¢нαρтєя 22

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hello :)

So, just before I started writing this I heard Payzer broke up! TOLD YOU ZIAM IS REAL!!!!!!!!!! OR MAYBE LILO haha I am happy as much as Zayn and Louis but :'( I loved Dani. She was my favourite girlfriend. Gonna miss her. :( 

anyway, here's guess the SONG

She sleeps alone

My heart wants to come home

I wish I was, I wish I was

Beside you

OMG THIS SONG IS MORE AMAZING THAN ZIAM!!!!!!!!! Not really but it super super super perfect. Here's a hint, it's a song by ❤5 Seconds of Summer ❤

and here's chapter 22, oh and did I tell you guys I am updating this story earlier than usual because you guys are totally amazing? 300 votes!!!!!!!!!! yay, now lets try and get this to 350 before chapter 25! omg, I would love you guys forever if you did that! 


*Liam's POV*

My hands rapidly moved through Louis' hair and I couldn't help but bring him closer, my body was begging for his cold touch and he was giving me that but just not enough. I can't believe, I even thought about staying away from him. I needed Louis, god I needed him more than anything. I needed him to guide me through and I needed him for my every single step.

"Louis.." I breathed out. Louis gave me a small nod, smiling as he ran his fingers along my jawline.

"I-I love you, Louis" I said, closing my eyes and loving the way those words rolled off my tongue. I could feel Louis' finger slowly stop and I opened my eyes to see him grinning at me. Without saying anything, he tightly cupped my cheeks and pulled me in for a tender kiss. 

"You've no idea how Iong I waited for you to say that" He whispered, kissing me again. "God, I love you too. So much, babe"

"I know, just please don't h-hurt me" I whispered, nuzzling my head in his neck. Louis' chin landed on top of my head and his arms tightly wrapped around my body.

"I wouldn't I promise. I want to keep you forever." He said, pecking my hair. "So, Liam will you be my boyfriend?" 

"Yes" I smiled, pulling out his neck and pushing my lips against his and sealing my answer with a kiss.

"You know, I've never seen this side of  you" Louis said, smiling as he pushed me back against the wall. I blushed but grabbed his collar and pulled him closer.

"What side?" I asked, cocking my eyebrow up at him as he let out a chuckle.

"This. Where you say something, look into my eyes and look hot as fuck" He mumbled, brushing my lips with his as he spoke. I blushed under his stare, his eyes the colour of deep black and I could clearly make out the want in his eyes as he moved his hands up to my hair.

He pulled me up, our noses nuzzling together and out lips brushing tenderly and the lack of contact was too much for me but the moment was just too perfect to kill. Louis' eyes were rapidly moving form my eyes to my lips.

"I want to see more of this side, Mr. cutie-pie" Louis whispered as his lips now firmly pressed against mine and although I was giggling, we still managed to move our lips together in perfect sync.

"I love you" I whispered again, once we had pulled away.

"I love you, too" 


sorry, it's really short but I just really wanted to update to thank you all amazing readers! please keep on doing all of this, it really means a lot!

and don't forget to





:) x 

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