Chapter 26

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"The person you thought you could rely on will teach you never to rely on anyone".



Aneesa did not want to accompany Asad to Kaduna but she had no choice.

Big boss ordered her to do so.

She was also one of his puppet.

Now here she was on the plane with her boss, on their way to Kaduna.

Asad was extremely happy that she agreed not knowing he was falling into big boss' trap.

Aneesa tried to keep her head straight as the plane flew but she ended up falling asleep and leaning her head on Asad's shoulder.

Asad watched her in awe and let her sleep peacefully on his shoulder.

One hour and twenty minutes later, the pilot spoke.

"Flight attendants prepare for landing please".

"Hey... Aneesa wake up"... Asad calmly woke Aneesa up.

"Are we here already?"... she asked in a sleepy tone.

"Yes dear.. passengers are even coming out. Let's go"... Asad rose to his feet and helped her up since she was still sleepy.

A guard helped them with their traveling bags as they disembarked from the plane.

The breeze of kaduna instantly hit Asad's pale skin reminding him of his tragic childhood.

'Thats in the past'... he told himself as he walked together with Aneesa.

He was trying to move on and change.

"The city is lovely"... Aneesa commented as they drove to a hotel to keep their luggage.

"Surely"... Asad's reply was short.

He was trying his best possible not to think of his past memories.


Nawal sat down in the room lost in thoughts.

She had finish cooking and kept the food in a warmer and was now waiting for Mr Ahmed's return.

Maria came in and stared at her for a while before speaking.

"What is troubling you dear child?"... She asked Nawal as she sat besides her.

"It's nothing serious"... Nawal gave Maria a faint smile.

She was just overthinking again.

But at least it was not about Asad this time.

"I am here to talk if you need anyone okay"... Maria assured her.

"Well..." Nawal heaved a sigh.

"It's about my dad. I... I want to meet him again, maybe he has changed for the better over the years".... Nawal facial features turned sad as she spoke.

"Ohh.. what happened to him?"...Maria asked.

"He and my mother got divorced when I was still a baby so I cannot remember"... A tear fell off her eye as she stared at his picture.

"I am sorry about that dear. Everything will be okay"...Maria placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Can I see his picture if you don't mind"... Maria asked when Nawal did not answer.

"Sure"... Nawal handed it over to Maria and Maria gasped.

"I know this man"...She stated.

"You do?"... Nawal looked at her with hope.

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