¢нαρтєя 5

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YAY!!!! Guys thank you so much for the 8 votes that I recieved on the last chapter! :) I am so happs <3

Sorry if this chapter is shitty, I still haven't gotten over seeing Niall practically naked in the shower, so ye. I am still dazed, so bare with me :)

please leave feedback :D


*Louis' POV*

I stood up straight away, swinging my bag over my shoulders as I grumply made my way out of the stupid class. Zayn had been giving these knowing smirks ever since I told him I liked Liam, I could tell he has been inwardly planning how to get us together.

Rolling my eyes, I made my way to my locker to get books for next lesson. Zayn getting me closer to Liam was last thing I needed. I wanted myself to win Liam's heart on my own. I don't know why but I wanted to be myself with Liam, not anyone else.

Whatever it was with Liam was different, he was different and I wasn't ever gonna give up on him. Deep down I felt like I needed Liam to live -to breath- even though I had just met him and hadn't even said a word to him. I guess this is what you call vampire love; It's believed that we vampires only fall in love once, but when we do we can't even stay away from that person for a day. It a feeling that feels like heaven but at the same time can be really painful. I never experienced it, but ever since Liam came into the picture -things have been different. Was Liam my one love?

I forced myself to snap out these thoughts. I can't think about love right now, that's just taking things to far and I was definitely not ready for that.

I threw my history books into the locker, grabbing my maths book and placing it in my bag. I slammed my locker shut before turning, my anger still very high against my cold skin. As I walked through the almost vacant school corridor, I clumsily bumped into someone causing them to trip over. However, I instantly grabbed their very skinny waist, stopping them from going any further. My vampric powers helping me to react so quickly.

I gulped nervously, as I noticed that the boy I was holding onto so tightly was Liam. His eyes were tightly shut, creating a cute little frown on his face and his face was scrunched up in an adorable expression. I watched, silently as his hesitantly opened his eyes; immediately make me fall into them. His usual light brown eyes, seemed really dark from a close up look and they held something different right now that I was unable to recognise. I watched as his lips slightly parted allowing my mind to race uncontrollably. They were the colour of pink and were plump making me wish I could just reach out and pull him into a kiss. A kiss that would be sweet, deep but needy at the same time. I followed his skin again, till I reached his pool of brown eyes again. He blankly stared back at me, his expression unknown to me. I could feel his shaky breath on mine making my knees grow weak and nearly drop him.

My hand froze as I felt the presence of his hand near me. And I unknowingly pressed my cold hand on top of his, my body taking no control of my actions what so ever. I gently rubbed his hand as I felt goosebumps starting to grow ever so slowly on his hand. I could feel him tense completely as I weaved my fingers through his his warms ones. Welcoming the feeling of his warm hand, I slightly gripped his hand loving the softness of it.

I could see his face slowly relaxing as the deep frown on his face disappeared. Everything around us seemed to have disappeared, it was only us two right now, only us. My eyes searched his for something, something I didn't I was looking for. Liam whimpered quietly before jerking away from my arms. His warm hand leaving mine as he did so, I could feel myself slowly hurting as Liam walked out of my arms.

I watched his eyes panic as his stared in horror at me, tears slowly but surely welling up in his eyes. I moved forward to wipe away his tears but stopped shortly as he let out another whimper causing me to jerk away from him. He wrapped his arms around himself, trying to protect himself. I gulped nervously as I watched Liam avoid me, hurting me so much unknowingly. I pressed my hand on his shoulders as he turned around to leave. I stopped him before he could walk any further, I didn't want him to leave just yet.

"Don't t -touch m-mme..L-eave -me a-alonne.' He voice was filled with painful sobs, and I immediately let go of him, not wanting to hurt him any more. I could feel my own self breaking as I felt Liam push me away. He was building up his walls again, I wasn't gonna let that happen again. It was so painful to see him doing this to himself.

"Liam, I'm not here to h-hurt you, I just wanna help you" I croaked out, I needed him to trust me, I wouldn't even dream of hurting him.

"I-i don'-

He froze as his eyes watched me intensely. I stared blankly at the line of lockers as I heard faint footsteps. We've sharp hearing too. I turned around just in time to see Niall and Harry coming around the corner towards us. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see Liam wipe away his tears furiously and relax as he watched his best friends trail towards him.

When they neared us, Niall gave us a bright smile, skipping over cheerfully towards Liam while Harry stood still, glaring suspiciously at me. I looked, the floor suddenly seeming more interesting to me as I avoided Harry's glare.

"Where were you? been lookin' all over for ya! It's nearly Lunch. Ms. Perkins let our class out early" Niall said, his smile never leaving his face. Was is it already lunch? "C'mon C'mon guys, I'm hungry!" and if on que, Niall's stomach grumbled loudly. We all chuckled slightly, except Liam who still looked uneasy. We all followed Niall into the canteen, my eyes immediately scanning for Zayn. I sighed, when I saw Zayn crazily waving his hand around, signalling for me to come over. I turned around to face the other asking them to join me and Zayn on our table. They all nodded, Niall enthuasically while the other two not so much.

We went over to the back of the canteen, sitting down, around Zayn. The other three introduced themselves, Liam's introduction hardly loud enough to be heard. I looked over to Zayn, hoping to him smirking back at me but all I found was his eyes following Harry's actions as he played around with his food. I coughed, making Zayn jumped slightly. I smirked at him, as he turned to glare at me.

It was quiet awkward at first, but everyone loosened up joining into the coversation. Everyone except Liam. He was quietly sitting between Harry and Zayn (opposite me) reading the same book as his morning. His face was scrunched up just like before, giving him a cute innocent look. His eyes trailed up to meet mine before quickly looking away uneasily. I sighed, not knowing how to make Liam open up to me.


"So, Louis would you like to come for dinner on Friday night?" Harry asked.

We all were walking home together, Zayn had borrowed my car for the night. We were nearly home and I was a little disappointed as I couldn't spent more time with Liam. But, I perked up at Harry's question. Dinner does mean Human food but it also means seeing Liam and I was totally up for that.

"Ye sure, that's really cool" I said as I reached my door, unlocking it. "I guess I will see you tomorrow" They nodded giving me a smile before opening their own door.

I could feel Liam's eyes on me, as I opened my door. I turned around to look at him, giving him a gentle smile. He didn't reply but he didn't look away either. score!


So how was it?! Writing that Lilo fluff was so fun, can't wait to write more and I hope you can't wait to read more :)





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