¢нαρтєя 7

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Hey guys :)

I haven't got much to say except please keep voting and commenting! I love the comments I have been recieving and I am sorry that I haven't been replying to them :/ just reaally busy with school stuff!

Also, I don't know who to dedicate this chapter to so I will have a guess which song thingy :) So that basically means each chapter I will post a bit of lyrics from a song and whoever guesses the song will get the dedication :)

SO here is this week's lyrics :)

"someone saves their sweet embrace, For you and you alone"

So now, all you have to do is guess which song it is and you will get the dedication for this chapter :) It's easy :)


*Louis' POV*

I could still feel him, I could still smell his scent and I couldn't stop smiling. I was in love with Liam Payne and I never felt more amazing. The feeling he made me feel was unlike anything. He fitted perfectly within me, in my arms and i longed to hold him again and again. I could still feel Liam's quivering lips lingering on my neck. I loved Liam and that's all I wanted to think about for the rest of the day but I had Uni.

Luckily, It was dark and raining today so I would be able to go to University without burning myself. For the first time, I couldn't wait to go to Uni, I get to see Liam again.


"Loueh! You didn't come hunting last night" Zayn hissed in my ear, as I slammed my locker shut. Turning around I glared at him but just as I was about to reply something or rather someone caught my eye.

I ignored Zayn's confused look and walked forward as Liam, Harry and Niall walked towards us. I smiled as Liam ducked his head down trying to hide his blush. Seeing this Niall and Harry engaged into a conversation with Zayn hoping to give us some space. I gratefully smiled at them, earning a smile in return from both of them. I sighed before turning my attention back to Liam.

"Hey" I mumbled, my lips dangerously very close to his ears. Liam turned to face me, shivering uncontrollably and I couldn't help but smirk at the effect I had on him.

"H-hey" Liam's voice was small and he was blushing more deeply than before and I had to stop myself from kissing him right there and then. He was just too adorable for his own good. I edged my hand closer to his, brushing them slightly. Liam instantly got the point and weaved his fingers through mine. He looked up smiling fondly at me, I smiled before hestiantly pecking his cheek. Liam tensed and I almost killed my self for doing that. I just scared him and now he would never talk to me. But I froze when Liam's grip on my hand tightened and he smiled back brightly at me. I sighed and pulled Liam closer to me.

"What do you have first, Li?"


"Can I walk you to your class?" I asked. Liam eagerly nodded and I gave him another bright smile because I get to spent more time with him. "Guys, we will catch up with you later" Niall nodded and gave me a warning glare that clearly told me that If I hurt Liam my face wouldn't stay this pretty anymore. I gave him a relaxing smile, before tugging Liam's hand. The corridors' were quite empty as it was still early.

"Louis...Can we talk before we go to class?" Liam's voice was hesitant as if he was almost scared that I might get angry or refuse. I squeezed his hand in reassurance, I didn't want him to be scared with me. I wanted his full trust.

"Sure" I said. I squeezed Liam's hand once more before dropping it, I looked inside the next empty classrom making sure no one was in it. I gently pulled Liam in, switching the light on behind him. I tangled my hand into his again, needing skin to skin contact.

"What is it, Li?" I asked as I wrapped my other arm around his waist pulling him towards me. He gulped visibly before wrapping his arms around my neck. His brown eyes finding mine and I was glad to just stare into them for a while.

"I think I like... you Louis" His answer caught me off guard and I almost lost my balance. I gripped onto Liam's waist harder as I stared into his eyes again. His eyes were different then before, they looked less broken and they held love in them and I nearly died of happiness when I noticed that that love for me.

Shuffling my feet, I slowly pushed Liam against the classroom door, both of my hands gripping his wrists against the door. I edged my face closer to Liam, glazing deeply into his scared eyes.

"You have no idea how long I waited to hear that" I whispered against his lips. I could feel Liam slowly relaxing and so I moved my face forwards brushing my lips against Liam's, he tensed awfully before whimpering painfully. Immediately, I moved away releasing his wrists. I cupped Liam's cheeks as tears welled up in eyes. He whimpered again before snuggling up into my neck. He gripped my hoddy tightly while sobbing onto me. I snaked my arms round him, resting my chin on his hair gently. I slowly rubbed his back hoping to calm him down.

"I'm sorry but need sometime, I can't yet" He mumbled into my neck before pulling away and looking at his feet. Moving my fingers underneath his chin, I lifted his chin up so that his eyes were meeting mine again. His eyes were red again and they had turned sad again. That was the last thing I wanted.

"Liam it's okay, You don't have to push yourself into anything and I wouldn't either. Look Liam, I love you and the last thing I want to do is hurt you. I know it's a bit early but I love you Liam, I love you"

With that I scooped him up in my arms again, holding him tightly. I pecked his forehead, letting my lips linger for longer that necessary as I brushed my cold fingers against his.


That was bad wasn't it? I just couldn't concerntrate :/ So sorry guys for this shitty chapter.

Oh and what do you think of the new cover? Do you like this one or the old one?

I know this chapter wasn't good enough for votes and comments but please do vote and comment, it means a lot :)

The next chapter will be better and if you want a dedication don't forget to tell me which song this is from :)

"someone saves their sweet embrace, For you and you alone"

and don't forget to





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