¢нαρтєя 2

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Second update in the week!! woop woop :)

I hope everyone enjoyed the first chapter and are looking forward to the next chapters :) Also, if you find the first few chapters boring please don't give up on the story because I am just introducing the characters and setting the story in the first few chapters so it might seem boring but I promise they will get more interesting as the story goes on :) thank you

Also, I didn't who to dedicate this chapter to, so whoever gives me the best multimeadia for this chapter will get the dedication!!! SO PLEASE COMMENT ME SONG, GIFS, PHOTOS THAT GO WITH THIS CHAPTER. THE BEST ONE WILL GET A DEDICATION :) THANK YOU AGAIN :)

Hope you like it <3


*Louis' POV*

Hurriedly, someone knocked on the door. I sighed, as I zoomed towards the door; I smirked at how fast I had reached the door -no human could even dare to beat me. Swiftly, I opened the door to find a boy -quite young- standing in my door way, chewing food as he stared around. I stared at his mouth as he gladly chewed on his food, how could they enjoy eating something like that, I guess they never tasted our food. I chuckled in my mind, before snapping of my thoughts and turning back to the boy, he still had't noticed me. Why was he even here? I coughed akwardly.


The boy managed to speak out, although his mouth was still half full of food. I shaked some of the food crumps that had landed on me. EWW! Someone needs to teach him some manners, he could really use them. I wonder what his house is like -full of food? Oh wait, I could see his house anytime, he was my fucking neighbour! Great!

"I'm..Louis and huh ye glad to know you're my wonderful new neighbour." I replied, my lips tightly pressed together. I knew that was a bit harsh, but he gave me every reason to do that! Human food just makes sick -not humans just their food. The Boy -Niall- gave me a bright smile, He wasn't bad looking. He had bright blue eyes and had blond hair; dyed blond, he had brunette roots. He had uneven teeth which were tightly held by plastic braces, that I could hardly make out, and he was quite pale but nothing compared to me. Also, he had an quite noticeable Irish accent. humm...so he was from Ireland.

"You're Irish?" I asked, making it look more like a question rather than a statement. He chuckled as he ran his hand through his belched hair.

"Yep, proud to be Irish man! Me and my friends are all from Ireland, we moved to do collage 'ere. They should be coming here soon -we are sharing the house!" He replied and right on que I noticed two boys coming out from the door next to mine. One with curly hair and one with a slight quiff. They slowly made their way towards me, I noticed the curly- haired boy saying something to the other one, It almost looked like he was trying to comfort the other one. Was everything okay? What was the curly haired boy saying? I shaked my head, wanting to get of those thoughts -I really didn't want to butt into their business.

Without warning, my heart twisted as I scanned through the features of the boy with the quiff. He had big, brown eyes -making him look like a innocent puppy- that complimented his hair, which were a shade of brunette and light brown. He had a cute little nose, and his lips -his plump lips just made me want to kiss him hard. I got this sudden urge to reach over and pull him into a kiss, I inwardly pinched my self stopping myself from going any further. His innocence was making my knees weak.

"Hi, Louis" I said introducing my self, I nearly forgot the curly- haired boy was still here until I noticed that the cute boy was holding his hand. I felt my heart scream in some sort of pain as I stared at their joined hands, my stomach twisting as I felt the feeling of jealously grow inside me. I felt my eyes turn to the colour of black; realizing what I was doing I finally took control of myself before I got totally out of control and hurt someone. I looked up acting like nothing happened, gladly none of them had noticed my behaviour. I found my glance turning back to the cute -the one with the quiff- boy, I offered him a bright smile and almost immediately he smiled back. My knees gave out, and I silently grabbed on to my door to support my self, His smile making my heart race. What the hell was going on? I wasn't suppose to feel weak!

When I had finally got control of my self, I looked up to see him dropping the curly guy's hands, turning around and darting towards their house. I watched in horror as he stormed through the door and slammed it shut. I took a deep breath as I turned to look at Niall and ..-the curly hair boy. I really had to find out their names. The curly haired boy sighed as he glanced towards the door worriedly. Before I could ask them what's wrong, the curly haired boy turned around walking towards the door as well.

"Ni, I'm gonna go check on Liam" he shouted as he ran towards their house.

Niall shrugged, giving me a weak smile. "Well, I guess I will see you later, Louis. Don't worry about Harry and Liam they are umm fine" He said as he hurriedly followed Harry.

So, he's name was Liam. Cute name. But why did he run off? Why did Harry had to go and check on him? Was he okay? Did I do something? Did I scare him? Did he notice my eyes turning black? I longed to wrapped my arms around him and comfort him. I know I don't even know Liam but there was something about him that pulled me in, made me curious and made me nervous.

I sighed as I grabbed my hoddy and made my way out of the house. I pulled my hood up and hugged the hoddy closer feeling cold in the rainy whether of forks. Suddenly, I felt hunger rise inside me and I hurried my pace. I needed something to feed my self. I smirked as I planned what I wanted for dinner trying to ignore any thoughts I had about Liam. I needed to stay away from him. For his safety.


so what do you think of tommo's pov? I hope you like it! do you think you like where the story's going or do you want me to change anything?


I promise I will update soon :) love you all <3

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:) xx

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