¢нαρтєя 10

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nearly 100 votes :) thank you guys!

not much news but guys I finished my first story! yay :) and I have posted a new LILO story called "They Don't Know About Us". please go and check it out!

and these are the lyrics for this week :)

"But you make me wanna act like a girl, Paint my nails and wear high heels"

and here's chapter 10 :D :D :D :D :D


*3rd Person's POV*

He ran as fast he could, sweat dripping from his forehead and his body trembling violently as he stromed through the dark woods. He could hear them, he could hear them coming closer to him and he could feel their presence as they neared him.

Liam looked behind again, as he hid behind a tree, tears now streaming down his face as he tried to hide in the darkness. There was gush of coldness and Liam held himself closer as he heard their footsteps shuffling and Liam could tell they were near, very near.

"Where did he go?" He heard a angry growl and a cold voice. A voice that Liam could easily recognise. Mark's voice. Liam used love that voice once, he used to find that voice comforting and relaxing but now he was scared, scared to death of that voice. He hated that voice so, so much.

"I don't know but I can feel him. He's very near Mark" Someone replied. Liam didn't know that voice but he knew it was one of Mark's companions. One of his disgusting friends.

It was a year ago when Liam had found out that Mark was a Vampire but he didn't care cause he was head over heels in love with him. He loved Mark and he didn't care that he was a vampire as long as Mark loved him and didn't hurt him. And Mark didn't not for a while anyway.

Mark acted so caring and so loving. He gave Liam everything he wanted, needed and Liam was just in love but then everything went down the hill. Everything went form amazing to bad. After that one night, Mark completely changed. His touches became harsh and cold and his temper was always high.

And then the worse came, he started hurting Liam. He started hitting him, punching him and he held Liam so tightly that it would always leave a dark mark on Liam's skin. And then out of the blue, he disappeared only coming back to kill Liam and that was why Liam had been running through the woods, trying to run away from the monster. The monster he had been in love with once.

"So here you are" And Liam stopped breathing, his chest hardly moving at Mark's cold blue eyes. Liam's eyes closed, trying to block out Mark as much as he could. More streamed down his face as Mark edged closer and the presence of Mark just made Liam cry more. All the memories flashing back into his mind, the harsh words, the slaps and just Mark over all.

Mark smirked his hands gripping Liam's hair as Liam screamed. He pushed himself harder against Liam, his teeth clenched and his eyes red with anger and hunger.

"You are so pretty, Li. It would be dreadful to kill you but it has to be done..."

Liam jerked up, his hands clenching the blanket around him as a mixture of tears and sweat ran down his face. The nightmare scaring the shit out of him. His sobs increasing as he remembered that night again and soon Harry had to come in and hold Liam till' he had calmed down enough to sleep again.


Louis kept on moving around the coach, not even paying any attention to the movie that was playing. His skin kept on itching and his mind felt heavy and he just couldn't sit still.

"Lou, will you stop moving?" Zayn asked, clearly irritated at the older boy. His eyes frowning as he looked over to Louis.

"I can't Z! My skin is itching and my mind is like a heavy load on my body" Louis mumbled as he settled down on the coach before moving again. Zayn stared away from the TV's screen, now paying full attention to Louis. His expression confused.

"Doesn't that happen whenever you feel someone's pain" Zayn asked and Louis nodded. They both stayed silent trying to figure out who would be in pain, Louis sighed as he felt an uneasy feeling in his stomach.

"I think it's Liam" Louis mumbled, as Zayn threw him another confused look. "Look, he is the only person I have been thinking about this past week and he is the only person I know that would get hurt, Zayn" Louis explained, frowning deeply at the thought of Liam in pain.

"That does make sense" Zayn sighed as he stared at the TV again.

"I just hope he is alright"

"He will be Lou, don't worry"


"Where is he?" Louis said, closing his locker. His eyes searching the crowd of students for that one person.

"There, Lou" Zayn chuckled as he pointed at Niall, Harry and Liam. Louis smiled when he saw Liam but it soon flattened when he observed Liam more closely. He had dark circles under his eyes and he looked extremely tired. Not only that, Liam held himself more closer that usually, staying away from the crowd of people as he walked by them and hiding as much as he can behind Harry.

As they came closer, Harry gave Louis a worried glance and Louis immediately knew that he was right about last night. Liam was in pain. Louis bit his lip, trying to figure out what to do next? What if Liam doesn't talk to him? But he had to give it a go.

"Hey, you okay, Li?" Louis' voice was really gentle and he touched Liam's hand even more gently. Liam looked up, staring into Louis' comforting eyes finally feeling safe after last night's nightmare.

Liam whimpered as he engulfed Louis into a hug, trying to hide his face in Louis' neck. Louis sighed holding Liam by his hips and Liam just pulled him closer to himself. Liam sighed in Louis' neck finally finding the comfort he had been searching for last night. Louis rubbed Liam's back gently, murmuring sweet nothings into his ear as he did so.

Liam finally let go, blushing deeply as his arms unwrapped Louis' neck. Louis smiled as he weaved his fingers through Liam's hands holding them gently. Liam moved closer and layed his head down on Louis' shoulders trying hard to cry again but the feeling of Louis gave Liam strength and he felt much better now.

"Had a really bad nightmare" Liam mumbled, hiding his face into Louis' neck again.

"I'm sorry babe but now I am here. So don't worry?" Louis said calmly but inside he was so so angry. Angry at himself for letting Liam go through a horrible nightmare and he was angry at the fact that he wasn't there when Liam needed him.

"I love you so much Liam" And Louis sighed in happiness when he felt Liam's smile against his neck.


Finally! finally we get to know what happend to Liam, well kind of. lol anyways, hope it was good and hope you liked it. I quite enjoyed writing this chapter :)

and if you want the dedication don't work tell me which song these lyrics belong to:

"But you make me wanna act like a girl, Paint my nails and wear high heels"

I love that song! :) and please don't forget to check out my story "They Don't Know About Us" :D it means a lot!

and please




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