¢нαρтєя 14

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heyyyyyy :)

How to be brave?

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall

this chapter's dedication lyrics :) you know what to do

and that's all I have to say! oh and soorry if this chapter's a bit crappy, I really didn't know what else to do :/ Oh and have a new cover! it's still the same just changed a few thing :) I have changed the cover so many time, I just didn't like how it looked but now it's alright, neve changing it again! promise ) ._.

but hope you like it-


*Harry's POV*

"Harry, where's Liam?" Niall asked, as he skipped down the stairs grasping a sheet of paper tightly in his hands. 

"Upstairs with his lover boy" I replied, giving him a confused look which he ignores. Instead he just glanced upstairs, he grabbed my hand dragging me upstairs with him. Before I could say anything we were inside Liam's room. I cooed when I saw Liam fast asleep on Louis' chest while Louis was playing on his phone.


"Shh- Li's sleeping" I hissed his ear, jerking my wrist away from his grip. 

"Louis, Can I talk to you" Niall said, lowering his voice. His eyes were cold and weren't anything like Niall's usual friendly eyes. I had absolutely no idea what happened but I knew that Niall never acted like this. Not even when someone ate his food. He tapped his foot impatiently while Louis slowly removed Liam off him, laying him gently down on the bed and pecking his forehead once he had gotten out of bed. 

"What is it, Niall?" Louis said, closing Liam's door behind him. He glanced at me, raising his eyebrow at me. I just shrugged looking at Niall and man if looks could kill Louis would be dead.

"Niall? Stop. What is it?" I said. He glared at Louis one last time before leading us to his room. He firmly closed the door behind and before I could even blink, Niall had Louis pinned against the door with his eyes burning into Louis' and his nostrils flared up. 

"Niall! Let go off him! What is wrong with you" I hissed keeping my voice low, I didn't want Liam to wake and see this. He was finally starting to live again and I am not letting anything ruin it. 

"He's a fuckin' vampire, Harry" Niall whispered, still holding Louis against the door as I froze. He was a what? Louis' eyes widened as he finally stopped stuggling against Niall's arms. Niall also let go off him, turning to face me, his face burning red but a hint of worry in his eyes and I had to close my eyes as well because this was not good. My best friend who had nearly got killed by a Vampire, is now in love with another vampire. Liam's going to be crushed.

"Louis..? Please don't tell me that is true" I whispered, my eyes still closed as I waited for Louis' answer. I heard some shuffling before I heard a small "It is". I groaned, turning to the nearest wall near me and banging my head against it. Why is it always Liam? This was so not good.

"Guys, I was gonna tell bu-

"But what Louis? Don't act so innocent and don't even dare to go near Liam again" Niall spat, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring furiously at Louis. Louis opened his mouth to speak but Niall gave him a look that clearly said "If you talk, you are dead". I sighed, I told Liam, Louis was different and I know he is. And I also know he wasn't planning to hurt Liam.

"Louis, please be honest" I said, turning away from wall and facing Louis. Louis nodded curtly, a calm look of his face but he wasn't. "Would you ever hurt Liam?" I asked him and Louis stared at me almost as if I was crazy.

"Of course I wouldn't" He said and Niall laughed darkly. 

"Are you honestly gonna believe him after what happened last time?" Niall said.

"What happ-

"Stay out of this, Vamp" Niall interrupted and this time Louis glared at him. 

"Guys stop" I said. "Niall, I do trust him. And so does Liam. Liam opened up to him and look Niall, I know what happened last time but I have a feeling this time Liam's not gonna get hurt. Just trust me" I said, Niall huffed before nodding and walking out the room.

"Just give him some time" I said. Louis nodded and leaned against the wall as I let out a loud sigh.

"Why me being a vampire is so bad?" Louis asked.

"It's not my place to tell you but let's just say the reason why Liam's has built walls around him has got something to do with a vampire" I said, shaking my head. Louis nodded. 

"Well, I will see you later. And Louis please don't hurt him. I can't bare too see him like he was before. He's amazing and just look after him" I said before walking out of the room.

This wasn't over just here I know, Liam still doesn't know and I don't know if he would still like Louis after he finds this out but that's least of my worries right now. I just hope I did the right thing by trusting Louis.


okaaaay :) so now Harry and Niall know what Louis is. Bet you weren't expecting that ;0 and Liam doesn't but he will soon :) :) yay or not! sorry, I just had coke (something that makes me go really hyper ;) And don't even ask me how Niall found out about Louis being a vampire! He just did! 

And I finally deleted They don't know about us :( so the new lilo story will be up later on today or tomorrow! So stay tuned :)

How to be brave?

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the lyrics for this chapter's dedication^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

and that's all just don't forget to



FAN/FOLLOW :) (did I tell you I have 100 fans now? yay!!! thank you so much guys) x 

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