Chapter 8

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"The heart is the only broken instrument that works".



That evening Asad left the station feeling restless and weak.

He felt like ending his life because there was no point in living.

Million of thoughts swirled through his head as he walked through the dark city of Kaduna.

He made his way to the hospital only to find his Aunt peacefully sleeping on the hospital bed and besides her was a baby sleeping in the cradle.

He walked further and examined the baby. He couldn't tell whether it was a girl or a boy because he has never seen a baby before.

It was his first time. It felt weird looking at one.

He then gazed at Aunt Nafisa.

He knows how hard and long she had cried and prayed for a baby. Growing up, he watched her being taunted and mocked for being barren and Najib was there to support her all the way through.


He felt a bang in his chest, how will he break the news to her now? He doesn't deserve to be here, he will only cause more pain and harm to her and her newly born baby. He was starting to believe that he was a curse.

How can he tell her that her husband died the day she gave birth.

Noo! He can't.

With a heavy heart , Asad left the hospital and allowed his legs walked for as long as they could take him.

He got tired and decided to rest by a bar that was close by.

Will liquor take away the pain he felt?... He thought.

He had physics exams tomorrow but that was the least of his problems.

He had little pocket money left in his pocket and so he used it to go into the bar and wash away his memories.

When he got in , Colourful lights were on display, strip dancers where knocking themselves out and some wasted men were unconscious on the floor. He got to the counter and order what his money could afford.

It was a bottle of vodka.

"One bottle won't hurt right?" ...He asked as he began to sip it. He felt a burning taste in his throat that was similar to that in his heart but nevertheless he drank till he emptied the bottle.

A stranger who was watching him walked up to him and sat besides him. "You need more?" The stranger asked and Asad found himself nodding.

"Bring another bottle of vodka for this fine young man"... the stranger requested and the waitress brought it in no time for Asad.

He gulped the second bottle down and requested for more and the stranger kept on ordering more for Asad.

Soon Asad drank till his vision became blurry.

The atmosphere got thick and his eyes started seeing things. Images of his uncle , Najib played in his head. His father being slaughtered like an animal and his mother being molested and raped like a prostitute displayed in this head too.

What hurt him was knowing that the murder of all this three people was caused by someone he lived his teenage life with, the person was right under his nose.

Aunt Karima.

Feeling frustrated and angry , he left the bar in his drunk state. He walked for as far as his legs could take him and then suddenly blacked out.

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