¢нαρтєя 20

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hello :)

sorry for the wait, got caught up with other stuff. So I have posted a one direction one shots book, so it would be really cool if you sent in some prompts. 


The way you bite your lip got my head spinnin' around

After a drink or two I was putty in your hands

got hooked up with this song again *sigh* but anway, here's chapter 20 (when did story get to chapter 20? whooop) I'm afraid, this chapter will be a filler one, sorry.


*Liam's POV* 

Just when everthing seemed to fall in place, it was destroyed again. Just when I trusted someone I was pushed back into my shell and now I did think it was possible to lose myself forever. 

It's been 2 weeks since everything happened and Louis and I haven't spoken at all since then. It's killing me, honestly. I miss his arms, his gently touch and his soothing voice and I am urged to run back into his arms but I can't face my fears. And so I just stay away and ignore his painful eyes.

I' m not blaming Louis for anything. He can't change who is he is but I can't change who I am and I can't change the fact that I hate vampires. And now I really wish Mark had never entered my life, because then maybe me and Louis would have a chance, maybe I wouldn't be so scared of Louis but no, he had to come and ruin everything for me.

"Li, can you come downstairs?" Harry's head appeared in my room, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Later" I mumbled, looking out of the window watching the rain silently fall. I could hear Harry sigh before my bed dipped as he joined me.

"How are you?" He asked, and I shrugged because he already knew the answer. I missed Louis.

"Liam" And before, he could say another word, I was in his arms, sobbing louding. Harry sighed, before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his comfort.

"Liam, you need to talk to Louis. Please, I can't see you like this" Harry whispered. I shook my head, holding on to Harry for my dear life.

"Why Liam? You love him, can't you see that? Staying away from him is killing you as much as it's killing him!" Harry said, pulling my head out of his shoulder. He cupped my cheeks, making me look in to his eyes.

"Liam, please. Stop hurting yourself. Why are you doing this because I, very well know you're not scared of him, Li." He said, I leaned out of his touch, moving my eyes towards the window again, and watched the rain fall heavier.

I could feel Harry's body moving away as he got out my bed and slowly walked towards my open door. 

"Lou's waiting for you downstairs. You are either coming down or I am sending him up here" Harry stated, waiting against the door. I looked up at him, my eyes wide and a small whimper escaped my lips. Harry didn't say anything, just leaned against the door.

"Harry, I-I can't. P-please don't m-make me" I stuttered out, but again Harry ignored me and I stood up defeated. And I am not going to admit it but my heart was racing at the thought of seeing Louis again because I really really missed him. And I couldn't help but smile at thought that Louis came here to see me, he was fighting for me.

And I was feeling all the things at the same time. Happy, Excited, Scared, Joy, Fear and Love. So, I grabbed Harry's hand again because it was like my own comfort blanket. But as soon as I was down the stairs, Harry left me and I slowly turned to see Louis eyes watching me. I gulp and stumbled a bit closer to him. 


And I finally looked properly at Louis and I couldn't help but notice his dark eyes, the black lines under his eyes and the tired look on his face. He had been crying and this killed me more than the pain in his eyes.

Without saying a word, I slowly moved closer to him and I extented my hand hoping that Louis would take it and he did. His fingers tangled up with mine and I felt like I was finally able to breath properly. We stood in a silence, just feeling the other's touch because we hadn't felt this in ages and now I don't remember how I lived without this touch.

"Please tell me, we're finally closing this distance Liam. Because this past week was hell without you and I can't think about living without you. I'm sorry. I really am but I'll never hurt you" Louis was raspy, like he hadn't spoken for ages.

I didn't say anything, just tightened my grip on his hand and I could feel Louis moving so he was right in front of me.

"Liam, stop pushing me away" I looked up to notice tears gathering up in his eyes and no, this can't happen but I can't speak either.  The scared feeling was taking over me again and I felt myself drop Louis' cold hand before rushing upstairs.

"LIAM!" that was the last thing I heard before I closed my door. I slid against the door, letting the tears fall freely down my face.

I don't know what I was doing. I knew I trusted Louis, I knew I wanted him to hold me again, kiss me again but everytime I try to talk to him, I get pulled back and the feeling of fear is back. My mind wouldn't stop being afraid and my heart wouldn't stop begging for Louis. I just wanted everything to be okay, I just wanted to be back in Louis' arms. 


messed up? sorry :/ but yeah sorry for the shortness. 

soo, don't forget to check out the one shots, and please do send in your requests ^_^

and don't forget to 




:) x

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