¢нαρтєя 17

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hey :)

⊙ So, Just Forget The World is now on @paynewhore's profile, we are going to be co-writing that story. It would mean a lot if you just go and vote/comment, so we know that you are still reading that book.

⊙ I have posted a new story, Reaching Out For You (Ziam/Lirry). So, please if you would, check that out as well :)

↓ ↓ ↓ and here are the dedication lyrics ↓ ↓ ↓

Thinking all you need is there.
Building faith on love and words

and here's chapter 17 :)



*Harry's POV*


"Harry, Liam needs to know who Louis really is!" Niall said "Louis can't hide the truth and neither can you!"

"Who is he?" I heard a voice say, I turn around as fast as I can noticing who the voice belonged to. And I really wished this wasn't happening right now. "What is Louis? What are you hiding?"


"Harry.he.needs.the.truth" I glared at Niall who simply ignored me and stared straight at Liam, who now had blurry eyes. I guess this will be have to done now.

"Liam, can I just hold you before I get this out?" Liam slowly nodded, I walked over to him, pulling him towards the couch. I pulled Liam in so that his head was on my chest. "Look whatever I am about to say doesn't really change who Louis is. You know who he is, right? He loves you and would never hurt you and I know what happened in the past but Louis isn't the same, so you just need to trust him all the way." 

"Haz, j-just get to the point." My heart clutched at his whimpering voice and I couldn't do anything when he clenched my t-shirt in his hands. He was scared and how I hoped Louis was the one doing this right now. I can't see Liam like this, especially when he was finally getting better.

"He's a vampire, Li" I whispered, hiding my mouth in his hair as soon as the words were out. I could  feel Liam's body go rigid, before he started to shake ever so slightly, his grip tighter on my t-shirt and his knuckles were a unrecognisable pale. I placed a hand on his neck, stroking it soflty as his whimpers came clear to me. 

"H-he can't be. Harry. Harry! S-stop lying" He whimpered, his frantic eyes meeting mine as he struggled around to get a better grip around me, so that he could probably shook me out of the dream he thought I was in. His eyes were somehow already red, and he let out sob when I didn't deny the fact.

His hands clutched my t-shirt again as he loudly sobbed. I rubbed his back, trying to calm him down, this just made him let out another drepressing whimper and I tangled my fingers through one of his hands, holding on to him as tightly as I could, whispering as many things as I could. I looked around the room, finding a rigid Niall leaning against the counter, a painful expression on his face. One of the reasons why he never comforted Liam was because he could never bare to see Liam crying and maybe that was one of the reasons why he wanted to kill Louis the other day. 

"He s-said he l-l-loves me! h-ee li-ed-d" I could hardly hear him between his sobs and I was glad. His voice was filled with so much pain and betrayal and I just could find myself feeling guilty because I can't even comfort a crying best friend. I desperately tried to blame Louis for this, but I can't. He didn't know what he was getting himself into or what Liam's past was.

"Liam, just because he is a vampire doesn't mean he is like him. You trust Louis, remember and you still have to do that. Just please give him a go" I tried out, maybe Liam will give Louis a try. After all, he came out of his shell because of Louis and he trusted Louis enough to kiss him. But all of my hope went down when I felt Liam shook his head in my neck and I sighed pulling him closer. But I couldn't blame him for this, what Mark did was enough to scare anyone off.

"I am s-scared, Harry." And god, how painful can that voice go, My heart was physically feeling the pain of his voice and it hurt so bad. I went to blame Louis again but then I can't blame anything but this situation. 

I pulled Liam out of my chest, cupping his face between my big hands. I took a moment to look at his appearance, his tears had left marks on his cheeks, the the tip of his nose had gone to a colour of an ugly red and he had red bloodshot eyes. 

"Look here Li, You don't need to be scared. Me and Niall are always here with you, we are here to protect you, no matter what, okay? Just promise, you will think about Louis and You. Louis is not Mark." He flinched visibly as the mention of the name Mark but he nodded anyways and I sighed. Maybe they can work this out. 

I pulled Liam down with me on couch, so that he was cuddled up to me, his head on my chest. I pecked his forehead giving me a small smile.

"Sleep, Li. I promise everything will be fine" I whispered. He nodded shuffling a bit before finally settling down. He didn't go to sleep, he cried himself to sleep and even in his sleep he was lowly whimpering.

"Maybe, we should have let Louis do this." I whispered to Niall, who gave me a worried look. I just hope Liam doesn't lose Louis.


sorry, it was short :/ Had parent's evening today, and first day of school so yeah pretty tired gonna head the bed soon :) 

↓ ↓ ↓ don't forget to guess the song for a dedication :) ↓ ↓ ↓

Thinking all you need is there.
Building faith on love and words

and don't forget to 




:) x 

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