¢нαρтєя 13

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can I hug all into a huge hug? you guys are just aaaaaaaammmmmmmmmaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzinnnnnnnnnggggggggg :) but seriously, thank you so much for all the votes and comments and I am rrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeallllllllllllllllly sorry if I haven't replied to your comments, just really busy you know :)

for this chapter's dedication, here are the lyrics:-

If she ever tries to fuckin' leave again, I'ma tie her to the bed 

And set this house on fire

and hope you like this chapter :D it might be a little short


*Liam's POV*

I moaned immediately as our lips made contact, Louis smiled against my lips and slowly grabbed my lip between his taking this as slowly as he possibly could, even though I could tell he was itching to pull me closer, to made this rougher but he didn't and that's why I trusted him.

He felt different, different from Mark and every other person I had ever kissed. His lips were cold but that's what made them more special, the coldness of his lips made me shiver and shudder uncontrollably against his arms and it was pure pleasure. Him, His lips, his arms and just everything was so unique and I moved forwards, placing my hands on his chest as we both breathed into each other's mouth, staying as still as we possibly could manage.

Louis broke the stillness, slowly bringing out my bottom lip as he bit on it. I sucked in air and moaned again because the coldness of Louis' lips was getting to me and now I was suddering more. I closed my eyes and weaved my hands slowly into Louis' hair, still hestiant but Louis groaned moving closer to me and I knew it was alright to do that.

Our lips were now slowly moving and It was starting to feel amazing just from the way Louis felt. It was just heaven and it was my heaven and possibly he was my Louis too. Louis' lips weren't as rough as they looked, they were soft and just so Louis -gentle. The kiss was still slow, but it was passionate and that made up for the lack of contact we were getting.

Slowly, Louis pulled away his eyes shining as he layed his forehead against mine.

"Do you want me stop?" He asked as he laid me down on the bed, leaning up on his elbows as he hoovered above me. My eyes widen but I just pulled Louis closer by wrapping my arms around his neck.

"No" I whispered against his lips and he leaned in more, making me blush because this was just all to new with Louis. Louis chuckled and laid his lips on mine, this time quickening the pace as I slowly ran down my hand to his back from his hair, drawing circles on his exposed skin and I could feel him and myself both blushing because neither of us expected me to do that.

Louis waited a while, letting me get used to the kiss before wiping his tongue against my lips and I blushed, arching my back up and letting him in. His tongue explored every inch of my mouth, sliding over my teeth and battling with my own tongue and then I had to pull away because I was getting so breathless.

"I have waited so long to do that" He murmured against my mouth and I smiled up at him cause he was wow.

"It was amazing" I said and snuggled into his neck. It was a habit of mine, snuggling into necks, I just like it very much. And Louis' neck looked just so inviting all the time, so it was hard to stay away. Louis chuckled and pulled away from me, rolling off me and laying down next to me. He weaved his fingers through mine, holding my hand tightly in his and pulled our entwined hands and rested them over his chest.

I sighed, rolling over and laying my head over his chest and tracing my fingers on his skin again and I think that just became another one of my habits. He pecked my forehead and wrapped an arm around my waist. I snuggled into him again, somehow finding warmth even though he was ice cold.

"Why are you so cold?" I mumbled against his neck and I could feel him tense but maybe I just imagined that because he wasn't anymore.

"Just a family thing" He replied, pulling me closer as if he was afraid that I was gonna run away. And just to reasure him that I wasn't, I snuggled deeper into him.

"We have to do our project" He said, chuckling but I just whined, gripping on to his t-shirt.

"But I am comfy" I said and he chuckled again. I pulled away from his neck, pecking him slowly.

"I love you" He whispered.

"I know" I whispered back, pulling him into yet another kiss.


yeah...I told you it would be short, but oh welll.. sorry :/

anyways hope you liked it and here are the lyrics for the dedication-

If she ever tries to fuckin' leave again, I'ma tie her to the bed 

And set this house on fire

and don't forget to





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