¢нαρтєя 28

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So I did some calculations and only have 6/7 more chapters, I am rushing a bit with this story. Sorry.

Anways here's L.f.D

I pierced my lip so she thinks I'm cool,

I ripped my jeans and I dropped out of school,

I am pretty sure, I have posted this song before, but i'll do it again cause it needs more attention.

and here's chapter 28. Change of POVs again. *sigh*


*Liam's POV* 

"Are you sure about this?" I asked, I really didn't want to make this situation worse than it already was. I just wanted Louis back.

"Yes Li, stop being a worrywart. Now just let Josh do all the work" Zayn said, as he pushed me towards Josh and at the same time Louis walked in, going straight towards Zayn. I glared at Zayn because this seriously was going in the wrong direction. He just mouthed the words "Get on with it" and turned to face Louis.

I took a deep breath before walking towards Josh.

"Hey" I said, Josh smiled down at me, making my nerves slowly fade away. At least he wasn't acting all awkward.

"Hey, don't worry. Just please tell me if its gets too much, I don't need a Vampire killing me" Josh joked, as he slowly wrapped his arm around my back, pulling me in closer to him.

"Oh you know about Zayn and Louis?" I asked, flicking my eyes from Louis to him.

"Don't look over there and Zayn told me about it, actually. I think half of the Uni knows" Josh said and without giving away any warning his fingers brushed up to stroke my cheek.

And trust me I was trying my hardest not to blush. It's wasn't that I had a crush on Josh or something, It was just the heat around us and the constant nagging feeling that Louis was watching us.

*Louis' POV* 

"-ave been doing the same topic in Maths for like 200 years and I still don't get it, how do these humans ge-"

"Who the hell is that?" I gritted out, my hands already clenched together in a tight fist, my eyes focused on nothing but the two boys in front of me, who were seriously standing too close for my comfort. And wai- did that little piece of shit just put his arm around Liam's back, My Liam's back.

"Oh that's Josh" Zayn replied, smiling towards the other two. "Josh always had a bit of a crush on Li"

"He what?"

"Has a crush on Liam" Zayn repeated.

"Okay, yeah he asked for it. Hold these" I handed my books to him, my eyes never leaving the two. And I got the last straw, my blood boiling beyond normality when Josh's fingers lifted up to touch Liam's cheeks, My Liam's cheeks.

"What're you doing? Zayn asked, grabbing my books.

"Telling Josh to lay his hands off Liam before I actually decide to do something about it, personally." I gritted out through my teeth, the burning pain in my heart impossible to ignore. He had no right to touch Liam like this, no right at all. Liam's mine, not his. Only I can touch Liam like that, he can't. Ever.

"Lou, Liam's not your's anymore remember?" Zayn said, huffing. And then the realization hit me, Liam wasn't mine, he isn't anymore. I wasn't suppose to feel like this, I can't feel like this but I can't watch Liam with someone else either. I knew he was supposed to be in my arms instead, me stealing all of his kisses and getting all of his attention. 

"But it's not too late to get him back, he still loves you, you know" Zayn said.

"No, I can't Zayn" 


"Because I'll hurt him and I would rather see him happy with someone than be scared with me" I ran a hand through my hair, turning away from the two boys who had finally stopped touching each other.

"But what if he wants to be with you? This is about him so why can't you do what he wants?" Zayn said. 

But before I could answer, a familiar sound of laughter filled up my ears and I snapped up to see Liam's eyes twinkling again, the sparkle of his eyes back and his flawless crinkles by his eyes. I wanted to smile too, laugh with him but I couldn't cause it wasn't me that was making him laugh like that. It was someone else and I can't see that, I can't bare that. He's supposed to be mine,  He is mine and the burning feeling was back.

I couldn't think straight at all, the only thing my body wanted to think about was Liam with someone else, my heart crying angry tears and maybe that's what made me stand up, stump over to them and rip Josh away from Liam.

"What the hell man?" Josh squeaked out as his back hit the lockers, my hands grabbing onto his collars as I lifted him up, banging him into the lockers one more time.

"Fucking touch him again and I rip your throat off your body."


sorry. I know it was short and really really rushed but it's Monday! (New episode of Teen Wolf, people. You can't blame me. *-*)

haha anyways don't forget L.f.D

I pierced my lip so she thinks I'm cool,

I ripped my jeans and I dropped out of school,







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