Chapter 3

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"Your enemies are not outsiders, they are people you keep closest to you. They just disguise themselves as family and friends".

                                              Anonymous .


Third person P.O.V

40 days.  It's been 40 days since when Aneesa and Suhail died and still 40 days since when the culprit got away with it. Inspector Fahad has been trying his best but this master mind was way beyond his imaginations.

For the past 40 days Asad's condition only worsen.

He ceased from everything and everyone.  He only stood up to pray when it was time for prayers and he eats when he is hungry, but not much though. He can starve himself for two to three days before he eats and whenever he eats , it's just little.

He still stays in the family house and after several meetings, it was concluded that he was going to be staying with his Aunt Karima and her husband Mr Zubairu.

It was sad for Nafisa because her dream was to become a mother, if not possible, at least let her feel like one but unfortunately Najib's relatives do not trust Nafisa because she is fruitless and they refuse to allow her adopt a child.

They often feel like she is not worthy of being called a mother or taking care of a child.

Although she is fruitless, she never for a minute left Asad, she always tried supporting him and reassuring him everything will be okay but it was all in vain, he was too void at the moment and still is.

Every morning, she comes to the family house to pray for Suhail and Aneesa then stays with Asad to while away time and every night Najib takes her back home. 

She always bring food for Asad when it's ready but he rarely touched it unless he was starving to the extent that he can't walk.

Sometimes she comes with gifts for him or surprises him to lighten up his day but it was no use , his interest in life was fading gradually and her fear was that he would loose himself in the process of loosing interest in life.

Asad lost his parents 40 days ago and today was the day all Aneesa and Suhail's things were going to be inherited and sold out. As for Asad , being the only child and a male, he inherited a lot but he couldn't care less.

It hurt most of his relatives and even pissed them off because they did not inherited as much as he did but nevertheless there was nothing they could do.

All his inheritance was kept for future use , including his father's companies , houses and unsold lands.

"Umma , I know what I am saying. He need a therapist. His condition is ge-" Nafisa was cut off.

"Zip it childless woman. What would you know about children"... Umma narrowed her eyes and glared at Nafisa.

"Karima ...."  Umma avert her attention to her daughter.. "Help Asad pack his things. Since today marks 40 days since when his parents died, it's time for him to leave . I know he will be in good hand my lovely daughter".

"Okay Umma" Karima says and exits the room.

Nafisa watches Karima leave wishing she was the one taking Asad home today.

Karima walks into Asad's room and meets Asad sitting at the corner of his room , his eyes so shallow and under them were heavy eye bags and dark circles.

She cleared her throat to gain his attention but he paid no heed to her.

"Asad" she called out but no reply.

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