Chapter 1

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"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes, everything in your life could change in a nick of time"


Warning! This chapter contains some mature contents which could distort one mentally, please skip if you're not okay with murder scenes.

Note: This will not affect the other chapters.


Third person P.O.V.

"Baby! hurry!... The movie is about to start"... Aneesa Suhail called out to her husband.

"Am here with the popcorn"... Mr Suhail rushed in, taking his position close to his wife.

Aneesa leaned on her husband's shoulder in the process making Suhail smile.

"Where is Asad?".... Aneesa then asked, raising her head up from her husband's shoulder and scanning the living room for their little son.

Suhail shrug as he looked around, in search of their son.... "...Asad the movie is starting".... Mr Suhail yelled.

In less than 30 seconds, Little Asad ran in.

"Daddyyyy, mommyyyy. I hope I am not late".... Asad ran in as fast as his little legs could take him.

He gave his parents a warm embrace as he sat besides them.

"That's my little darling".... Aneesa said as she pulled Asad close to her , he then laid his head onto his mother's body.

"Mommy is it a horror movie?"... Asad raised his head up and asked .

"Well..." His mother smiled , revealing her deep dimples as she spoke... "We will find out soon enough".

The trio began to watch their movie and that's when the door opened wide , revealing two huge men whose faces were covered with masks.

More men began to enter the living room and soon the living room was filled with a gang of robbers all dressed in black.

"Let's grab them"... one of them says.

Aneesa got up to her feet with a ten year old Asad , both ready to exit the house.

"Where do you think you are going Missy?" one of the huge man asked, grabbing Aneesa by her two arms causing her to leave Asad.

"Asad run!!!"... She screamed but Asad was picked up by another man and tied to a chair.

"Heyy...leave me alone"... Asad tried to fight the enormous thug.

The thug ignored Asad and tied him to the chair anyways.

He made sure to separate and spread Asad's legs and hands wide apart from each other.

"Noo please don't hurt my son"... Aneesa cried out as she tried to struggle out of a thug's grip.

A man who seemed to be their leader stepped forward and faced Asad with a smirk.

"Hello little boy, what do you think about me slaughtering your parents?"... he asked.

' parents?'...Asad thought.

The images of his parents lying lifeless on the ground then came to his mind and that literally made his heartbeat rate slow down.

Before Asad could finish processing the thought, the boss spoke.

"Bring the father!"... the boss ordered.

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