¢нαρтєя 27

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So, I know I haven't updated in ages, but it's the usually school stuff excuse. Really Really busy. And plus I started watching Teen Wold a few days ago and now I am totally hooked up, so my mind doesn't want to think about anything that is not Teen Wolf (and Dylan O'Brien)

anyways, so this story has been nominated (Thanks to @PercyArtDirectioner) for the bromance awards in the Lilo Category (duh!). So it would mean a lot if you guys went and voted for this story, I will love you all forever, not that I don't already :)

here's L.F.D

I'm afraid you'll run away if I tell you

Only one line cause this song is way to easy.

here's chapter 27.



*Liam's POV*

"I'm scared" I whispered, holding Harry tightly.

"Hey, there's nothing to be scared about. Louis just had a little accident and he wanted some time alone. Nothing is wrong between the two of you" Harry said, as he pulled me off him, his eyes staring into mine with great concern.

"Yeah, I know. But I just have this weird feeling..." I whispered.

"It's nothing, Li. Chill" He whispered, pecking my temple. "He's here"

I quickly turned to see Louis entering through the gates, his head facing the floor. As he neared us, I expected him to walk to us, but he just walked past heading straight to his locker, which was a few lockers away from us.

"L-Louis...?" I whimpered, the tears already streaming down my face. It was happening again, the pain, the hurt, the everything. I knew this would happen eventually.

Louis stopped but didn't turn around at all, just when I thought he might turn, he slammed his locker shut before quickly walking away.

"He definitely needs a talk. I'm coming" And before I could say anything, Harry was walking away as well.

*Louis' POV*

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I turned around to see Harry storming up at me, my back hitting  the lockers quickly as Harry pushed me against them. "Speak. Tomlinson"

"There's nothing. Now, let me go before I decided to get my fangs out" I hissed, pushing Harry off me. I really don't know what had made me this angry, maybe the fact that I haven't talk to Liam for 2 whole days or seen his smile for 2 whole days. 

"Oh, nothing's wrong? Can you enlighten me by telling me why you ignored Liam?" He hissed back, his piercing green eyes glaring at me.

My heart sank at his words, my mind running back to Liam's whimpering voice. It took everything in me to stop my self from just gathering him up in my arms and keep him there forever but I can't, not after what happened. I can hurt him, I can hurt him more than Mark did and I can't let that happen ever. I just need to stay away, even if it kills me.


"God, Harry go away. I've better stuff to do then stay here with you and fight" I mumbled but again my back collided with the lockers.

"I am not going until I know why you ignored Liam" He growled.

"This isn't easy for me and you're not helping" I said, , something flashed in his eyes before he sighed, his arms around slowly dropping.

"Louis, please. Liam deserves this much"

"If I stay with him, I'll hurt him and I am not letting that happen. Happy?" I said, pushing Harry off me again and walking straight to my next class. 

don't think about Liam. No Liam, not his eyes or his lips or his smile.

*Liam's POV* 

"That's why he's ignored me?" I whispered, Harry nodded. "I'm gonna go talk to him" 

"No you aren't. He's too stubborn" Zayn said.

"So what do you want me to do? Sit here and cry?" I asked, cocking my eyebrow up at him.

"No but you can definitely make him Jealous. That'll work within seconds. He definitely wouldn't be able to stay away if he gets Jealous."


sorry for the change of POV's, sorry for the really short chapter and sorry for my horrible writing. 

Really Sorry, this was the worse I have ever written :/

don't forget the L.F.D

I'm afraid you'll run away if I tell you

and please please





:) x

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