to. I wanted to know everything about Liam, I wanted to know him better than I know myself.

"Li, love you sure?" I asked, and I could feel him nodding in my chest. 

"I love you, okay and whatever your past is just the past and I am never going to love you less, ever" I whispered, tilting my head and gently pecking his temple.

"I k-know and I l-love you too." And I waited patiently for him to carry on, holding his hands between mine and finally Liam took a deep breath, his fingers strongly curling over mine.

"He was amazing at first, really amazing"


so hope that good, needed a bit of fluff I think. 

don't forget to go to my profile and check out Sparks Fly and Beside You and to leave some feedback behind with the two songs for a dedication :) 


S_a_ _s     F_y

and please please please don't forget to





:) x

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