¢нαρтєя 4

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Waaaaaaaasssssssssupppp readers?

was that awkward? oh well, soory :)

Thanx for all the people who voted for the last chapter :) I am pleased at all the comments and votes I received :)!

oh and I have a new story idea, It's a Lirry one and I will be posting the 1st chapter of that story after I have finished writing this chapter :) So please go and check it out if you ship lirry :) thank you

and lets begin :) <3


*Niall's POV* 

Quietly, I opened Liam's door, peering in cautiously. A smile grew on my face as I watched his peacefully sleeping form; his head was on Harry's chest comfortably while Harry's hands were protectively wrapped around Liam's slim waist. I sighed, this was the only time of the day that Liam seemed this relaxed and peaceful. I hate those bastards so much.

"Niall?.." Harry whispered, his voice deep and husky, I gave him a small smile as he looked up from Liam's face.

"Morning Haz, Uni time!" I said cheerfully, not whispering anymore, but still keeping my voice down. I was aiming not to wake up Liam, yet. Harry sleepily nodded before slowly removing Liam off him and silently getting off the bed. He mumbled something about not getting enough sleep and it was way too early for uni before unsteadily walking past me to get to shower. I rolled my eyes, Harry could never get enough sleep.

Now, how shall I wake up Liam? Should I even wake him up? YES, yes I should! but he looked so peaceful. I sighed before walking up to Liam and slowly shaking his shoulders. He suddenly jerked up, looking around in pure panic. I cursed inwardly before hugging him to keep him still.

"It's just me, Li. Niall" I said, as I let him go. He slowly relaxed before getting up from his bed and yawning tiredly.

"Didn't get enough sleep?" I asked as I made his bed, quickly. He shook his head before checking the time in his phone.

"It's 7:30am, Li. We have Uni in an hour, so best get ready. I will go down and get the breakfast ready" I said to him. My stomach suddenly feeling very empty, what did I eat yesterday? I glanced at Liam, his face suddenly looking really troubled. I gave him another hug, much tighter than before, kissing his cheek as I let go of him.

"Don't worry Liam, It's going to be fine! You know, no matter what happens me and Haz are always going to be with you. No matter what" I said, ruffling his already tossled hair. He gave me a small smile before going into the shower and I made my way downstairs to the kitchen. Finally some food! I feel like I haven't ate in ages!

*Lous's Pov* (What is it with me and 2 Pov's nowadays?)

I pulled my car up in the parking lot, switching my music off as I get out my car pulling my black hood on. My nostrils flared up at the smell of human blood reaching my nose. I stood there smelling it for while before breaking out of my trace and walking towards the entrance doors. I was used the smell of human blood by now. I had been going to uni for 10 years now, not this one but different uni's. It would be weird If i had been going to the same university for 10 years. Me and my best friend Zayn travel around the country, moving Universities ever 5 years. I have been going to this Uni for about 2 years now with Zayn. I was used to living around Humans, as long as I kept my self in control.

"Loueh!" Speak of the devil, I turn around smirking as Zayn jogged up to me, pulling me into a hug. We haven't seen each other in a long time. As we had a winter break and Zayn had gone to meet his family back in England. Zayn and me were pretty close, we had known each other since we were born. He knew who I was, he knew I was a vampire. Infact, he was one himself.

"How was England. mate?" I asked, as we made our way to our lockers. Some girls drooled and some sickly smiled as we walked by. We were kinda popular with the girls. Being a vampire certainly gives you good looks. While Zayn flirted back with those girls, I just ignored them. I just wasn't into girls. I swaped my books from my locker while Zayn flirted with a blond chick. I was inwardly laughing at the way Zayn was talking to her, It was so obvious he was playing with her and that he was totally not interested in her.

I turned around from my locker before freezing right in my tracks. I found myself staring straight into warm pools of brown. I instantly recognised them, as it was only yesterday that I had seen them. Liam. His eyes were the warmest shade of brown I had ever seen, they were so capturing but there was something missing his eyes. His Sparkle. His eyes were filled with sadness and there wasn't even a pinch of happiness or joy in them and for some reason I wanted to be the one to return the sparkle of his eyes. For some reason I wanted to make him smile, to fix whatever happened to him, to make him mine. I quickly looked away as Liam's eyes looked up to meet mine, I didn't want him to know that I had been staring at him for the past 5 minutes. Nope, not happening. Whatever I was feeling was new and I didn't know what to do with it or how to deal with it. I knew it was Liam. It was something about Liam that made me feel this completely unknown feeling and I had to find out what it was.

"C'mon Louis. The bell already rang!" Zayn said, as his cold fingers grabbed my arm and pulled me to our first class. I was about to go to my seat down when I froze in my tracks again. Liam was in my fucking English class. His head was buried in a book while Harry and Niall, who were sitting around him, chatted rather loudly. This is not gonna be good, my stomach started getting tingles as I stared at him. I couldn't see his face, but I could make out his forehead and his eyes which were creased together to make a cute little frown appear. There was look of concentration on his eyes as his eyes constantly stared over the lines of the book. His curls were straightened and pulled up into the short quiff like yesterday.

I watched as he slowly pulled the book down, giving me a chance to have a great view of his lips. His plump lips. Oh how I just wanted to grab him and pull him in to a deep kiss. A deep kiss that might make his eyes sparkle, a deep kiss that might make him smile. I knew something had happened to Liam, something that had caused him to shut the world out, that caused him to shut me out yesterday. I know, I don't know Liam but this wasn't the real Liam. This was a broken Liam and I am going to do everything it takes to get the old Liam back. I know I have a lot to work on, but I am willing to do it for Liam. I am willing to do it if it brings a smile back on his face, if it brings back the sparkle in his eyes. I am going to Fix Liam- what's his surname again? great! I don't even know his surna-

"Mr.Tomlinson, Would you kindly sit down for us?" Mr.Smith barked as he entered the class, I looked around the class noticing I was the only one standing in the whole room and I was staring straight at Liam. I glanced at Liam as I moved to my seat and sat down. He was uncomfortably crumbled up in his seat. An uneasy look on his face. Oh great job Tomlinson, you just managed to scary the guy you were gonna fix!

"Louis!" Zayn hissed, as he pinched my arm. I hissed in pain and glared at him out of the corner of my eyes. Just because I am a vampire doesn't mean that I don't get hurt! 

"What?!" I mouthed to him, making sure Mr.Smith wasn't listening, I wasn't exactly on Mr.Smith's good book.

"You have been staring at that brown-eyed guy since we came to Uni! Would you just tell me why?" He asked, pouting. Oh great, Liam wasn't the only one that noticed I had been staring at him! I sighed as I let the answer slip out, positive that I meant it.

"I think..I-I like h-him Zayn. I like Liam."


woop woop! so the tommo finally realized his love for Li! well, not exactly but he know he likes him! Oh and let's not forget about Louis fixing Liam! Do you think he will be able to fix Liam or will Louis just break him more?

Oh and please don't forget to check out my lirry story, that I will be posting later on :) thanx <3

Don't forget to





I love you xxxxx

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