¢нαρтєя 26

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So i wrote this chapter a while ago, hope it's okay ^-^ 

And this story for now is going to have 34 chapters, so 8 more to go.


I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else

Gets me frustrated

and here's chapter 26.


*Liam's POV*

"Toy Story"

"No way"

"We're watching TOY STORY, Lou"

"No, No, No"

"TOY STORY OR I AM GOING" I pushed my bottom lip out, blinking rapidly up at Louis, who sighed and pulled me up on his lap, kissing the side of my face.

"When you use that face, it's really not fair but okay. I give up. Toy Story it is." I smiled brightly up at Louis, who sighed getting up and putting the movie on. I cheered because Louis and Toy Story together would be just heaven.

"You should really be illegal" Louis stated as he sat down next to me, pulling me back into his cold body. I snuggled up to him, my hands loosely laid over his stomach while his were tightly wrapped around my waist, holding the side of my hip protectively. I kissed his collarbone sweetly before looking up at him.

"You can't talk, Lou" I said, trailing my fingers up to his lips. Louis chuckled as he pecked one of my finger before turning my face around so that it was facing the TV again.

"I can definitaly talk, see Li. Now, Toy Story's on. Shush" Louis said. I rolled my eyes before laying my head down gently on his chest, earning a tight squeeze on the hip from Louis.

Spending time with Louis like this was the best time of my days, just wrapped up in Louis' arms and his cold skin touching mine. Most of my days now were spent like this and to be honest I hardly got to see any of Harry and Niall. Just in the mornings and sometimes when I wasn't locked up in my room with Louis. Not that I was complaining, I could literally live with Louis like this forever.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt two blue eyes staring at me. I looked up from Louis's chest to see him staring right back at me.

"Are you even watching the movie?"  I asked, a small smile threatening to grown as I felt Louis cup my cheek with his spare hand.

"Not really. I am watching something much more interesting" He mumbled, pulling me closer to him, his lips brushing down from my nose to my jawline. And I couldn't do anything but watch his eyes and the love held in them.

"Lou, nothing's more interesting than Toy Story" I joked, he chuckled before his hand pulled my face closer to his. I shuffled around so that I was properly sitting on his lap. I hooked my arms around Louis' neck before laying a soft kiss on his parted lips.

"Don't tell me you call that a kiss" He said, his waist tightening around my waist. 

"But Lou, Toy Story's on" I gave him another kiss, about to turn over when Louis' arms pushed me down , so that I was laying down on the sofa with him lying on top of me. I giggled as Louis' nails pushed in to the skin around my waist, him hovering dangerously close to me.

"Really want you" Louis laid soft pecks up my neck, meeting my lips gently. He gave me once last look, his eyes dark and clouded before his lips were pushed against mine. I whimpered at the force of his lips, my hands instinctively moving up to his hair. Louis hands were never still, sometimes on the hem of my shirt, sometimes rubbing my sides or sometimes cupping my cheeks tightly.

Without realizing it, I buckled my hips up pushing up in to Louis when he had his tongue dashing into my mouth, dancing slowly and gently with each other. 

Louis was somehow furiously grinding agaisnt me, making the whole room hotter than it should be, we never took things this far before. I knew I wasn't ready and neither was Louis, but we both needed to let this go and just feel each other. Not do anything, just feel each other.

I didn't know Louis and been biting roughly down on my lip, until I tasted a strong metallic taste. And before I could think this any further, I felt a strong gust of air and then everything was warm again, and I could no longer feel Louis' cold presence.

"Lo-" I tried, licking my lip quickly, hoping to hault the bleeding.

"No, Li please. Just stay away, get rid of it anything but don't come close to me. I c-can hurt you" He said, his face was buried in his hands and he was facing the wall. I tried to walk towards him but I guessed he sensed it as his fist banged against the wall and I immediatly took a step back.

Saying I was scared would've been understandable, who wouldn't be? I didn't know what exactly I was scared of since I knew very well Louis wouldn't hurt me but just this whole situation carried a scary feeling with it. 

"Go, get cleaned up upstairs, I'm going to go outside for a-a while" And before I knew it, Louis was out of his door. I sighed as I slowly made my way upstairs. 

I stared at my reflection, running my fingers over the nearly dried blood, sighing I snapped out of my trace. I washed my whole face, quickly getting the blood off my lip before going downstairs. I sat down on coach, that smelled so much like Louis. 

I didn't want to go home right now, not before Louis came back anyway. I wanted to make sure he was alright. I turned back to the TV which was still playing Toy Story and It didn't take me long to get back into my movie mood.

Louis didn't came back until around the last 10 minutes of Toy Story, he slowly walked in through the front door, looking as stressed and frustrated as ever. Maybe angry as well.

"You still here?" He shaked off his coat, his eyes not even daring to meet mine.

"Are you okay?" I asked, ignoring his asked question. I slowly stood up walking a bit forward, he still wouldn't look up. "Lou?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that? I nearly killed you" He mumbled, his sad eyes finally looking up, tears brimming. I flinched at his state before walking over to him and pulling him into a hug, he immediately hugged back, his face nuzzled against my neck.

"You didn't kill me, Lou. It was an accident, just forget about it" I mumbled in to his hair, he pulled away, staring at me.

"I need you to leave, I need to think." He mumbled, pecking my temple, his lips lingering before he rushed upstairs leaving me alone in his living room.

I gave Louis' closed room one last look before grabbing my coat and silently walking out.


so, hope it was okay.

don't forget to vote and check out my new story "Love the Way You Lie" (Lirry)





:) x

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